
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 84 In the distance

Chapter 84

In the center of the arid desert lands, former province of the Muscovite empire, lies the present capital of this newly founded kingdom Poves a city that flourishes thanks to the many rivers and oases, which support its large population.

Seen from the sky this was a city completely different from all the others or different because it was one of those who survived the Great break, its streets were wide and cobblestone letting vehicles like Saxon, Grant or Lafayette, run through its streets without any problem or hindrance, Large multi-story buildings adorn this city showing that the number of inhabitants in it is not for games, further away from the first image of Poves are the residential neighborhoods large groups of old buildings that have not been renovated long ago, close to these are the large factories that characterize the advanced cities of the central continent.

But we will talk in more detail at other times, what concerns us now happens under the city, more precisely in the old tunnels used during the wars.

3rd person Pov.


With a cry like a soul in pain, an older man rises from what appears to be a sarcophagus, his decrepit and wrinkled skin shows his old age, this added to his white hair makes it clear that he is already past 50 or 60 years old.

"That was a magnificent scream, I might even think you, oh, oh, you're sensitive."

Entering through the door of the room and letting the light illuminate it completely, what is shown is a young woman with a sarcastic smile on her face, this one easily mocks the magician as if there is no respect whatsoever.

"Elena! What did I say about going into my room from"

Emerging from the sarcophagus-like vessel, the mage enters a state akin to insanity, though he is stopped by the woman's next words.

"Yes, yes, your trance room blah-blah-blah, the leader wants to see you, he seems to be genuinely interested in what you have found."

As he waits for her words to be digested, he rolls his eyes before departing as he sees the old man begin to dress quickly as he grasps her meaning.

Already with the woman named Elena out of the trance room, in which multiple screens are seen with different views that appear to be of the puppets, the magician shakes his head to the side as if he is looking at different types of memories before ironing his clothes with his hands and departing.

Already dressed in a more professional manner, he leaves the room towards a structure that seems to be a labyrinth, straight corridors followed by horizontal ones, some with doors that seem to be from different rooms and many others that lead to more corridors, all this strange scene is because it is a fusion of the ancient catacombs, sewers and tunnels of the old war.

"You have arrived Esteban, come in, it seems to me that you have an interesting story on your hands."

Opening his eyes as if the previous trip had left him dizzy, he begins to reconnect his brain back to reality looking towards the one who calls himself leader, this is a young man of about 16 or 18 years old with a height of 1.70, black hair and eyes. nothing that really stands out about him except the room he is in, it was like a university courtroom only upside down the area where they were was the highest while where the benches would be the lowest, that low area was a mass grave hundreds or maybe thousands of corpses of different ages and genders are stacked on top of each other leaving an impression quite difficult to digest, although these are in a state of preservation almost like frozen in time.

"Sorry for my insolence leader, ahem as you know, we have distributed the sensors throughout the members of our community and it is just as you expected, we have picked up something."

Giving a quick bow to the leader, who simply waves his hand as if nothing will happen, he began to give him a quick rundown of the latest movements, which is stopped by a specific type of interest.

"It's unnecessary for you to give me a report on all your puppets at this time, now I just want to talk about the one who has come across this surprise."

"That's it?

Pulling him out of his chatter, the leader directs the conversion towards something specific and as if to prove his point, he waves his hand causing a black colored sphere surrounded by a three dimensional cube to appear in his palm, but that was not the strangest thing but a fragment of red thread found inside it.

"This is what has wiped out a part of your puppets and it was coming for your main body, Fate in its purest form, you have certainly come across one of the hardest to cope with."

Stopping actively moving that cube, it begins to orbit around him passively, but as if this didn't come as a surprise to Esteban, his eyes cloud over for a few seconds and then he began to sweat before he let out a few words.

"You mean we found one of them?"

"Certainly! And it's none other than Destiny! Hehehe who would have thought after meeting Olduvai I didn't expect this round to get any more chaotic!"

Letting out a laugh that was extremely strange, since despite coming out of the same mouth as his words it had a completely different tone, Esteban ducked his head as if he wanted to disappear completely without leaving any trace.

"Ahem, with that settled we can talk about other pressing matters, such as preparations at the border."

Sounding his throat his voice changes back to the one he was speaking from the beginning, followed by this he speaks towards Esteban, who has just regained his composure and goes back to giving his first report as if there was nothing out of the ordinary.

"We have been creating small frictions on the border to attract the attention of the military leadership and leave the defenses lower than usual, also due to the unforeseen of the slaves we are going to have to fill the vacancies with people from the slums, so we don't have to delay the ritual."

"perfect, certainly everything is going smoothly, now we just need to wait for the right moment".

While listening to Esteban's report, the leader turns around looking towards the mass grave, or at least that's what it looks like on the surface, due to the fact that the walls, floor and ceiling have different types of runic engravings, although more similar to incomprehensible mathematical formulas.

"I have a leading question, of course, if I may trouble you."

"Esteban, I'm in a very special mood at the moment."

Turning quickly on himself, he now stares into Esteban's eyes, which seem to tremble despite his already advanced age.

"shall we leave Fate out of all this?"

"umm... Certainly, an interesting question, but seeing as how you're alive and kicking, that means that Fate is most likely weakened or hasn't yet gotten some person it can stick to for energy... Well, it's not like that's going to affect us at all."

Starting to give a rather elaborate answer, letting on that he and Fate's permission or one of his previous carriers knew each other, he stops this quickly, leaving a few words behind then falling into deep thought.