
The Odyssey of the Chosen One

A hardworking youth who always pray for excitement and happiness was heard by the most powerful being of the vast universe. Giving him the power to fulfill his wishes through conquering other worlds and finally becoming his successor. Can he really find his happiness on his quest on becoming a True God? Or something will happen on the way that will make all his efforts to fail? _____________________________________ Worlds: 1. Douluo Dalu - Completed 2. God Eater - Completed 3. Magi - Completed 4. Toriko - Ongoing _____________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this FF will only update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) _____________________________________ Be warned: This novel will be full of mature contents. (This is a novel where I write whatever comes to my mind.) Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the novels, animes, and movies. [2] Pictures are copied from Google so whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference. However, if you don't like, just let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately. [3] This book is a world of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents does not intent to represent real-life counterparts as this books meant for entertainment purposes only (ENTIRELY FICTIONAL) and should not be constructed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Alter_Fanfic · Anime & Comics
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217 Chs

Chapter 87 - Kanon


On the ground,

...Bang…. Bang…. Bang...

Kanon, with her very own eyes, saw the Aragamis fall down one by one. This sudden change put the Aragamis in chaos as they couldn't see who was killing them which didn't take long before all of them were killed leaving her on the ground while being shocked and grateful toward the person or people who helped her.

Not long after that, Kanon could then see a person walking towards her, but she couldn't tell who it was as it was still raining hard together with her eyes still filled with tears. The moment the person got close enough that was when she saw his face added by his familiar black combat suit.

"Y-You're Lev." Kanon called with surprise after seeing the appearance of the person who had saved her. Even though they didn't have that many meetings back in the headquarters, they could still hear rumors about him as he was like a celebrity to many.

"You know me?" Lev asked while looking at the woman. He looked at her with curiosity as he was not very familiar with her and from the way she called his name, then it could be said that she came from Fenrir.

Hearing Lev, Kanon then wiped away her tears before she stood up and bowed at Lev.

"T-Thank you for saving me. I'm Kanon from Unit 2." Kanon said while introducing herself. She was really grateful to Lev for saving her for the last seconds of her life.

Lev just looked at her and just nodded before he looked around and saw someone he didn't expect to see and that was when he recalled who the woman was as he seemed to see her in some episode of the anime.

"T-Tatsumi and the rest of my companions d-died." Kanon sadly said before her eyes started to get wet again after seeing that only the upper part of Tatsumi's body was left. She clenched her fists with sadness and anger feeling a bit bad about what happened to her friends.

"I'm sorry as I am late but let's get out of here first." Lev said as he also felt bad while looking at Tatsumi. He thought that if he arrived on time, he might still be able to save him. He then just looked around after he heard several Aragamis coming toward their location.

Upon hearing this, Kanon looked at Tatsumi for the last time before following Lev as she knew that Tatsumi wouldn't be back no matter how long she stared at him. She didn't even take his body and leave it behind since there was no use of it and would only let the Aragami know where they would run by following the scent of his blood.


In the wasteland,

Somewhere in the barren wasteland, four people could be seen fighting tiger-like Aragamis that were blocking their way to move forward. They have been stranded in this area after meeting the Aragami and could only stop to deal with them and yet their situation only gets worse.

"Lenka, Alisa retreat!" Sakuya shouted while making way for them to retreat back to the vehicle. Kota, on the other hand, was also there for support as he was firing toward the Aragamis that were coming from their sides.

Hearing the order, Lenka and Alisa who were fighting head-on with their New-Type God Arcs followed immediately and started a strategic retreat with the help of Sakuya and Kota.

"Hibari, we couldn't proceed and need to retreat." Sakuya reported back to the headquarters after being pushed back by the Aragamis. No matter how urgent the rescue mission was if their lives would be taken here then what's the point of rescuing them?

'How did Varjas even come to this place?' Sakuya thought as she knew that this place was a place for only small and medium types. It was her first time seeing such a situation and thought something might have happened to them that they needed to move from their territory.

