
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 85 What responsibilities?

Chapter 85

Andrey pov.

*boom* *boom* *boom*

With the multiple sand explosions created by the golem's blows, I start to catch my breath while keeping an eye on the already cold corpse of the enemy leader, this one fought until the last moment, even with no arm or with the body full of wounds.

"seeing the lack of noise and no magic display, it means Nea's battle is over, my time is also running out... better regroup."

Stopping watching the golem show I start to get my thoughts in order by speaking out loud, this was not for mere pleasure it was because the power of the ability was starting to withdraw from my body, leaving clear aftermaths like a balloon after being deflated.

"You look bad and look I'm not one to talk, by the way wouldn't it be better to capture that man for interrogation?"

As I felt Nea's borrowed power leave my body, he appears running towards me from the shadows, I keep wondering how he can control his magic so well, even to make his mist not affect me.

"Can... Can it be that you're one of those who after the movement your mind clears up?"

Hitting back out of pure instinct, took a closer look at his appearance, this one is pretty bad to tell the truth or is it that he never gets damaged, so the contrast is quite visible when it happens, his cloak is found with multiple holes that are obviously from arrows, his shoulder and knee have a different color that even stands out in his dark colored armor, this one looks me up and down as if he can't believe that I hit him back.

"And you of the happy drunks, from the looks of it, that mana upload has made you a"

*boom* *boom* *boom*

"we'd better finish this later, now it's time to rescue the poor guy."

"It's my golem, ha never mind Golem bring him!"

Stopping our useless chatter that is almost routine now, Nea prepares to go save that Ivan guy, has he not realized that he is my golem? Anyway, I almost feel like punching myself in the face over this situation....

"Wait, that's an Earth Golem, how much mana did you waste on that monstrosity!"

Can he see through the fog, well, that wouldn't be weird since he created it regardless of how much mana he used....

"Not much, maybe half or three quarters."

The rumbling sounds stops for a few moments letting us see that the golem has completed his task, followed by that his full body appears and yes it is an aberration, his right leg is shorter than the left, making him walk leaning on his arms like a primate, the left arm is three or four times thicker than the right one and on his face it looks like someone has scrambled it all up leaving eyes, mouth, nose all over lying around.

"That was most unnecessary," he said, "it seems to me that he has lasted so long this boy only because the golom was so badly made that he could not attack effectively."

Taking my gaze off the Golem I look at Nea who makes some head movements while talking as if he can't believe my lack of sense, the truth I don't know how to answer about it... By the way will he realize that the fog is poisonous?


"what's wrong with this guy? Oh! the fog why don't you warn".

Pushing past his jokes, I start to restore my breathing so I don't end up even worse when the power goes completely, seeing that I'm not going to play along with his game, he moves his hand as if he was shooing something away and as if that was a sign the fog started to disappear quickly leaving everything as it was at the beginning.

"ha, ha, ha, ha, air!"

"So how do you plan to get information out of him?"

Noting that Ivan was going to survive this situation, he asked Nea how he will get the information out, I more or less have an idea where all this trouble is coming from but better to be cautious.

"Why would I, aren't you the leader of this group, now show your great gifts!"

"you're not a dark wizard! Now is your time, brainwash him, use hypnosis, search his memories or something!"

Avoiding the responsibility of this interrogation, though largely it is simply that I don't know how to do it, I could beat him until he talks, but that I don't think will work then Nea to the rescue or maybe not, noticing his look as if something has gone through his head this one takes a few steps back before running.

"I forgot we're trapped in a barrier, who better to disable it than a mage, hahaha."

"Did he just... run?"

Now how do I try to get information out of this guy?

Nea pov.

Leaving the responsibilities behind and showing again that going along for the ride is much better than leading, I'm getting closer to one of the pillars of this barrier, now it's how to defuse these things, I'm going for the old reliable one ie....


"Art is an Explosion!

Blurting out words representative of a certain person, I watch as a cloud of sand rises from the center of the explosion plus another dark shadow hits a spot nearby, in the next moment the cube starts to shake and tiny cracks start appearing all over the place, but what really gets me is that flying object.

After a few seconds arrived to the place of impact and it was quite striking, a branch in a barren desert... Yes It was obvious, grabbed that branch full of inscriptions, I analyze it with the system will not come to happen the same as with the crystal fruit that has not yet been analyzed.

[Marking branch]

[optimal requirements:(N/o)]



Description:Object created by embedding by force ideas in a physical container, due to its fragile material are used in quantity rather than quality, this creates a barrier in the form of three-dimensional cube isolating the inside from the outside, either in physical form or certain rules.

Aghh why can't it be a nice trip where we eat, bonds are formed and everyone lives happily, well not now we are attacked by someone who can create these objects... Or they just found them somewhere, you have to admit that only the wizard seemed to be strong.