

The plane ride was long, and boring. But, we had all told each other our names.

When we were at Chesapeake Bay, they told us the catch.

"There is a catch," Caden, the male leader, said. He was about to start talking, but Jess, the other, female, leader interrupted him.

"We're oceanographers. We are going places with mythical ocean creatures to see if they are real. You're our crew." She said it straightforward and blunt, and she ran a hand over a map.

"I think what she means to say," Caden elbows her in the side, "Is that we just need to do some diving for research. Nothing big."

We stared at them unbelieving.

"That's it. I'm going home. This trip is so a scam," Joshua, the redhead, said. Everyone seemed to agree with him.

As we started to turn away, Caden said, "I'm going to assume that most of you didn't bring the amount of money to get you all back home," He paused, "Plane tickets are a lot of money."

We each looked at each other nervously. "So you're kidnapping us?" Andrew, (Drew) asked cautiously.

"No, you all signed the wafer," Caden said seriously. He actually didn't realise what he was pretty much doing. He thought it was okay.

I tried to make the best of a bad trip, and said, "Well I've always wanted to travel the world. I'm still willing to do that, even if it means I see it from an ocean or river."

All the others were quite skeptical, but there really was no choice here. We didn't have enough money to all get home.

"So what are we doing in Chesapeake Bay?" Brooke asked.

"We, are exploring the myth of Chessie," Jess said, looking up from her map.

"What is that?" Nick questioned.

She paused, taking out a piece of paper labelled 'Chessie'.

"Chessie is closely related to Nessie, the Lock Ness monster," Jess paused reading her page further, "Some people in the area allegedly say they've seen a serpent-like creature, with flippers on its body," She looked to us, "Oh, by the way, we're kinda like myth busters for the water."

"when do we start?" I asked, trying to keep the disbelief out of my voice. I already had enough problems with water, the fact that people think these mythological creatures are in it to, gives me a queasy feeling.

"Right Now."