"Sakuya, what about the rescue mission?" Lenka suddenly asked after they got back to the vehicle. They were still people waiting for their reinforcements and yet they could not do anything but fall back first.

"Let's find a safe place and wait for the headquarters' orders." Sakuya seriously replied before starting the vehicle and leaving the place immediately, but a number of Vajras were still following them behind.


In the building,

Meanwhile, Kanon after following Lev was now resting in the temporary place where he and his group were staying but she was feeling very awkward because two people were staring at her curiously.

"Kanon, I know that you're tired, but can you tell me what happened to your unit?" Lev asked as he wanted to know how such a thing happened to them as this event was not part of the original story.

Hearing this, Kanon then looked down as it was still fresh on her memory of what happened that day. She bit her lip before she started telling Lev about their mission and what happened from the beginning until now.

After minutes of explaining, Lev listened to her seriously all the time and he could only frown as according to her story, the whole thing was really strange to the point that it clearly created an unfortunate event.

"Did you see or hear something odd that time?" Lev asked again as he thought that there must be something unusual before anything happened. He looked into Kanon's eyes wanting her to tell every detail that happened that day.

Kanon, on the other hand, also looked into Lev before she thinks hard as she could while recalling if there was something strange happened before they were suddenly surrounded.

"I don't know if this was strange, but we heard a loud roar somewhere before we got into a fight." Kanon answered with uncertainty. After pondering about the whole event, this was the only thing that she faintly remembered that was probably strange at that time.

Contrary to Kanon, Lev's eyes widened after hearing her reply, and thought that maybe all of this happened because of him as he guessed that it must be related to Dyaus Pita whom he fought three weeks ago.

"I-I'm sorry." Lev could only say sorry. Even though he was still not 100 % sure, the time and location clearly told him that it was. Thinking that it was his fault makes him realize just how reckless his actions had been.

"Sia give Kanon some food to eat and water to drink." Lev then ordered as he knew that she must be hungry and thirsty after running and hiding for the whole night. He then looked outside again and saw that the rain wouldn't stop anytime soon and thought that they might probably stay in the building for the night.


Far East Branch Headquarters,

This time, Tsubaki looked at the red dot on the monitor with a sad expression on her face. The data provided by the monitor told her and the people inside that only a single survivor had been left.

"How's Sakuya's situation?" Tsubaki asked tiredly while looking at the other monitor there were four red dots in the monitor and was not moving.

"They decided to rest first and probably stay for the night as she said that it would be more dangerous to travel this time as the rain was pouring hard added that Vajras were roaming in the vicinity." Hibari reported and repeated what Sakuya had told her. She was also very worried while looking at the monitor and didn't know what was really happening.

"Did you already contact Captain Amamiya?" Tsubaki asked again as she wanted to order him for immediate support thinking that Sakuya and her group wouldn't be enough. She even lost hope of rescuing the last survivor and thought of only taking back the God Eaters that they lost.

Hearing the question, Hibari then called someone again through her communicator device.



Inside the building,

Night came and the rain started to calm down, Lev and the others, on the other hand, were already on the bed while Sia and Shio were in his arms while giving Kanon another bed. The latter two were already asleep while Lev was still awake seeing Kanon couldn't rest and was shaking on her bed.

Seeing this, Lev sighed as he gently moved Sia and Shio as he didn't want them to wake up. He then got out of bed and headed toward the rooftop to see the situation and also to take a breath.

Kanon, on the other hand, suddenly stopped shaking as she saw Lev leaving the room and thought about where he was going. She looked at Sia and Shio first before hesitating to get up and follow him as she also could not sleep and did not have something to do.


On the rooftop,

By the time Lev arrived on top, the rain already stopped and the sky had already cleared seeing how peaceful it become. Lev then looked below and spread his awareness. Not long after that, he then spotted and felt several Aragamis roaming in the vicinity either in groups or alone.

