
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 71 Measuring stone

Chapter 71 Measuring stone

Following Andrey who is already in the main street of the town, I start to look around, they were busy, you could say, there are people passing from one side to the other fully armed, although their equipment shows that 80% of them are rookies, then there are those who look like merchants and town workers who by the way are hardened it seems that this place is not for the weak.

"If the bad mood has passed, can you tell me what we do next?"

"Ahh... The first thing will be to head towards the branch of the adventurer's guild here to sign up, then we'll see depending on how our luck works out."

Letting out a sigh, Andrey starts detailing the plan in question, which by the way is very fickle, what kind of plan is driven by luck.

"Your face says it all, it's not that I don't want to make a more detailed plan, it's simply that the crystal fruits always appear by surprise."

"What a problem... There's nothing worse than relying on luck."

Saying those words we keep moving down the main street although now without attracting so much attention, it seems that it was only the novelty of seeing a terracotta beast that attracted a look of more even so there are people who carry sandworms and even a scorpion as a mount, before I keep getting lost in my thoughts andrey snaps his fingers and points in front.

"This is, he could only say, a little strange."

"easy, they all think the same thing the first time, at least the expressions of those adventurers tells me so."

Ignoring where Andrey points, I start to see in more detail this work of art, it was the typical castle you create in minecraft the first time, that is a wall of 10 blocks high and a block with a free one in the middle, the strangest thing is that inside it was completely empty except for a square bar that in its center has a 2 meter stone completely black and I take for granted that it is a measuring one.

"Just wow"

"you've already jumped out of your thoughts, now come on, there's no time to lose."


Continuing still half stunned by this specialized architectural display of... I can't go on with this anymore! What could I forget about it all and just accept it as a special style...? If I'd better calm down.

"So what kind of business brings you here?"

Hearing an unfamiliar voice I snap out of my mind and take notice of the surroundings, we are now inside the structure, which doesn't change at all, except for some benches that are on the inside side attached to the walls, past that I notice the person speaking which is a fully armed man.

"We are here for an evaluation and permission to enter the crystal forest."

"agh... too serious, just touch this sphere, the rock will tell your stats and rank in the guild so we know where you can go."

Showing a face of discomfort at the straight and cold words of Andrey who doesn't mince words, he pulls out from under the bar a round, smooth and completely dark sphere.

"Fine I'll go first."

"Anytime, by the way, if you're next you get in line before someone else gets ahead of you."

Hearing the words of the guy behind the bar I stand behind Andrey thus closing the line, followed by that I turn my attention to the big rock which will tell andrey's stats.



Level: 26










[synchronization with relic:negative]

[base elements:earth, light(blocked)].

It came out his information almost completely and even his level, elements and synchronization, something that has never happened before, even so now that I have these memories I realize that the stats are formed by the RPG stats, I guess the envoys have done their thing even here.

"Rank E, not for a few points you would get to F, still I must give you an E class permission."

"I understand, but according to the rules here, if I have a companion of higher grade than me, I can go to a deeper area, right?"

"You are correct, now take this and let the next one go through."

What passed to Andrey was some kind of thin plastic sheet, followed by that he gave me a signal and pointed towards the sphere.

"Well, you know what to do, oh by the way that foil absorbs into the guild card."

"sure, nea quick, so we're off"


Leaving the surprise of the stats behind, I guide my hand to the sphere above the bar.



Level: 17










[synchronization with relic:positive]

[base elements:darkness, moon ]

"Oh... This certainly is weird, if the human race hadn't been around I would have already thought you were a vampire, nothing personal."

Weird that certain stats don't come up on that stone, still I keep thinking why do they say the moon element is rare when Andrey's sister is solar, leaving those thoughts I reply to the slash boy.

"I knew someone was going to say that, now just give me the card."

"yeah yeah, here you have C rank and by the way I don't recommend you to enter the C rank zone, just stay in D".

After receiving the card from the hands of the guy with the bar, I simply bring it close to my guild card and it automatically absorbs it, leaving that aside I look at my status only now in my system and yes it looks like I have gone up a level during the trip, also my stats have increased from the fights, oh by the way I have a new title <kings killer>.

"Well, we're off we go there are things to prepare before the night comes."

"I follow you, oh bye bye slash boy!"

"at least ask my name if you're going to say goodbye to me!"

Leaving the guy's screams behind we left the castle... If I'm not going to talk about it that gives me a, a, nothing, now if walking down the main street we managed to find a halfway decent inn in which to stay.