
The Odyssey of the Chosen One

A hardworking youth who always pray for excitement and happiness was heard by the most powerful being of the vast universe. Giving him the power to fulfill his wishes through conquering other worlds and finally becoming his successor. Can he really find his happiness on his quest on becoming a True God? Or something will happen on the way that will make all his efforts to fail? _____________________________________ Worlds: 1. Douluo Dalu - Completed 2. God Eater - Completed 3. Magi - Completed 4. Toriko - Ongoing _____________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this FF will only update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) _____________________________________ Be warned: This novel will be full of mature contents. (This is a novel where I write whatever comes to my mind.) Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the novels, animes, and movies. [2] Pictures are copied from Google so whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference. However, if you don't like, just let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately. [3] This book is a world of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents does not intent to represent real-life counterparts as this books meant for entertainment purposes only (ENTIRELY FICTIONAL) and should not be constructed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Alter_Fanfic · Anime & Comics
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216 Chs

Chapter 88 - Movie Rest


On the vehicle,

"I-It's Lev and the others!!" Sakuya suddenly shouted while driving after finding out who were the people in the distance. She then immediately accelerated in hopes of getting close to letting them get in the vehicle and leave the place once and for all.

Alisa, Kota, and Lenka who were at the back heard what Sakuya shouted and they couldn't help but also look at them, but when they were about to get close, they suddenly saw Lev running toward their direction while holding his weapon.

"Lev, go back!!!" Sakuya shouted with all her voice wanting to warn Lev to go back as there were many Aragamis following behind enough to overwhelm all of them.

Lev, on the other hand, didn't heed Sakuya's warning as he just smiled and dashed forward and passed them an instant.

Sakuya could only stop the vehicle and turn it around wanting to help Lev for the worst but what she saw was make her mouth open after looking at Lev killing the Vajras like it was nothing.

Alisa, Lenka, and Kota, who were at the back also saw this and their eyes started popping out as they couldn't believe seeing Lev's weapon changing form every time and used it to deal with the Aragamis. They knew about Lev's weapon, but they didn't see him use it skillfully, and seeing him right now makes them all think that Lev really was powerful.

"What are you three doing?!! Support Lev immediately!!!" Sakuya ordered with a shout after seeing that they were just standing there while looking at Lev being surrounded without doing anything.

Hearing the piercing shout of Sakuya, the three then woke up and immediately held their God Arcs to help. Sakuya and Kota stayed in the vehicle firing against the Aragamis while Lenka and Alisa already started running towards Lev despite getting nervous from the enormous number of Aragamis.

Following that, another big fight broke out however, it only lasted for more than two hours before they finally killed them all, but it was all thanks to Lev's monstrous power. Lenka and Alisa, who had challenged their tenacity were there and could no longer hold out and fell on the ground while breathing heavily as this was their first time fighting that many even though they were just there for support.

"Nice meeting yo--." Lev wanted to greet them as he turned back to look at them, but he could not finish his words after seeing Sakuya already close and embracing him tightly with tears flowing down from her eyes.

"Lev, it's really you!!" Sakuya excitedly said after seeing Lev once again. After that night, this was the first time she felt so excited in her life and she didn't know why it was and just let her feelings get the best of her.

"Yeah, it's me." Lev smiled while wiping away the tears falling down from Sakuya's eyes. He didn't know if this was just tears of joy or something else, but he knew that she really might miss him.

Lev and Sakuya then just looked at each other before the two felt something at the same time. They stared at each other's eyes seriously before Sakuya suddenly moved her face closer to Lev and kissed his lips.

Lev wasn't surprised by the sudden action of Sakuya as he could feel it. All his nerves were also telling him to do the same and he embraced her tight and started kissing her back. The two completely give in to their emotions as they passionately kiss publicly.

Lev and Sakuya kissed like they were the only people in the area where Kota and Lenka were there to witness such intimate action, especially Alisa who was looking at them seriously with her eyes filled with curiosity.

Unbothered by the gazes of the people around, Lev and Sakuya kissed for over five minutes before finally stopping and staring into each other's eyes while smiling.

"I knew you would fall for me." Lev said with a smile upon tasting Sakuya's lips. Though he doesn't know what she would feel about what they did last time, their passionate kiss this time clearly answers it all. With that, he then moved her closer so that her breasts pressed against his chest and kissed her once more.

Sakuya's eyes widened after realizing what just happened but she was not feeling bad about it and put on a smile as she kissed Lev back. Ever since meeting and having a good night with him, she knew something had changed inside her but now she finally understood what it was.

"Let's continue this later." Lev said with a smile as he broke the kiss and turned his gaze toward the people around since it was still not the time to say idle as they were still in the wasteland.