"Couldn't sleep?" Lev suddenly asked upon seeing someone stand right beside him.

"Y-Yeah." Kanon replied with her hands still shaking. The very reason she couldn't sleep was that every time she closed her eyes, she could see the faces of her companions getting killed and eaten.

Following that, silence then occupied the place as the both of them stayed silent before Lev suddenly took out something. Kanon looked at the thing that Lev was holding and saw a pack of cigarettes. She then looked at him with surprise as she never heard about him smoking back in the headquarters.

Lev, on the other hand, also looked at the cigarettes on his and wondered why he took them out. He smiled as he remembered Lindow before he opened it up and lit one thinking that it was not bad to taste one.

"Cough...Cough. D-Do you want one?" Lev immediately coughed while asking Kanon as it was his first time smoking. After trying one, he then started wondering why people like this kind of thing as no matter how he looked at it, it was very awful but he did not throw it out since there might be something special about it.

Kanon just shakes her head as she declines before looking back at the area. She then just didn't mind him smoking since it was not her first time seeing one as some of her dead companions were also one.

"Where's your God Arc anyway?" Lev asked while holding the cigarette in his hand. He was wondering where her God Arc was since it was a very important resource and losing it would greatly impact the battle force of the base.

"I-I left it behind as I couldn't run with it and I'm also out of ammo." Kanon truthfully replied. She also knew the importance of such a weapon, however, she thought at that time that she needed to save herself first and look for it if she survived somehow.

"Mmm. There's nothing much more important than life so it was wise to leave it behind and save yourself. Do you still know where it was? We can find it up tomorrow." Lev said as he thought that it must just be around the city. Though he was not obliged to take it back, somehow, he could not let it get wasted outside the base and bring it back so that it could be still of use.

"There must be several Aragamis in that place. Shouldn't we wait for reinforcement?" Kanon suggested with seriousness even though she wasn't sure if the headquarters received their message, however, she was still hoping since she knew the headquarters knew that she was still alive through the bracelet on her wrist.

"Looking by how they were still not here despite a day has passed. They might also have been blocked by Aragami on the way. Also, no need to worry as I can deal with them." Lev replied with seriousness. Dealing with those Large Types was a piece of cake to him and he wouldn't let those experiences run away and also he also thought that it was now time for Sia to face Large Type once.

"Vaj--" Kanon looked at Lev wanting to say something that they were not ordinary Aragami but she stopped midway upon remembering that he was actually the person who just helped her a while back. She then just looked at Lev who was seriously looking into the distance while smoking, it was her first time seeing someone smoking handsomely which made her blush a little.

"I-I was informed that you left the headquarters, are you on your way back now?" Kanon suddenly changed the question and talked about non-depressing things. She then also retracted her blushed face as she was embarrassed at the thought of him seeing her in such a state.

"You even knew about this? I thought only a few knew about it." Lev was surprised to hear that even Kanon whom he never once met back in the headquarters knew that he left.

"I-I heard them from the rumors." Kanon immediately replied and regretted why she said such a thing. She thought that she might look like a stalker now upon knowing everything about him.

"Well, I'm already done with my business. So, it was now time to head back." Lev said and aside from that, he also misses Tsubaki and the others.

Following that, Lev then finishes the cigarette and is surprised that the awful feeling was only at the start as the moments after that, there's a pleasant sensation of calm and well-being started circulating in his body.

"Time to sleep. We will leave early tomorrow. Clear your mind and move on. I'm not saying this because I am heartless, but because it was necessary. Goodnight, Kanon." Lev lastly said before he turned around and headed back to the room to sleep since his job was already done.

Hearing Lev and seeing him leaving, Kanon then just looked into the sky and stayed in place for a while before following him back.


---The next morning---

In the wasteland,

After the sun rose, Lev and the others then immediately headed out and were now at the place where most of Kanon's companions fell.

