
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 70 Crystal forest

Chapter 70

Nea pov.

"This must be a joke!"

With an almost hysterical scream coming from my good companion Andrey who seems to have lost his icy face, he looked behind us, they were many about 20 minimum and what was he talking about, well desert worms, their bodies from 2 to 3 meters, a pale earthy skin that camouflages perfectly with the environment and a very high aggressiveness.

*Boom! boom! boom!

"I just wanted a Pokémon... What? Oh right, you're not Sif!"

Responding to my riding partner, who stared in my direction like "what the hell are you talking about", I move my bull back and forth in a zigzag fashion, avoiding the continuous skills thrown towards us.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but you should know that kidnapping members of other species is wrong, wasn't the chocobo thing enough?"

"That was just borrowing... OK I was wrong, <fire magic:igneous hail>" (-500mp).

Giving the reason to my traveling companion, I activate a skill made for large crowds of people and it didn't work... Well, it works just not as well as I thought, I guess these worms also have a weak fire resistance in their state.

*Boom!* *Boom!*

"Are you serious?"

"I just got nervous, blush emoji."

"If you don't mind, I'm going to ignore the last one, over there!"

Snorting at andrey's lack of culture he looked to where he pointed, it was a very wide and extensive river, the thing is that it appears from nowhere, no seriously the river appears from nowhere, there is simply a diffuse area where you can't manage to see anything and from there the river is created towards the distances of our field of vision, in its vicinity scattered every now and then there are crystal trees their leaves are formed by different types of colors and the light makes them shine beautifully.

"I don't want to tell you this, but I really don't think they are afraid of water, although we could use it to cast magic on them."

"huh? No, we simply have to get close to the river and the law of the river will prevent them from attacking us."

My search about water magic in my memories is stopped due to Andrey's words, I'm just surprised, come on what kind of river turns you monsters to peaceful mode. Still there is no time to waste, fixing where the terracotta bull is going I direct it towards the river which is getting closer and closer, with that accomplished I ask the system what is going on here.

"There are many places that are governed by different rules, laws or physics scattered around hysteria, simply this river is governed by the rule of <pacifism in its vicinity>"

"that was simpler than I expected."

Putting aside information that will be useful at other times, we finally reach the vicinity of the river and as if that was a trigger, a notification comes to my retina.

[you have entered a peaceful zone]

[any aggression will not be tolerated in the vicinity, act at your own risk].

* roar* *roar* *roar*

"Ha ha ha ha, there you go!"

Taunting the worms that keep roaring from outside, which by the way I don't know how they can roar, oh well they are magic, I finish that and look over to Andrey who is smacking his face as he looks to the side.

"I don't know him."

"You're a traitor!!!, besides there's no one around for you to have to confirm that."

Completely ignoring my words he just gives me a quick glance and slaps his bull causing it to run full speed again, what the hell? Seriously, he's just going to walk away like that, no more.

"wait for me!

With a shout that travels through the deserted vicinity and the only ones who hear it are the worms, I take off after my companion traveling along the river bank.

??? Some time later.

After an extensive ride which passed without any problems thanks to the law of the magic river, we arrived at a fork, the river that we were following all this time forks in two, although its width is not lost, in the center of these two new rivers is an island and it is where the so-called ancient forest of crystal, well it's not like you can get lost literally is bright as a lighthouse.

"Don't come and say we got here, oh come on, it's damn obvious that island is the crystal forest."

"you're not wrong, even so seeing as it's not nighttime nearby, that means we're in time to get in today"

Responding to my comments we kept moving along the river bank so as to reach the village Andrey had spoken of.

"Night, night... I guess it will be an artificial night like the one in the city of Chistaya."

"yes, the difficulty of the crystal forest rises enormously in the daytime and that's why the guild administrator creates an artificial night, obviously this gives them a lot of influence in this hunting ground, even so the mercenaries are not far behind."

Oh, looks like we're going to get into a hotly contested place, well, it's not like we have any problems with the guild or the mercenaries.

Finishing those thoughts he looked ahead and there is this town, it was small, at least compared to the places we have been the last few times, it was a town without walls thanks to its proximity to the river or maybe because it was inhabited by skilled fighters, there were about 30 or 40 houses, towers and inns all with strange and eccentric shapes it seems that making structures with earth magic brings out the inner artist in everyone.

"We have arrived! A bed, shower, people with expressions, all in one place!"

"I should have fed you roast beef."

Leaving those few words he heads towards a sort of central street, which is made of solid sandstone blocks.

"you didn't get angry did you?"