
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 47 Battle in Sand

Chapter 47

"thanks don obvious, now those who have us are a bunch of C-grade mercenaries, they are the same thing as adventurers, only without rules or restrictions the worst thing about these guys is that they are slavers not naturals."

Listening to their information I now start to analyze them looking for the F grade leader, this obviously was the one who was at the head with my sword in hand, the bastard.

Name Petro

Hp 500/500 Mp 300/300 Gender: Male











Skills<one-handed swiftness><light step><body control><ground throw>.

From his higher stats than the rest and his leadership position, I guess this guy is the F class leader, knowing that I can't call out Sif unless I want him to kill me for revealing his bald head to the world, I must use the human resources at my disposal.

"What's that about unnatural slavers must be something about what's allowed and what's not, but in more detail what is it?"

I need time to think of something workable and know what I can work with out of all these that are with me.

"natural slavers are those who deal with war slaves, debt or criminals, while these plunder the population of villages living away from the capital or the unfortunate travelers, of course with a little bribery everything is arranged as you who are this month's bribery... Not with your face maybe of the year"

Wait! If I stay here they will sell me a sexy brunette, I can only think:There are destinations some richer than others.

"Just told you her main buyers and partners are fat old men from the city of Poves, so... I feel sorry for you."

At that instant I knew this was personal and before obviously it was, but now to protect my rectal area I must totally kill them, as a man with his anus intact once said:Deus Vult!

Obviously, before I dive right in, I analyze my Savior/thief to see if he can take care of himself.


Hp 530/600 Mp 700/700 Gender: Male

Level: (not marked as enemy)


Occupation:guard of the sands








Skills<Guard><absolute defense> <anti-pagans><earth magic> <damage absorption><life line>.

He was a pure tank, at least that's what it looks like from his stats and his skills are in sync with that as well, well, looks like he'll survive.

"Hold on tight!"

"wait, they're armed and we're not!"

Hearing my shout that showed something I was going to do he jumps in with that no weapons thing, wait they must not have thought I was a warrior... Well, it seems they did.

"ha ha ha ha ha no weapons needed here! <earth magic:seismic wave>"

Letting out a maniacal laugh, protect anos, I use one of the many magics that are around the system, obviously it will be expensive for not having affinity or never having used it, but here it is full of earth elements, so it is infallible.(-1500mp).

As I crash my hand on the floor of the wagon, since it is the closest to the sand, a small wave spreads from the bottom of this a small wave that grows extremely disproportionately with less than a few seconds, ahh... I love mana.


Between the screams of the mercenaries and the neighing of the horses as they were hit by the wave of sand that grew extremely fast after passing through the wagons, I get out of the wagon from the bottom now that the wood that made up the floor was destroyed by my magic.

Once outside, I am directly assaulted by the sunlight, momentarily losing my sight only to hear Andrey's shout accompanied by a dull crash nearby and then find myself thrown against the ground.

"So you were a mage, you guys know what to do."

Hearing the voice of what I assume to be the leader, I feel the fluctuation of mana in the vicinity, but it wasn't necessary either, as the very idiots shouted their abilities into the wind.

"<earth spear><wind blade>"

Before I can even think of a defense method or where the attacks are coming from, I feel Andrey's presence next to me and followed by this I am surrounded by a field of Faith.

<absolute defense>

"Looks like the plan didn't go as planned, still they are down from 8 to 4, I'll take care of the common mercenaries, you take care of the leader, shall we?"

With a cool and calm voice like the one he has been using during all previous conversation, he started dictating a rather common but effective plan.

"Yeah, I'm all right now damn desert, <earth magic:molded>"

Passing the go-ahead to his plan, he quickly molded the sand from the ground into a rudimentary sword just like the one in Andrey's hands.

"3,2,1 already!"

With the end of his words, the field around us crumbles, leaving the battle to reactivate already with the sight accustomed to the light, remembering the leader's stats I increase my Agility and strength(-200mp=+10 strength=25 total).

(-400=+20 agility=30 total).


With the sound of our weapons clashing and the sound of weapons clashing behind us the new round of combat begins, ignoring the rear where Andrey fights, I created multiple spikes shooting out from the sands towards the leader of these thieves, in a show of Agility and Dexterity he moves across the sand as if it were solid ground and avoids all incoming attacks before moving my old sword to my right side.

Before his sword can reach me, I create an obstacle at his feet to stop his slashing motion and then make multiple flaming spheres nearby before exploding them.


With an explosion that engulfs all my vision, but does not harm me in any way, as I am its creator I notice a slash that separates the hot air left after the explosion for the sole purpose of going for my head, with those thoughts I immediately guide my sword upwards with force of more so I can send it flying away.

"Wow for a mage you sure have strength, even so I've been told that using spells without affinity costs a lot more and by the slowness of those explosions I can swear you have no affinity for fire."

Landing in the arena he began to speak which villain of 2°, but he is also a little right, the animal, the earth element is all over the place, then it is easier to manipulate instead the fire and light element are in the atmosphere making it more delayed the process of launching.


Hearing the scream of one of his companions he gets momentarily distracted I guess he didn't think Andrey could with his minions, at that moment he created multiple earth spikes while throwing them, I start running towards him.

"I can too, <earth spikes>"

As he comes out to meet me he also starts to cast magic having to put his concentration in two different places, thus leaving room for what I cast a simple, but very dangerous magic against someone who relies on his Agility.

<earth magic:swamp>.

Before he realizes, his feet are buried in an area that is softer than the rest, letting his knowledge of the terrain work against him, taking advantage of his confusion I lengthen the blade of my sword turning it into a sort of jousting spear and grace to the run I had already taken from before I pierce him like a sheet of paper.

"You think this is going to kill me! I am Petro the sub-leader of the scorpions of the"

Seeing that if I leave him he will continue to talk trash, I create from the hilt of my spear-sword a call that engulfs everything.

"aghh! kill me, sun mat!"

Hearing his cries, those fighting Andrey surrender, leaving their swords in the sand, only to have their heads rolling on the ground a few seconds later.