Right now, the four of them were at the top of a tall building looking at the situation first while planning on how to retrieve the God Arcs as several Vajras were roaming around the vicinity as if they were guarding them.

"There really are a number of them." Lev said with a cigarette in his hand while looking that there were really several of them in the place. He thought that it was no wonder they died since such a number was really a disaster.

"Stay here, I'll deal with them first. Sia. Shio. Be prepared as I'll leave some behind for you to deal with." Lev said putting the cigarette in his mouth before jumping down to finish them as they were all experience for him to get stronger.

"W-Won't you even help him?" Kanon worriedly asked while looking at Sia and Shio with their strange weapons as she knew that they were not God Arcs upon seeing their unique appearances.

"There's no need." Sia replied while gripping her spears tightly after getting a little nervous about what Lev said. However, she was wondering when Lev started smoking as it was her first time seeing him using one.


On the ground,

Right after getting down, Lev then starts a rampage as he exhibits what a warrior should act upon skillfully killing them using Infinities in their different forms. He also decided to hide Zabimaru for a while and did not use any skill not wanting to shock Kanon.

"H-He---" Kanon who was on the building couldn't help but widen her eyes seeing how Lev easily killed the Vajras who she and her team couldn't deal with. She even doubts if Lev is really a human as he is more like a monster now.

After thirty minutes, Lev's rampage was unstoppable seeing him killing the Aragami one by one until only three were left behind. With that, the place had become very awful to stay at as there were several severed bodies of Aragamis added by their flooding blood.

"Sia. Shio. Come down!" Lev suddenly shouted while taking another cigarette. He left the three Vajra on purpose as it was not all about himself as he wanted them to deal with it, especially Sia.

Upon hearing Lev's order, Shio and the others then jumped down from the building and headed toward him.

"This is not a one-on-one battle. I want you two to support each other while dealing with the three of them." Lev said. Although he knew that they could take one each, he still wanted to tell them that it would be more effective to kill them together.

"Go." Lev said which Sia and Shio then started running toward the three Vajras.

With that, Lev then looked at Kanon. He didn't even feel any ounce of worry about Sia and Shio since he knew their full capabilities well. He then put back Infinities in his inventory as he said, "Kanon, the place has been cleared. Carefully look for your God Arc and immediately get back if you encounter a situation."

Hearing that, Kanon immediately woke up and moved her body. It was not time to be surprised as there were still more important matters to do first. Following this, Lev then shifted his attention to Sia and Shio wanting to see how they would deal with the Large Types.

Not before long, Sia and Shio successfully and easily subjugated the remaining Varja seeing them now searching for its core before finally giving them to Lev.

"How do you feel after fighting a Vajra?" Lev asked while looking at Sia who was smiling at him.

"I'm a little nervous, Master. However, after some time, I adjusted and thought that they were not that hard to deal with." Sia replied to what she felt right at the moment as she could not believe that she achieved this feat through the power that Lev had given her.

"It's good that you know but don't be too conceited as the one that you killed was just one of the most common Large Type Aragami out there." Lev told the truth as there really were more Aragami powerful than them and the best example of it was the Dyaus Pita that they met.

Sia, after hearing, then became serious immediately after remembering the Aragami that even Lev couldn't deal with in the past.

"Well, there's no need to be that serious. Killing a Vajra was still a feat to be proud of." Lev said while patting both of their heads before looking in the distance as he heard noises coming from somewhere.

Kanon, who just arrived while carrying some weapons, was still mesmerized by what she just witnessed but her face immediately became distorted upon seeing several Aragamis either small, medium, or large types following a vehicle in the distance and coming closer to them.

"I think we still had work to do. Sia. Shio. Prepare yourselves and protect Kanon. Kanon, I leave the God Arcs to you." Lev said before taking out Infinities again and rushing forward to face the swarm of Aragamis while smiling with excitement seeing that the experience keeps on coming to him. Sia and Shio, then also prepared but they were just standing in place with the intention of protecting Kanon for what was about to come.