
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 72 Tracks

Chapter 72 Tracks

"This was the best we could find, are you serious?"

Looking towards andrey who is doing some stretching, sword slashing and jumping, I ask him about this doubt that is gnawing at me.

"Don't complain, at least you have a roof over your head, see the thing is there's no room in other inns, that's one of the cons of being in a touristy place."

Still not letting go of these calibrations for his body, come on I can't think of anything else for him to do these stretches for, I start looking around this room.

Simple, that would definitely define what I get to see of this room, everything is made of dirt, the beds except for the mattresses which are one at each end of the room, the closet which is fixed in the center in front of the door and a glass branch protrudes from the ceiling giving light over the entire room.

"What a death... whatever... What time does the party start?"

"No idea, but according to my collected data that branch you've crossed out as a lamp is a clock, the moment it stops glowing is when night is created."

"Do you really know that you should just look out the window and you'll find out if it's night?"

"As you say..."

Snorting at my answer and looking at me for a few moments, he just lets it go and goes through the motions.

"Well, I'm not going to stand here and watch a man sweat, I'll wait for you downstairs while I eat something."

"sure, by the way, if you can order something for me I'm almost done calibrating my body."

Accepting andrey's request I open the door while giving him an ok signal, wait he will even understand the signal... Meh what's the worst that can happen.

Going down from the third floor, if all the residential buildings in this town go up it seems it's to not leave the area of influence of the river, after a few minutes I arrive to the first square, place where there is a general dining room and as planned I ask for a table plus the food.

??? Pov.

"So boss who's the one we're looking for?"

Looking at the dog in front of me, who I don't even remember his name, I start to think about what brought us to come to this hunting camp.

"Are you an idiot? Didn't we say we are chasing the slave thief?"

"don't forget that he also killed one of our members."

Before I can fall into contemplation I hear the old slow voice, coming from the one sitting on the right side of the table, this is an already old man, with dark cloaks and an air of slight death, if a necromancer he was the one in charge of keeping Petro's soul in this world while using it to follow our target.

"That's right mage, this is already personal, now Ivan we are here to track the culprit of Petro's death and apparently this one is heading towards the village of the adventurers guild."

Talking to him who sits across from me at this table who is the one asking what we are doing here in the first place, I start analyzing him to know if he lives or not to this mission, his equipment made entirely of cloth except for a light iron breastplate and two greaves lodged in his waist shows that he is a poor devil just joined the group.

"As you say boss! Then he must be getting ready to enter the crystal forest, are we going to ambush him there?"

"Ha ha ha ha little Ivan looks like your head still works, according to the information we have he must be a magic knight."

Who is speaking now is the one sitting on the left side of the bar table where we met, he was a man with a small and frail body, his quiver, bow and short knife show him as the type of mercenary who specializes in ranged damage.

"From the looks of it that's how it is, from Petro's memories we have seen that he has controlled the elements fire and earth, not very important thing due to the fact that all mages can do that by paying more mana, the really important thing is that he is a swordsman and uses magic."

"Heh, heh, heh, nothing better for some meat dolls than magic swordsmen, their bodies are perfect for... Heh, heh, heh."

With the old magician's laughter, all the hubbub in the room goes silent for a few seconds, but as if this were normal, everyone goes back to what they were doing before.

Nea pov.

"hey, don't get mad!"

Walking through the streets of the village following Andrey I try to tell him that it was simply a mistake... I mean who knew I forgot to order his food.

"I'm not mad, I simply realized that we could be looking for information about the forest creatures instead of wasting time."

"good point you have there, now the thing is where can we find that information."

"unlike you who was just eating, I've been exchanging information with the guys in the mess hall."

Without even time to think of any solution for our situation Andrey comes out with one from under his cloak, finished this conversation we move to a farther corner of the village or we try to because in an instant a small amount of mana surrounded the whole place and boom! It was night.

"Well it is night."

"certainly... it looks like we're going to have to go without information."

As if his interest in buying information has faded, he takes a quick turn and starts heading in the direction of the forest.

"I thought you were the calm and calculating one."

"and I thought wizards had good memories, I guess they can always let us down."

"ha, ha, ha, ha, so if you were angry."

Walking behind Andrey, I pulled out my sword, bow and equipment, everything I had taken off during the short break, now it was time for action.