
The Odyssey of the Chosen One

A hardworking youth who always pray for excitement and happiness was heard by the most powerful being of the vast universe. Giving him the power to fulfill his wishes through conquering other worlds and finally becoming his successor. Can he really find his happiness on his quest on becoming a True God? Or something will happen on the way that will make all his efforts to fail? _____________________________________ Worlds: 1. Douluo Dalu - Completed 2. God Eater - Completed 3. Magi - Completed 4. Toriko - Ongoing _____________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this FF will only update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) _____________________________________ Be warned: This novel will be full of mature contents. (This is a novel where I write whatever comes to my mind.) Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the novels, animes, and movies. [2] Pictures are copied from Google so whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference. However, if you don't like, just let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately. [3] This book is a world of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents does not intent to represent real-life counterparts as this books meant for entertainment purposes only (ENTIRELY FICTIONAL) and should not be constructed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Alter_Fanfic · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Chapter 82 - Spar and Training


Training Room,

After what happened in the monitoring hall, Lev and Kota could now be seen in a room together with Hibari. Their eyes were fixated on the training area watching Lenka and Alisa fighting some virtual Aragamis.

Lev could be seen staring at Lenka and could only shake his head seeing him struggling to fight an Aragami whereas Alisa has already killed the Aragami on her side. This easy kill was not just witnessed by him as Kota and Hibari were also present with their eyes wide open seeing how Alisa dealt with the Aragami easily compared to Lenka who was still struggling until now.

It was only after how many minutes did Lenka then finally killed the Aragami on his side while breathing heavily before looking at Alisa who was staring at him indifferently. He couldn't help but wonder just how much gap the two of them had seeing how he struggled killing his target.

"Don't put us in the same category, weak New-Type." Alisa indifferently said before shifting his gaze above piercing through the room where Lev was looking at them. Lev was her target so she didn't have the time to look after the weak ones.

Lenka could only clench his fist after seeing the difference between the two of them but he didn't let it get to his heart as it only made him more determined and used this as a reason to become stronger instead. He looked at Alisa for the last time before leaving the place.

Seeing this, Kota, who was together with Lev and Hibari immediately got down to meet Lenka to cheer him up. Lev, on the other hand, stayed in the room a little longer before looking at Hibari.

"Thanks for your time, Hibari." Lev said while smiling at her. This training session might not be possible without her operating the machine.

"I'm only here because I was ordered by Major Amamiya. If there's nothing else, I want to get back to work." Hibari replied with a smile while looking at Lev.

"Well, there's nothing else to do in here." Lev followed guessing that Alisa might not want to fight an Aragami again.

"I take my leave then." Hibari answered before she stood up and left heading back to the monitoring hall as she still had work to do.

Following that, Lev then looked at Alisa below before smirking as he left the room.


"What of kind fight do you want?" Lev smiled while asking after seeing how serious Alisa was as he came down since he promised her that he would fight her when she won against Lenka.

Alisa, meanwhile, did not reply as she already rushed forward towards Lev while holding her God Arc in its sword form. She still clearly remembers how helpless she was back on the plane and she wanted to take her humiliation back from him.

Lev wryly smiled after seeing this before summoning Infinity and also transforming it into a sword and parred her attack. Though it was very childish of him to meddle in this kind of thing, he thought that it was also good for his training.

Following that, the two then started to display their strange swordsmanship as Alisa's sword was way bigger than Lev but even with that, Alisa couldn't even make him move in his position. Such helplessness made her irritated after seeing him smiling at her without doing anything but evading and blocking her attacks.

Not long after that, Alisa couldn't contain her anger and irritation anymore as she thought Lev was mocking and playing with her. She suddenly retreated back and transformed her God Arc into a machine gun before firing.

Seeing this, Lev didn't move back and faced the incoming bullets as he made good use of Observation Haki to the fullest of his abilities. Beautiful slashes and sparks could be seen as if Lev was doing a performance inside the training room.

Alisa, on the other hand, widened her eyes seeing how Lev faced the bullets as if it was nothing but she still continued to fire while getting more frustrated seeing her attacks were still futile and could only stop as she ran out of ammo.

"Hoofff. That's refreshing. You're skilled but your attitude needs to improve." Lev with relief seeing Alisa cooling down after seeing her out of ammo. He then just put back Infinity in the inventory before throwing a towel toward her and leaving the place.

Alisa caught the towel and saw Lev leaving. She stared at him before biting her lips while tightly holding the towel, however, she also had some questions on her mind as she thought about where the towel came from.




Time passed by and it was now time for lunch which the cafeteria was already packed with people. Meanwhile, Lev, Sia, Shio, and even Alisa were at the same table while enjoying the food not minding the stares of the people around. Iroha has already said goodbye and appreciation towards them as she has already gone to her brother and probably find a place in town for them to settle.

"What should we do today, Lev?" Shio suddenly asked while eating as they didn't have something to do after they finished their lunch and the thought of staying in the base with nothing to do bored her.

"How about roaming around the town again?" Sia suggested. She was still not satisfied yesterday and wanted to roam the town more but this time around was together with Lev and wanted to be exciting.

"Hmm. Let's do that then." Lev thought before saying that it was also good for passing time. He also wanted to see more of the place since he still hadn't roamed the whole base. It wouldn't hurt him to relax and stay idle and forget about his mission for a while.


