
The Odyssey of the Chosen One

A hardworking youth who always pray for excitement and happiness was heard by the most powerful being of the vast universe. Giving him the power to fulfill his wishes through conquering other worlds and finally becoming his successor. Can he really find his happiness on his quest on becoming a True God? Or something will happen on the way that will make all his efforts to fail? _____________________________________ Worlds: 1. Douluo Dalu - Completed 2. God Eater - Completed 3. Magi - Completed 4. Toriko - Ongoing _____________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this FF will only update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) _____________________________________ Be warned: This novel will be full of mature contents. (This is a novel where I write whatever comes to my mind.) Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the novels, animes, and movies. [2] Pictures are copied from Google so whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference. However, if you don't like, just let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately. [3] This book is a world of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents does not intent to represent real-life counterparts as this books meant for entertainment purposes only (ENTIRELY FICTIONAL) and should not be constructed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Alter_Fanfic · Anime & Comics
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216 Chs

Chapter 81 - Arrangement


---The next morning---

Lev's room, 

Lev woke up from his good sleep and saw Sia and Shio together in his arms. He was smiling upon seeing the two together and couldn't resist but caress their heads. Following that, he then just thought about things, however, his caressing woke them up in the process seeing them looking at him before kissing his cheeks lovingly. 

"Good morning, Master." Sia greeted before leaning again on his chest wanting to feel more of his warmth. Shio, on the other hand, is also greeted with a smile as she does the same with Sia.

Seeing the two, Lev then just smiled at them and continued caressing their heads before stopping after remembering something. 

"By the way, I already got permission for Iroha to visit her brother. Why don't you go and tell her about it?" Lev then said after recalling what he promised to Iroha a while back. He completely forgot about it upon the succeeding exciting events and could only think about it now.

"Really? Then, why not we visit him together?" Sia looked up to see Lev after hearing what he said since it was a piece of pretty good news knowing how Iroha always wears a worried and uneasy feeling every day.

"Unfortunately, Tsubaki told me that it would just be Iroha who was allowed to visit. Hmmm. I will tell Lindow about it." Lev replied. Though he could actually join her, it was just a hassle thinking that they would still see each other later, however, he had remembered Lindow visiting him also and thought of asking him to join Iroha.

Hearing Lev, Sia then just looked and hugged him before saying, "I will tell her later."

Lev thought that it was the end when suddenly...

"Tsubaki? Who's Tsubaki, Lev?" Sia suddenly asked while looking at him curiously. Shio also thought the same and wanted to know what was happening ever since she had smelt something from Lev. 

"Well, it's Major Amamiya. She will be soon my woman so you can try to talk or ask something and she will help you. Hehe." Lev then tells them the truth about him having a progressing relationship with Tsubaki since sooner or later, they will come to know about it.

Upon hearing such revelation, Sia and Shio remembered Major Amamiya from their memories before they looked at each other and started pouting at Lev. 

"Is that why you're always back late at night." Shio said while pouting but a hint of blush could also be seen on her face after imagining what they were doing every night since she had already graduated from that kind of thing.

"Yeah, and it can't be helped since your sister always craving my massage every night." Lev amusingly answered while looking at them. 

"Are you good at massaging, Lev?" Shio asked with curiosity and surprise as this was the first time she knew about it even after living together with him for a year. 

Sia, on the other hand, was embarrassed looking at how innocent Shio was after not guessing what Lev was telling them, but she could not blame her since she had been like that ever since she started living with them.

"Hehehe, I'm really good at it. How about heading to the bathroom? I will show you how good I am." Lev answered with a smile before getting up on the bed and carrying the two of them to the bathroom. 

Right after Lev gives massages to Sia and Shio, they then directly eat breakfast in the cafeteria before parting ways where Iroha excitedly and nervously goes to visit her brother while Sakuya decides to show Sia and Shio around the town. Lev, on the other hand, was now walking around in the headquarters finding a place to pass time because Tsubaki had told them that they could take a day off today. 

