
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 24

As soon as Sebastian left, Noah thought that Sebastian's attitude might have changed because he had saved his sister. Did he now look like a hero in Sebastian's eyes? Although he himself said he would be eternally grateful to Noah. This thought amused him, considering how he had recently called him ignorant.

Noah decided to take a walk around the school to take some time away from the problems with ancient magic. When he reached the central hall, he met Natty, who was sitting by the fountain, apparently waiting for someone.

"Hi Natty," Noah sat down next to her.

"Noah! I'm so glad to see you," she hugged him.

"Can you give me your address? So we can correspond during the summer holidays," Noah pulled out a piece of paper and a pen from his bag.

"Of course, I will be glad to hear from you," Natty wrote down the address and returned the paper. "I heard a rumor this morning that you were dating Garrett."

"Yes, and we have a very serious relationship," Noah replied, trying to keep a straight face.

"When did you have time? I thought it would be Poppy," Natty laughed.

"What?" Noah himself did not understand how his joke got out of control.

"Well, she's so cute, and you spent a lot of time together! I even held my fists for you, and it turned out to be Garrett, what a pity," Natty stopped when she saw Noah's face.

"Actually, about Garrett," before Noah could explain, Professor Onai came up to them.

"Let's go, Natty. We need to pack our things; otherwise, we won't have time until tomorrow," Professor Onai nodded in Noah's direction and took Natty away, with her only managing to wave goodbye to him.

"To think that those girls must have spread the rumor," Noah felt a little awkward.

After dinner, Noah went to Professor Weasley to find out if it was possible to stay at school for the summer, but he was refused. Moreover, he also found out where Professor Fig was buried. In the end, he was extremely depressed. Leaving sealed magic in the school for such a long time was dangerous, and then where would he go? Not to Feldcroft, really.

On the way to the common room, Noah met Ominis, who was sitting on the floor. He couldn't understand why Ominis did this, as he had seen him sleeping on the floor at times as well.

Deciding to keep him company, Noah sat down next to him.

"Did you abandon our plan?" Ominis turned his head in Noah's direction.

Yes, because I still think it's a bad idea," he took out his wand and began to change the handle to marble gray.

Maybe the reason is different? Don't you want to share?" Ominis pulled out a bag of sweets from his pocket.

"There is no other reason, it's just dangerous next to me," when he took off the wooden handle and put it on the floor, it rolled towards Ominis. He picked it up and began to study it.

"Do you and Sebastian have the same handles?" holding it out, he asked. - Now it's clear why he refused my gift.

"Not the same, the colors are different. And why did he refuse?" Noah put the handle in his pocket so that it wouldn't roll off again.

Well, Sebastian and Anna's birthday is coming up soon, in a week, and I decided to give my gift a little earlier. But Sebastian refused, saying that the current handle suits him quite well," Ominis laughed. - The funny thing is that he constantly complained that he wanted to change it, saying he had been using it since the very first year, and then suddenly changed his mind.

The marble handle fit perfectly in Noah's hands, smooth and comfortable. After turning it a little, he took off and returned the old wooden one. Ominis told him where he would be during the summer holidays and made him promise not to reveal it to Sebastian. Noah and Ominis sat and chatted for another hour until the elders came out into the corridor and dispersed them.

At night, Noah dreamed about Professor Fig again. He didn't say anything, just stood in the dark and looked at him, with an infinitely disappointed look. Noah wanted to apologize, ask for forgiveness, but the words didn't come out, as if he was mute. This dream didn't last long, and he woke up. Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, still not fully recovered, he looked at the time. It was five in the morning, still too early. Taking a deep breath, he got up and dressed, went through his morning routines, and went to the cartography room. There, he was already standing and absorbing a clot the size of a football. He thought that Professor Fig's appearance was not a dream but rather a sign that he was doing the right thing. After all, if he succeeded, he would be able to relieve himself of the burden of guilt. And the ancient magic would sink into oblivion with the pain, no one would use it for evil as a Prophet. Noah, like yesterday, did not feel any reaction, which only strengthened his faith.