
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 22

Sebastian had been lost in his thoughts for so long that Noah noticed and snapped his fingers in front of Sebastian's face.

"Is something wrong?" Ominis asked, taking out his wand and pointing it at Sebastian.

"Nothing. By the way, I wrote a letter for Anna. Will you give it to her?" Sebastian pulled out a whole stack of letters wrapped with a rope.

"Of course, I'll definitely pass it on," Ominis replied, stretching out his hand. When he felt the stack of letters, he was shocked. "You said 'a' letter! What is all this?" Ominis placed the letters on the table.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?" Sebastian asked in a slightly sad voice.

"Yes, I need to pack my things today," Ominis replied after a moment of thought. "Have you asked Noah about Feldcroft yet?" At the mention of Feldcroft, Noah sensed trouble brewing.

"Ominis!" Sebastian didn't know where to look out of embarrassment.

"What? I thought you were already...," there was an awkward silence, and Ominis didn't continue. "In any case, it's better for you two to stick together. Noah, weren't you afraid you were being hunted?"

"Yes, already twice. The first time it was goblins, and the second time it was the Rookwood gang. It seems they have a new leader," Noah touched his left shoulder, where a large scar left by the latter still ached from time to time.

"What's happening in Feldcroft?" Noah asked Ominis.

"I'm going to spend the summer holidays at Anna's place. I don't want Sebastian to be left alone," Ominis said, handing Noah a lemon cake.

"No, it's better to stay away from me. There's a trail of blood behind me, and I think they've announced a hunt for me," Noah took a cake and took a bite.

"And you kept silent about it?! We need to inform Professor Weasley," Sebastian jumped up, intending to go and report the attack right away. However, Noah stood in front of him, blocking the way to the exit.

"What are you going to tell her? 'Look, my friend was attacked by goblins and a gang of bandits because he has magic that no one has heard of.' So what?" To Sebastian's surprise, Noah's bright amber eyes remained fixed on him.

"Noah is right, Sebastian. Sit down. We need to think of something else," Ominis knocked on the table, and they both sat back down.

"Sebastian and I don't agree with your decision to handle this alone. It would be better for you to hide so they can't find you," Sebastian said with a serious expression.

"And where can I hide? Find some cave and sit there for the entire summer holiday?" Noah saw no point in discussing this situation.

"Go to Feldcroft with Sebastian. Those who are hunting you won't attack the whole village just because of you," Ominis got up from the table, indicating that the conversation was over.

After Ominis left the crypt, Sebastian and Noah sat there, staring at each other.

"No one is forcing you to spend your holidays with me. If you don't want to, just tell me," Sebastian began cleaning up the leftovers from the table. He didn't want Noah to feel uncomfortable around him.

"I'll think about it. Thank you," Noah didn't immediately refuse. Firstly, it wasn't nice to reject help, and secondly, he didn't want to leave the sealed ancient magic unattended.

When they finished cleaning, Sebastian approached Noah.

"I'm leaving the day after tomorrow, so you have plenty of time to think," he patted Noah on the shoulder and left.

Noah decided to tell him before he left that he wasn't going anywhere. Until then, he had to find a reason to stay at school. Along the corridors, many students exchanged addresses to correspond during the summer break. Noah also noticed how many girls began to follow him, holding letters in their hands, but they were too afraid to approach him.

"I see you've become popular!" Garrett called out to him, leaning over the railing of the stairs from above.

"Hi, Garrett," Noah went up to him and shook his hand.

"When are you leaving? I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow," Garrett kept his eyes on the girls behind Noah.

"Well, I don't know yet," Noah tilted his head so that their eyes were at the same level.

"When you talk to someone, you have to look them in the eyes. It's not polite otherwise," Noah didn't understand. Maybe he was looking for the girl he liked among them?

"I know. I just thought maybe I'd see Ominis and Sebastian among them," Garrett laughed. Noah kept a stern face. The last thing he needed was to roll his eyes.

"I'm just kidding. Why are you so serious?" Garrett looked Noah up and down. "You know, if I were a girl, I think I'd be standing there with them." With that, Garrett rummaged in his pockets and pulled out a small piece of paper. "Mr. Omill, I like you. Let's meet!" He pretended to be a girl, holding out the note.

Noah read the note, which had his address for correspondence written on it.

"How can I refuse such a beautiful lady!" Noah decided to play along and took the note, kissing Garrett's hand. The girls behind them screamed at what they saw. Noah and Garrett burst out laughing, echoing through the hallway.