Following that, the two then just walked side by side while Lev was looking toward the three before focusing his attention on Alisa as he saw her heeding his orders earlier which is quite surprising however, it only means that she already started cooperating with the rest which is a good sign.

A moment later, Sia, Shio, and Kanon then also arrived before they all looked toward Sakuya and the others. Shio, on the other hand, immediately heads to Sakuya after seeing her while Sia heads toward Lev and talks to him leaving Kanon who just stands there looking at them.

After a while, Sakuya and the others then looked at Kanon. They all knew that all that was left to be rescued was one however, they still came and felt relief upon seeing her safe and sound.

"Kanon, we're very sorry for being late." Sakuya and the others immediately apologize as they know that if they weren't blocked by those Vajras, they could still somehow save some of her companions.

Hearing Sakuya and the rest, Kanon's eyes then started to get wet again, but she swallowed it in as she knew that the dead would never come back to life again and also it was not originally their fault in the first place.

After organizing everything in the area, Kanon and the others then rested for a bit and talked about things, especially about the reason why they were late. Sakuya relayed and told them, especially Kanon, the whole story of their situation back then.

Sakuya, after explaining everything, then contacted the headquarters and reported that they arrived and safely met the only survivor and also reported that it was Lev who rescued the person and even them.

Right after that, Sakuya and the others then started searching for the remaining God Arcs and their parts hoping to retrieve them before leaving the area and heading back to the headquarters.


---Two hours later---

On the vehicle,

Two hours have passed after Lev and the other finally leave the place once and for all. They retrieved the God Arc and were fortunate that some were still in good condition. At this moment, they could now be seen inside the vehicle resting while talking to each other.

"Sia, what was that spear that you're holding? Is that a God Arc?" Kanon curiously asked as she was looking at the beautiful yet ordinary spears that she was holding and didn't seem to let go of them as if it was a treasure.

"These? They were a weapon given to me by Lev." Sia replied as there was no harm in telling them such a very normal description. However, she then did not talk more about them since it was still a secret in a sense.

Hearing that, Kanon and even Lenka, Alisa, and Kota then looked at the spears carefully however, they didn't dwell deeply as they thought that they were just beautiful spears for self-defense. Kanon and Sakuya, on the other hand. didn't have the same thoughts as them as the former knew how magical the spears were while Sakuya guessed that there must be special about it as it was given by Lev.

"I can see the base now." Lev said after seeing a tall wall in the distance. He then just smiled thinking about Tsubaki since he had promised her that he would do or give her anything that she wished or wanted.

Hearing Lev, the others then also looked at the distance which made them smile as they could now properly rest without thinking of any danger.


Far East Branch Headquarters,

Inside the operating room, Lindow could be seen smoking after coming inside. He looked at the people inside working their butts off without being unbothered by his presence as if he was not important.

"You called, Sister." Lindow said while looking at Tsubaki who was looking at the monitor. He has been on a mission and could only report now after being ordered to head to the headquarters in great emergency for a rescue mission.

"Call me Major Amamiya when at work." Tsubaki replied with a frown after hearing him calling her sister casually. Despite being siblings, she still wanted him to be professional and focus on the work first.

"Well, never mind that. You can go now." Tsubaki said. Though she felt relief upon seeing him safe, his presence was not needed anymore upon hearing such a wonderful report from Sakuya.

"Go? What about the rescue mission?" Lindow immediately asked as he was confused after hearing her sister as he returned with haste thinking that it was very important.

"The rescue mission was complete, and they were now heading back to the base." Tsubaki replied while looking at the dots on the monitor and seeing that it was coming closer and closer to the headquarters.

"Ohhh, then Sakuya and the others did a good job this time." Lindow said while looking at the monitoring while sighing with relief after hearing that the rescue mission was a success.

"They didn't finish the mission and were rescued instead." Tsubaki followed. She then just started to organize her work and was now ready to leave the operating room.

"Ehhhhhh?? What do you mean?" Lindow was now really confused as her sister was just giving him some small details and not telling him the whole story which was very frustrating.

"It's Lev. Lev rescued them in the end." Tsubaki answered as she started walking away before finally leaving the room.

Hearing Tsubaki, Lindow then looked at the monitor while lighting a cigarette.

"So, it's Lev. A month's time really is fast." Lindow muttered upon knowing that it was Lev the person her sister was talking about. He then just leaves the room and heads somewhere.




The sky was already dark when Lev and the others arrived back at the headquarters and were now happily eating in the cafeteria. The people around were also feeling great upon seeing Lev once again, especially the women around who idolized him.

Lev, on his side, already reported back to Tsubaki earlier and was given the time to give a report together with Kanon and Sakuya. He was also personally told to come to her room later as they needed a long talk.

