
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 21

Sebastian and Noah walked back to Hogwarts in complete silence, both beaten, dirty, and tired.

"When we get there, apologize to Ominis. He's just worried about us," Sebastian said, looking at Noah's back.

"I know, even without you telling me," Noah replied, understanding why Ominis was so angry.

"Why are you so quiet?" Sebastian caught up with him.

"Various thoughts are running through my head," Noah said, remembering how he had enhanced forbidden spells with a curse. If Ominis and Sebastian found out about this, what would they do?

"Are you feeling unwell? If you want, I can carry you," Sebastian jokingly raised his hands as if to hold Noah like a princess.

"Like a prince charming," Noah found the joke amusing.

Sebastian couldn't help but feel sorry for Noah's broom, which was now lost somewhere in the black lake. If only he had it in his hands. He also wished the gunpowder hadn't dried up after the lake. He had become accustomed to rapid movements, and now walking seemed torturous.

As they reached the tall towers of Hogwarts, Noah let out a sigh of relief and almost ran toward the school gates.

"Did Omill miss school so much?" Sebastian teased as he chased after Noah.

A lone dark figure appeared at the gate, and it was Ominis.

"I'm experiencing déjà vu," Sebastian commented as he stood next to Noah.

"You're back!" Ominis approached them. His face looked lost and worried, causing Noah's heart to sink.

"I told you everything would be fine," Sebastian said, hiding behind Noah while speaking.

"Ominis, I'd like to..." Noah began.

"No!" Ominis interrupted him and raised his wand slightly higher. "It's me who needs to apologize. You saved me, and I didn't even thank you."

"It's good that we've cleared things up. Let's go inside already," Sebastian said, dreaming of washing off all the dirt and going to bed.

"But that doesn't mean I approve of unforgivable spells, okay?" Ominis tried to appear menacing, but Sebastian and Noah silently walked past him. They had no energy to argue with him.

When they reached the central hall, Noah and Sebastian nodded silently to each other and went their separate ways to their respective houses.

Standing under a warm shower, Noah felt like he could fall asleep. The day had been filled with emotional experiences. After cleaning himself up, he headed to the cartography hall. Dark matter glowed and writhed, attempting to escape from the sealed sphere. Noah pulled out a small clot of it and inhaled it, experiencing a slight euphoria that made his head spin. He lay down on the floor and fell asleep.

In the morning, a festive feast was held in the Great Hall to celebrate the end of the school year. The School Cup was awarded to the Hufflepuff house, and thanks to Professor Weasley's speech, everyone learned about Noah's heroism. He received congratulations from students of other houses and teachers.

Noah felt overwhelmed by it all and struggled to escape the crowd. He finally managed to make his way to the crypt, only to find Sebastian and Ominis already there.

"Our hero!" Sebastian saluted him.

"Noah, join us. I brought your favorite lemon cakes," Ominis said, nudging Sebastian to make room. They sat at a table filled with various goodies.

"Are you trying to continue the banquet here?" Noah asked, surprised by the impromptu gathering, as he sat down next to them.

"No, we noticed that you hadn't eaten anything, so we decided to bring some food here in advance," Sebastian explained, handing him a ham and cheese sandwich.

"How did you know I was coming here?" Noah thanked Sebastian and took a bite of the sandwich.

"We sent you an owl. Didn't you get it?" Ominis asked with a surprised expression.

"I told you that your owl is slow and stupid. You should have used mine," Sebastian replied, looking displeased as if he could see Ominis' expression.

"Don't say that! She's just old, that's why she's slow," Ominis defended his owl.

"Thank you, guys. Your concern touches me," Noah said, feeling warmth in his heart. No one had ever done something like this for him. A smile remained on his face, and it seemed like it could crack at any moment.

"You have sauce on your face," Sebastian pointed out, reaching his hand toward Noah, who playfully dodged him.

"Are you my mom?" Noah wiped his cheeks with a handkerchief.

At that moment, Sebastian's heart skipped a beat. Maybe he was being too intrusive?