
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 48 welcome tho city

Chapter 48

"Oh boy you are brutal."

Making an exaggerated blather, as I have the head mercenary yelling next to me and go figure if Andrey can hear me.

"At least I didn't nail men and fill them up inside."

With a monotone and cold voice he says some words that if someone doesn't know what we're talking about an assassination would think we're talking about something else half shady.

"Hey! There are people here, at least explain or express yourself better!"

[exp +500]

[exp transferred to Sif]

[Sif-"Lvl 9(19,930/25,600)]

[you killed a being connected to destiny +0.1 synchronization]



[due to the locking of the destination's permission, the points of this one will be automatically consumed]

As the notifications came to my retina and the cessation of the leader's screams, this can only be meant to mean that he has died, passing from him noticed the fearful faces of those who can only be the former slaves.

"hey I'm new around here... So you're in charge right?"

Throwing the responsibility on Andrey's shoulders and ignoring the look in his dead eyes, I start to see what there is to steal and obviously retrieve my stuff from these thieves/corpses.

15 minutes later.

I have recovered everything, my ring that holds my useless things, lux's bow and the sword that was just used against me, then there are also four horses that are the ones that were pulling the wagon and if there is anything else it will have been left under the sand thanks to my first spell.

"Yes, you have finished looting the dead, we can leave according to the map from one of the minions, they were going towards the capital city of Poves then the safest thing to do is to go to the port city of Chistaya."

It seems to me that he put a little more force than necessary in the Dead part, naa must be an imagination, I don't think he is so mean and, since we have a plan, it's time to move, I already want to see the sea.

??? Some time later.

With the march that lasted a few days I think, since we have eaten some times and slept others... If I am very confused, we arrived to the city of Chistaya and it was incredible what I see, it was not because of the green of the landscape or the great structures of sandstone, terracotta and sand that seem taken out of a story, the thing is that it is night around the city!

"My eyes deceive me or there is a night over the city, it clearly has no moons, but it is a night, right Andrey?"

This I have to confide with my stoic friend Andrey, who is still driving the front float because I only know how to ride and by the way the rear one is being driven by a woman in the group.

"Yes, wow what a surprise and is it really necessary for you to confirm every single thing with me?"

With her quick and prickly response that I'm used to by now, I start thinking about what I'm wondering and it's a resounding yes, come on it's stupid to pass up a native's guidance on what to eat and what not to eat, what kind of animals are herbivores and which one is carnivorous, all up to date and important information.

"Yeah, did you forget what happened with that pack of chocobos, who knew they'd get so mad about borrowing one of their pack members?"

Yes, while we were traveling towards Chistaya we came across a herd of chocobos resting in some kind of oasis, obviously I wanted one, come on it's an iconic bird, besides who doesn't want a super-bird on two legs with golden color and bestial strength, so I asked to borrow a member of their herd... Well, I tried because they pecked us out of there.

"Speaks he who killed a person for his sword and you complain about being chased for attempted abduction."

It almost made me feel bad for my actions, of course then I realized I'm not an animalist and it all passes me by.

Between our conversation and wasting time, we move closer to the city letting us see well its structure, the city is separated from the desert by a wide river through which passes a bridge of about 20 meters, so would it be an island where the city is, the main difference from those I have seen so far is the lack of wall for defense, their houses are made of sandstone giving it a whitish and light brown touch obviously there are some that stand out as the pure stone tower of the archives or the adventurers guild.

"stop say your name and business!"

Who stops us is a guard who is stationed near the bridge, more exactly in a security booth made of sandstone.

"We are adventurers and we have saved these nomads from some illegal slavers."

While Andrey talks to the guard he first signals to me and then to the wagons where those who were going to be sold as slaves were.

"I can't confirm anything you say, besides you are a member of the guild, hey you lift one of those captives."

With the shout of the guard who still remains defensive I see how he points towards me and then towards the cart, well I guess he has a bit of brains not to trust just anyone, still if we were the bad guys he would already be with the fishes.

"Sure whatever."

Taking a small jump from the top of the cart I land on the sand and with that I go towards the cart that was under my butt, I then grab one of the guys clothes and give him a few tugs.

"Wake up, come on man up."

After a few seconds the now older man I'm holding opens his eyes, with a very pissed off look, obviously before he sends himself against me he pointed at the guard.

"We're here, now get the others up and go through the motions."

40 minutes later.

"So... Why the fuck are you following me!"

With Andrey's shout ringing out in the dark night the city is in and being reciprocated with a few "shut up's" from the houses on the sides, I prepare to respond, of course first I'll give you a summary of what happened before I was here.

After lifting the guy out of the car he presented himself to the guard, who obviously took him inside the booth for security and all that, after an interrogation of about 10 minutes it was shown that we were telling the truth and we almost left until the guard stopped us with the excuse that he had to go get other people to arrange the refugees and that they were our problem until then.

Then after waiting 20 minutes for the administration officers to arrive along with more soldiers, they asked us a few questions and let us go, then we are back in the present.

"To satiate your doubts, boy, you already knew the way to this city, you moved very well with those administration guys, and now you walk confidently through this city as if you have somewhere to go."

Noticing his wobbling as he walks is a token of confirmation of what I was thinking, by the way as we walked we came to a high income area, by the looks of it, as there are lampposts on the roads and guards every so often.

"You can stop that now boy, and by the way who would invite a complete stranger into their home?"

He says it so simply that I don't know if he's really angry or if it's just a bit of pride that he won't let me call him that, as our conversation drags on we move into an area where the houses are starting to be wooden and western type architecture.

"Unknown me! We've been through thieves, beasts, arenas and all that for you to call me a stranger...I don't know if I should have saved you from having your back door opened!"

"I rescued you from a slow death in dehydration and heat, we were even!"

With his answer we arrive at a house that is bigger than the rest, its structure made of walnut wood giving it a dark brown touch, its shape is an L, on the top of the L is a tower bigger than the rest of the structure and made of stone, on the inner part are multiple tents making it look like a badly made square, even so the first thing that greets you is its wide garden full of solid sand sculptures, fountains and flowers all surrounded by some metal gates.

"You're saying that living a lifetime as a slave to a fat, old, ugly, which NTR is to your taste...I really didn't have you down as that kind of person."

"I don't know what this NTR thing is, but your words are offensive as well as truthful, yet there are rules you will follow in my house."

With everything settled, Andrey pulls out some kind of gem from somewhere in his clothes and it glows slightly making the gate open automatically.

"Every man's house is his castle, boy don't look at me like that I mean I will follow your rules as long as I am in your house."

Finishing those words and avoiding Andrey's gaze, we move towards the door of the house.