"It's fortunate that you came to pass by in that area, Lev. Or else no one would probably return alive." Sakuya solemnly said. She knew that the reason Kanon and even them survived was all because of Lev as the thought of heading there for a rescue mission was suicide.

"Mmm. However, if I am still a little earlier, I could probably still save Tatsumi and the others." Lev replied while recalling the state of Tatsumi back then and could only feel sorry about it.

Hearing Lev, Sakuya then just remain silent before Shio then started to butt in and was telling them about their experience for the past month. Sakuya, Licca, and Alisa then enjoyed their meal while listening before finally parting ways as Lev headed toward Tsubaki's room as promised.


Tsubaki's room,

Without wasting any time after entering, Lev then was overwhelmed by Tsubaki's hunger. He felt devoured by Tsubaki who was eagerly taking the initiative to take the lead and just let him enjoy her services.

Lev and Tsubaki enjoyed their time to the fullest before finally stopping for a while since Tsubaki's intention of calling Lev was not just to have sex with him but also to hear his story this past month.

Lev then just told her everything, starting from Sakuya who would soon join his harem and the Dyaus Pita that they encounter with its overwhelming power and then the tragedy that it created. Following that, they then just embrace each other enjoying the warmth of their bodies.

"Tsubaki, how about living in my room from now on?" Lev suddenly asked since it would be nice living together as it was more convenient for them so that he could take care of them in one place.

"Hmmm, how about moving to my place in town instead." Instead of answering, Tsubaki suggested. She was also thinking about this thing for the past month and thinking that Lev's room inside the headquarters would not be enough for them, she thought of using her private property in town.

"Do you have one?" Lev asked as he was surprised knowing that she had one. However, it only made him smile with excitement thinking that the problem was now solved and was even better.

"Yeah. I have an apartment in town. So, how about going there sometime?" Tsubaki asked with a smile. Though it was her property, she actually hadn't visited that place for a long time now as she felt more convenient to sleep in the headquarters so that she could immediately take action if there were any emergencies.

"That's good. Let's do that." Lev replied before getting his body up and spreading Tsubaki's legs apart and looking at her wet pussy waiting for him. Tsubaki, who understood what was happening, just smiled with excitement at him.

"For being so kind and understanding. I will break knock you tonight." Lev followed before a series of loud moans then could be heard throughout the room and it lasted for a while before Lev left Tsubaki with a very satisfied expression on her face after he did not hold back and let his inner desires go rampant.


Lev's room,

After dealing with Tsubaki, Lev then headed back to his room however, to his surprise, he saw three people sitting comfortably on the bed while looking at something on the wall using the tablet, and the projector that he gave to Shio a while back.

"Master, I thought you won't be back for the night." Sia surprisingly said as she thought that he would probably stay in Tsubaki's room all night since they hadn't seen each other for a whole month.

"Well, I'm done with my business. By the way, are you watching a movie again?" Lev suddenly asked while looking at what movie they were watching and was surprised that it was 'Transformers: Age of Extinction'.

"Yes, and I invited Sakuya to watch too." Shio replied with a smile. She then got up and jumped at Lev.

Lev caught Shio before looking at Sakuya which made him smile after remembering what happened earlier.

Seeing Lev's gaze, Sakuya couldn't help but blush while thinking about how to get out of the room. Though Lev told her that they needed to talk about it, she, on the other hand, still felt a little bit shy and embarrassed.

"It's already late at night. I think I need to head back too, Shio." Sakuya then reasoned as this was the most reasonable one that she could think about leaving the room.

Hearing Sakuya, Shio looked at her before looking at Lev. She then thought that it was his fault after not expecting that he would be back tonight. She was already planning to have an all-nighter with them together, but Lev's sudden appearance ruined everything.

Lev, on the other hand, wryly looked at Shio as he also understood that he might be at fault here which he then just looked again at Sakuya.

"Well, I'm also in the mood to watch. So, how about watching it together? It's not like the bed wouldn't be enough for us." Lev said, however, it was actually an excuse since it was also a good opportunity for Sakuya to slowly join the family.

"Yes, Sakuya. Let's finish the movie first." Shio then immediately supported him as she looked at Sakuya with her cute eyes and expression.

Sakuya, upon seeing the situation, could only look at them before she sighed and accepted embarrassedly. Following that, they then positioned themselves on the bed while watching the movie reflected on the wall. Sakuya and Sia sitting on Lev's sides while Shio was sitting on his lap.

Though their position was normal, however, if you looked closely, Sakuya and Sia were breathing heavily while their faces getting redder as Lev's hands were not behaving properly feeling it caressing their waists and slowly getting above while watching the movie without Shio knowing.

Hours after that, Lev and the others then could now be seen lying on the bed sleeping soundly as they were so tired during the day leaving the projected movie still playing on until it ran out of battery.