
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 83 combat 3

Chapter 83

Nea pov.

*blast* *blast* *blast* *blast* *blast*.

Striking the arrows with my sword, I send them straight into the sand nearby, leaving them without effect except for the explosions that send dust and sand into the air.

"<dark tentacles>, <slowness> <restriction>, <stopped>, <stopped>"

Turning my head towards the continuous, cost of abilities, I begin to feel my body heavier as if the very world itself is holding me back, followed by this the surrounding dust is pushed away and from behind it comes a giant wave of tentacles, a height of 8 meters and a width 10 that the more it advances the wider it gains.

"<moonlight wave>"

Imagining a wave made of the same light that I previously threw towards them, I move my free hand in a quick movement and cast the magic, as if to demonstrate my null control instead of coming out a wave of light as I imagined what comes out is a sickly white liquid, this was not totally liquid like water it was more like a melted metal maintaining a kind of viscosity that sticks to everything it touches, this wave quickly gains size and height colliding head on with the tentacles although from this collision no kind of explosion was generated.

"you are unprotected! <aiming shot> <crosses barriers>"

"You know you're shouting your position? <moon shots>"

Shouting back at the bow idiot who apparently still being someone from the rear shouts his position, tried to cast my most used magic though obviously it doesn't come out as I want, instead of multiple spears being generated a small part of the liquid from the wave shoots out towards him taking a serpentine shape though never solid, it's consumes the archer's entire body giving him an end or so I thought, only a low almost imperceptible noise is discernible before a warm liquid flows down my shoulder obviously blood.

"what happened here system? Show my Hp and Mp"

Losing concentration due to surprise and it's not like I wasn't hurt before, this just wasn't happening, so long ago my thoughts couldn't hold together, causing me to lose imagination to keep the magic going, at least that's what should happen as if she had a life of her own the wave became more aggressive and multiple silver serpentine shapes came out of it attacking everything nearby.

[Hp:285/1,520] [Mp:764/4,136]

Taking advantage of all the out of control of this magic starting to attack everything around me, I notice my Mp and Hp amount seeing that these are basically on their last legs, but still holding up, then I ask the million dollar question.

"Why did it hurt me if my Hp is still high?"

*boom* *boom*.

"The user's Hp is similar to a barrier used by hysteria fighters, that's why no one has thought that it's unnatural that not getting hurt, obviously that barrier is not as useful as the users Hp, that's why the world system smooths the edges making the differences unnoticeable, but the enemy used an anti-barrier skill making the world system couldn't just erase all the damage, because %%€&#@@@ and #&¢¥÷"

What the hell just happened to the system, knowing that I wasn't going to get an answer just thinking about it, so I left this matter for later, now it was time to finish with this, pulling the arrow from my shoulder I activate the <first aid> skill to heal the wound already with that finished looked around the surroundings, these were horrible big craters with pale white liquids are all over the place, shapes like tentacles or snakes hit everything around and the wave now has won the crash leaving everything around like a white sea.

"Show me skill description."


[-"lunar mastery/ lunar mastery 2/ lunar mastery 3] [unlocks raw lunar energy, this can be used for spells or other features, extremely corrupt against Faith of any kind of gods [-500/-1.000/1.500Mp].


[-"lunar mastery/lunar mastery 2/lunar mastery 3]due to lunar corruption and subsequent healing, this has mutated beyond expectation, not recommended to use.

Description:forcibly converts any energy or ideas in the vicinity to the moon, due to this it takes on a liquid, semi-solid form with a will of its own(more information is being sought from the world system) once summoned it will passively consume mana from the user to maintain itself it can devour more mana and ideas from the vicinity to mitigate consumption.

[??? Mp]

This thing actually has a will of its own, so I wasn't crazy that it was attacking me at first... Well, that doesn't matter anymore, it's time to end it all, but first I must regain control of this magic or whatever this is, it took control fast too much to not notice that this thing doesn't resist but I'll put it aside first we must finish off the archer is the easiest.

"It seems to have run out of mana, <double body> <certain shot> <anti-barrage>"

"certainly, using so much mana continuously and unchecked has to have tired anyone out, <tentacle beast> <restriction>"

As I watch them walk around the pool of sickly white liquid that surrounds me thanks to the previous wave, I hear them glide to then see that from one archer comes 2 and then 4 then 8, on the other hand, the ground in the vicinity of the mage cracks and underneath it comes out a giant centipede only all made of tentacles that writhe on their own.

"Let's see how this works."

Saying some cool words I put away my sword and bow, followed by this I extend my hand a la byakuya causing columns of white liquid to jump out of the pond easily protecting me from the arrows, I then turn my head towards the giant centipede that launches itself straight into the pond with the mage on its head this one was simpler just create multiple ropes of liquid or so I wanted to, as what came out were ropes the thickness of a tree immediately trapping it and trying to sink it into the lake.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

With the noise of the explosions generated by the aura charged arrow plus the energy shot from the centipede in an attempt to free itself, I notice that there are many others in the distance in what seems to be Andrey's area, leaving that aside I use my plan which gives immediate clear results if the scream of pain and reluctance are a sign.


What did I do, the truth was simply move the liquid underground and then attack from below like a shark, some clones were impaled, others solely skewered on multiple spikes, some devoured by the liquid and another grabbed by the foot while being slammed into the ground.

"This is over, time to go check on my partner."

"Quite confident, or can't you see I'm still here?"

Talking to myself, I am interrupted by the wizard, who is barely keeping himself above the pond thanks to the body of his centipede.

"No, you're already dead."

"ha ha ha ha I'm an obvious necromancer that ahgg!"

His answer ends in a horrible scream while many tentacles made of white liquid come out of his mouth, eyes and all possible holes, seeing that end brought out the notification that previously appeared on my retina.

[you have killed a being connected to destiny +0.1 synchronization]



[due to the locking of the destination's permission, the destination's points will be automatically consumed]


"Well, this is over."

??? Pov

While Nea was singing victory elsewhere in the distance, an older man opens his eyes.