After walking for a while, Lev then seemed to arrive at some place like a workshop which he decided to enter. He didn't accidentally head to this place since he also had a purpose in mind for coming here.


Inside the Workshop, 

Upon entering, Lev then started looking around and saw different kinds of equipment and machines inside. It was not his first time entering a workshop since there was also something like that in Douluo Dalu but it was his first time seeing such advance for the first time as he could also see some God Arcs on maintenance in the place.

While looking around, Lev then finally saw his purpose of coming here after seeing a girl with short gray hair who wore a pair of red goggles and also had grease stains on each cheek while working on something. She wears a gray tank top and a blue overall but letting loose the upper part, a pair of black and yellow security boots, and a pair of security gloves of the same color.

Seeing how serious the girl was, Lev then decided to find a seat and wait for her to finish. She wasn't really that beautiful like some of his lovers but seeing the hardworking expression on her face, he felt quite moved by the thought that she had really put her all into her work.

It didn't take long before the girl suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked behind as she noticed that someone was watching her.

"Yo!" Lev greeted while looking at her, especially at her upper body, and thought that he really shouldn't believe all that he could see in the anime as the real thing really was way too different.

Hearing Lev, the girl looked at him before noticing that her inner garment was slightly visible due to her sweat. She then immediately finds some towel and covers her upper body while shyly looking back at Lev.

"I know you. I have seen the video about you using a strange weapon. Why are you here?" The girl asked after realizing that the person in front of him was the hot topic around the base not just by his weapon but also because of his appearance. Dr. Sasaki also even told her about him but he only shares some superficial information. 

"I'm Lev Hendrix. We have a day off today, so I plan to stop and look around this place. I'm here as I'm curious to see how God Arc really made or repaired." Lev replied while looking towards the thing that keeps the woman busy and saw that it was the weapon that the protagonist was using. He was sure about it since it was really something easy to notice.

"I'm Licca Kusonoki. Well, you can look around, however, before that, can I take a look at your weapon?" Licca said. Seeing that Lev himself took the initiative to come here then she won't let the chance slip to ask about his weapon since she was very curious about his weapon that could kill an Aragami despite not being a God Arc.

Lev looked at Licca with seriousness before he smiled and summoned Infinity out on its default form looking like an ordinary metal stick. 

Immediately after that, Licca was surprised to the core thinking where the weapon came from as she only saw that it came out of nowhere, but she was still in doubt if it was really the weapon from the rumor since all she could see was an ordinary stick.

"Can I hold it?" Licca asked as she wanted to see it closely and to confirm if it was the real thing.

"Unfortunately, you can't." Lev replied while shaking his head. Though it was really possible, the consequence is very grave, especially for a person like her so as much as possible, he doesn't want others to hold it.

"Do you want to know why?" Lev followed while looking at her with a smile.

"Why?" Licca asked with curiosity as she never expected such an answer from him.

"Well. It's because other than me, anyone else will be cursed and even die just from holding it." Lev seriously answered as there was no harm in telling her the truth and also to calm down the overflowing excitement that she had.

Licca listened carefully and felt that he was serious about it which only meant that he might really be telling the truth, however, she was still in doubt about it. She stared at Lev with seriousness before sighing and seeing him really serious about it which she then calmed down and looked at Infinity. 

"Can you change it into a bow, then? I thought it was a sword is this really the really the weapon you used back then?" Licca then asked. Since she could not touch it like she was told to then asking about changing its form might be plausible, but the decision still depends on Lev if he would allow her to see it.

"This is actually its default form. Not a sword. Change its form? Sure thing, it's not like I'm hiding it." Lev answered before transforming Infinity into a sword like she had known and heard.

Right after transforming, Licca looked at it closely and could not tell how it transformed since she could not touch it. She then looked at Lev again and asked him if he could transform it into other forms as she wanted to observe more.

It took a while before Licca gave up on Infinity as she really could not understand how his weapon works without holding it. They then just sit and talk to each other, but this time Lev was the one asking. 

Following that, the two then talked for a while before Lev invited Licca to join them at the cafeteria to eat lunch which the latter immediately accepted since it was a great opportunity to know more about his weapon and himself.