At another table in the cafeteria,

Meanwhile, Lenka and Iroha were also eating lunch in the cafeteria from afar while looking. Iroha actually wanted them to join Lev and the others but her brother couldn't muster up the courage to join and so could only back out. They could only stay at their table and were content just looking at them.

"Sister Iroha. Lenka. How about coming to my house." Kota suddenly said after seeing Lenka feel a little off while eating. He had also wanted him to roam the base since he might not have the time to do it since he was detained for a couple of days.

"I'm sorry Kota but I want to train." Lenka replied and finished his meal. He had seen how powerless he was back in the training room and wanted to train more. He then just bid his farewell and left the place.

Seeing this, Iroha and Kota then also hurriedly finish their meal and tidy up before following Lenka. Not long after that, Lev and his group also finished their lunch before finally parting ways.

Lev, Sia, and Shio spend the rest of the afternoon roaming around the place before finally resting at the top of the wall while appreciating the beautiful view of the sunset. After that, they then ended their day as they headed back to the headquarters.



Mission Hall,

The moon was already set above and yet Hibari was still doing something on the computer, however, the expression on her face was a bit ugly as she couldn't focus as someone was looking around the place.

Meanwhile, the person of interest was actually Lev who was planning to give some cores that he collected throughout the past year thinking that it's also good to contribute a little to make his value rise.

"D-Do you have something to ask perhaps?" Hibari suddenly asked. She was wondering why Lev came to this place since she could not formulate a reason why he was there since this place only had one specific function.

"Sorry to disturb you but I'm here to contribute some cores to the Aegis Project." Lev replied. Though it was a waste giving some of his core, his skill 'Duplication' completely did its work from which he could spare some of it since he really wasn't in a rush to finish his mission.

"Cores? Where is it?" Hibari suddenly became excited after hearing what he just said. Yes, the place she was stationed at was the place where every unit needed to submit the cores that they acquired back in the wasteland.

"Well, here it is." Lev replied before taking out at least a hundred medium cores on the table while the others already fell on the floor.

Hibari just looked at Lev before seeing that the table suddenly was filled with cores. However, her shock did not stop there after realizing that all the cores were something that only medium type could have. She excitedly called someone and reported what Lev had just done.

Lev, on the other hand, just smiled a little before leaving the place quietly seeing Hibari suddenly shift her focus to the cores. Not interested in what effect would it have, he kind of felt a little satisfaction with what he had just done.



This time, Lev, Sia, Shio, and Sakuya were already eating together at the table while talking from time to time. Alisa was not around this time and was probably somewhere in the headquarters.

"Lev, we will have a mission tomorrow together with those three in the morning as Major Amamiya wanted us to help and teach them." Sakuya suddenly said while eating as she had been informed by Lindow and was given the task of telling Lev about it.

'It's now time for that, huh. I just hope that those three won't cause trouble.' Lev thought and replied with a nod after remembering something from the original plot of the world. He then felt a little excitement and anticipation for tomorrow.

Following that, Sakuya then just talked about their mission before finishing their meal and decided to stay in Licca's workshop to pass the time however, it was only Sia, Shio, and Sakuya as Lev was already being called by Tsubaki to her room.


Tsubaki's room,

While everyone at the headquarters was minding their own business, Lev and Tsubaki were now in the bathtub together while embracing each other. They had been inside it for a while now as they decided to take a rest after they had done something.

"Lev, Hibari told me that you contributed a hundred medium cores earlier. Why didn't you tell me that you had that many and where did it come from anyway?" Tsubaki said and asked after remembering what Hibari reported as she was also excited to know about it as every core was precious for the completion of the Aegis Project.

"It's from the Aragamis that I killed while I was still roaming the wasteland." Lev truthfully replied while reminiscing about how he struggled back them but it was also the reason for his strength.

"Then, do you still have more?" Upon becoming Lev's woman, Tsubaki was no longer feeling reserved as she asked while expecting that he still had more. She believes Lev has that much knowing how powerful he was.

"Yes, and I have a bunch of them." Lev replied seeing thinking that she might not stop bugging him about it.

"Why don't you give them to me." Tsubaki said with a smile as she knew that Lev wouldn't lie about this kind of thing. She wasn't doing this for personal reasons but for humanity as a whole as they really need cores to complete the Aegis Project.

"You can have some of them, but you have to work hard for it." Lev whispered in her ear while caressing her hips with his hands. He admitted that he really couldn't stop himself but gave in every time his woman asked for it.

Upon hearing this, Tsubaki felt electrified and suddenly got turned on. She then immediately turned her body around to face Lev and grabbed something below the water before moving herself down.

"Hehe, I will start working on it then." Tsubaki seductively said before loud moans started echoing throughout the bathroom and it continued to the bedroom, however, Lev ended their night activity sooner since there were still two women waiting for his return.



Inside the training room,

Even this late at night, a person could be seen fighting some Aragami inside a room while using his God Arc before finally taking it down. He wiped his sweat before looking above a particular room. This person was none other than Lenka who stayed in the training room until now trying to improve his strength.

"Kota, can you please restart the machine again." Lenka said as he still wanted to try again even after how many hours had already passed.

However, no matter how loud Lenka shouted, he still hadn't heard any reply which made him stop and decide to head up. After arriving, he saw Iroha, Kota, and another man already sleeping. He then looked at the time before sighing seeing how late it was.

Lenka looked at Iroha, Kota, and the operator gain before deciding not to wake them up and operate the machine himself before heading down to the training room wanting to continue.