In some area on the base, 

Inside a place where the atmosphere seems so quiet and gloomy, Lindow could be seen looking at a teenage boy with dark blue, spiky hair, solid black eyebrows, and light green eyes inside the cell. 

"It took me a while before meeting you. Well, I would like to thank you for saving Eric. I already talked about Amamiya to bail you out, but they were more serious about your situation than I thought." Lindow said as he was actually thankful for the boy who was inside since he was the one who bravely saved Eric during the Aragami attack. 

Hearing Lindow, the boy could only listen to him while clenching his fist after knowing that he still couldn't get out of this place. 

"However, someone was here with me, and you should be happy to meet her." Lindow followed before he walked back and leaned on some wall to make some space for them to talk. 

"S-Sister Iroha, it's really you!!" The boy shockingly said after seeing the person Lindow was talking about as tears immediately flowed down from his eyes.

"Lenka, I'm happy to see you again." Iroha replied while looking at the boy inside the cell. She was also quite emotional upon seeing Lenka and could not help but drop some tears due to her happiness. 

"S-Sister Iroha, but how--" Lenka, the protagonist of this world, wanted to ask as he was pretty sure that she wouldn't survive that day. 

"It's Lev. I will introduce him to you when you get out of here." Iroha replied and cut his words fully knowing what he was talking about.

"It's good. It's good that you're alive. I-I'm sorry." Lenka said with tears flowing down his eyes after seeing her healthy and alive after all that happened. Following that, the two then have a nice reunion and conversation before finally parting ways.


Johannes's office, 

Inside the quiet office, Johannes could be seen reading the report regarding the rescue mission and couldn't help but ponder about it after reading that Lev again did something incredible by transforming his weapon to a bow this time and it was even more fascinating than the last time.

Johannes repeatedly plays the video before turning off the monitor as he silently looks towards the painting hanging on the wall with seriousness. 




As it was now noon, there were more people eating inside however the focus was still on a particular table of Lev and the others. They have heard yet another rumor again and they really were curious about it, but they don't have the courage to talk to him and could only observe him.

On the other hand, Lev and the others were unbothered by the stares as they continued eating at the table but the atmosphere was actually awkward at the moment as Sakuya, Shio, and Sia were staring at the girl next to Lev.

Meanwhile, the girl was none other than Licca, however, unlike the others, she doesn't mind them and continues minding her own business while eating her lunch.

"You can talk to her you know. Hahaha." Lev laughed as they didn't know why they were like that though. It was reasonable for Shio and Sia since this might be their first time seeing her but seeing even Sakuya acting the same was a different matter.

Hearing Lev, the three then calmed down before they continued eating as Shio and Sia were just curious after seeing another woman together with Lev and that was all. Sakuya, on the other hand, was curious about how Lev got to know about Licca. She knew about her as they saw each other from time to time as she was part of the God Arc Maintenance Crew of the headquarters.

Following that, they then eat and talk for a while especially about Licca before parting ways as Lev decides to join Sakuya, Sia, and Shio to roam around the town where they spend the whole day outside and only return back to eat dinner.



Tsubaki's room,

Just like any other day, Lev could be seen again inside Tsubaki's room after eating dinner. The two could be seen doing something again in the room as one of them was moving her hips while being on top of the other.

"Lev. Lev. Lev. aahh…aahh….aahhhhhhhh." Tsubaki keeps on moaning and calling out his name while leaning in Lev's chest after having an orgasm. Every part of her body has completely been devoured by Lev and she no longer cares about her mission and just indulges in satisfaction.

[Love: 78 %]

"Tsubaki. Why don't you just become my woman?" Lev directly asked while looking at the Love parameter above her head. Though he knew that it needed to reach 100 % in order for her to be part of his harem, he felt like what they were doing was already not that different.

"Woman. Lev's woman. Lev's cock. Good. I'll be your woman." Tsubaki said while breathing heavily. Her mind could no longer think properly upon hearing those kinds of words as it completely made her lose the capability to think.

[Love: 100 %]

[Do you want to add Tsubaki Amamiya to Harem Member?]

'Yes.' Lev replied.

[Tsubaki Amamiya has been added to Harem Members.]

Seeing such a sudden notification, Lev couldn't help but smile widely before looking at her. Staring at her lewd face and seductive sweaty body, he immediately moved her into another position as he still haven't cum yet.

Following that, another round of loud moans could be heard throughout the room again and it lasted until midnight as Lev was completely overwhelmed by excitement by what he achieved that day before leaving Tsubaki completely knocked in the room.


---The next morning---

In the monitoring hall,

After a day of rest, Lev and the others then could be seen again in the monitoring hall however, things might be different seeing them waiting for Tsubaki's arrival after being ordered to gather in the place. 

As they had nothing else to do, Lev and the others just talked to each other inside while waiting when suddenly the door opened where a teenage boy with white skin and unkempt orange hair, with a lock of hair hanging between his eyes, wearing a yellow and orange stripes cloth cap with earflaps and a scarf with brown and beige stripes came in. 

The boy upon entering immediately headed towards the center nervously seeing that several people were looking at him. Not before long, the door opened again and Tsubaki, Alisa, and finally the protagonist of this world, Lenka, entered the hall. 

"Line up." Tsubaki ordered after everyone was now present. She, however, glanced at Lev and a faint smile appeared on her face before turning serious again as she looked at the people around.

"Kota Fujiki, Alisa Illichina Amiella, Lenka Utsugi. Effective immediately, you were assigned to become a member of the 1st unit." Tsubaki announced and the three mentioned persons immediately saluted.

"From now on, you were now under Captain Amamiya." Tsubaki followed while looking at Lindow in front.

With that, Kota, Alisa, and Lenka then looked behind and saw Lev and the others. Lenka and Alisa were already familiar with some of them while Kota was nervously looking at them.

Seeing that it was now their time, Lindow then introduced himself first as the unit captain followed by Sakuya as the second in command all through to Soma and Eric.

"I'm Lev Hendrix. Good to meet you all." Lev casually introduced himself while looking at the three of them.

Upon knowing them all, Alisa, Kota, and Lenka looked at Lev seriously especially Lenka as he remembered that he was the person who her sister said saved her. Following that, the three then also greeted each other before Lindow said that they could start working together tomorrow and take this day as a day off and also for them to prepare.

Right after saying that, Lindow and the others then left the room while Lev decided to stay and looked at the three people below. He looked at Lenka seriously thinking how the world would help him this time since he was already behind after being detained quite a time than the original.

After looking at them closely, Lev then also decided to leave when suddenly Alisa said something that caught him by surprise. 

"Let's fight." Alisa said while looking at Lev. The way he fought back against them was still lingering in her mind. She knew in her mind that he was the most powerful person in this place and wanted to use him as her sparring partner.

Hearing such a thing, Lev looked back and saw Alisa's eyes that were full of fighting spirit and he could not help but smile with curiosity. Wanting to know the reason behind this provocation, he then asked, "And why is that?"

"Because I want to be strong." Alisa answered truthfully while looking at Lev not wanting to back down from his stare.

Hearing such a reply, Lev smiled thinking that she was really that kind of person. He looked at her for a second before looking at Lenka with a good idea in mind.

"How about you fight that person beside you? He was the other New-Type that you're looking for." Lev said while looking at Lenka.

With that, Alisa looked at Lenka with surprise as she couldn't believe that he was a New-Type like her since she could not see any special thing about him. On the other hand, Lenka looked at Alisa and was also shocked that there was another person the same as him as no one had told him about it.

"This guy looks weak. I don't want to fight him." Alisa directly said after observing him. She didn't even care what his reactions would be as it was her instinct that told her that he was harmless.

Hearing such provocation, Lenka immediately frowned and wanted to rebuttal, however, Kota immediately butted in after seeing that the atmosphere was becoming heavy.

"That may be true. Follow me then." Lev said thinking that the Lenka right now really was weak. He then just leaves the place where Alisa followed him behind leaving Lenka and Kota in a trance.