
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 49 Sun, sun, ¡SUN!

Chapter 49

Passing along the cobblestone path that goes from the gate to the entrance of the house, which is made of a light and obviously resistant wood, we came across some sculptures and flowers along the way.

"I'm going to open the gate as you enter, follow me quietly."

When we get to the door he pulls out an expensive looking glass key which he places in the lock, followed by this and before turning the key he tells me to be quiet which thief.

"Just in case, this is your house, right?"

"Sure, if not why would I have the key to the door and the gate, I just don't want certain things to happen".

Finishing his words, he pushes the door slowly like when you get up at 4am, and you don't want to wake up your boss, but just like in those moments you always make noise even if you don't want to.


With the squeak of the door hinges, the whole room instantly lights up as if it had sound sensors.

"Shit, I screwed up."

"Come on, nothing bad happened, and if you're worried that there's a person in the house there's nothing to worry about, since according to my magic there's nothing."

Upon hearing my opinion his body loses its tightness and calms down like I've never seen him before, followed by that he starts saying his rules from bathing me before going to bed and not breaking anything, come on they were basic courtesy+personal hygiene rules.

"Follow me, I will take you to the room you will be staying in, also don't do anything offensive against the service or housekeeping staff."

Starting to walk from the entrance we came to a main hall, then we moved down some stairs and then went through some hallways, I mean, I'm really lost.

"I'm not a barbarian, I know etiquette and courtesy for staying in someone else's home."

"Sorry, but you never know"

Come on, is he taking it so hard or is it just a joke, it's just that his body language is so dead on and his words too ok, it's hard to tell what he's thinking.

"This is your room, remember to bathe before you go to sleep."

After a lot of walking we come to a hallway full of rooms or so it seems, since all the doors are the same, at that he points ahead of us and opens the door letting us see a pretty well furnished room.

Inside the room there is a double bed with a curtain to cover the people inside, a carpet under it that covers 90% of the room made of what seemed to be wool, in a corner a closet, a chest of drawers and a desk all next to each other, on the other side there is a door to what seems to be the bathroom.

"Sure, dad, I'm going to take a bath."

Noticing his clear twitch in his right eye, I quickly close the door in his face and followed by this I walk towards the bathroom door.

"It's 2 o'clock in the morning, at 8 o'clock the sun comes up, you better not waste your time."

With a last shout from the door outside the room heard Andrey's footsteps leaving, well it was time for the bathroom and yes I needed it, come on sand will come out of areas unknown to me, obviously what happens to everyone when I get to the bathroom has happened to me and that is to think about the really important things.

"System, explain what this is about titles".

As I ask about this thing I've been ignoring for the past few days, he grabs my tattered clothes and throws them aside, I don't have anything to wear by the way... I really need to buy some clothes.

"Titles are divided into three styles such as <passive>, <active>, <decorative> these can be awarded for getting certain items, eliminating a certain group of monsters, and doing some kind of action"

Listening to his cold and unfeeling words as always, I turn on the water and let it run for a few moments to adjust the temperature, at that I go towards the hygiene items lying around, soap, shampoo, cream, etc.

"Show the types and quantities of titles I have so far."

"Clear user"




Looking at the notifications that can even be seen when I close my eyes, so the soap doesn't get in them, I asked him for which ones are these 3 decorative and the 4 passive ones.


[Welcome to Hysteria!]


[Permit holder]


[Ancient race]

[Library on the move]

[observed by the moon]

[the right tool for the right job]

Finishing my bath I turn off the water faucet and quickly grabbed the towel from the nearby table, at that I start thinking about the self-explanatory titles, <Ancient Race> obvious it is for my base race, <Library in Motion> must be for all the permit knowledge I have stored, then <Watched by the Moon> must be for what happened within the fate permit and the last one was the only one I had record of.

Passing on from all this because I am lazy, I have not slept well since this trip has started with the damned desert sun, with that said I put on a pair of the pants I took from the first village and go to bed.



[due to the concentrated solar elements in the area, you're taking passive damage]


Has it ever happened to you that you have fallen asleep near a window, only that by the time noon comes you get up forcibly due to the rays of light, well here it's the same thing, only that these solar rays are hotter than usual... Hot? Hot!

"Solar Magic:Plasma Sword".

It was like an instant, like when you wake up being late for something, and it seems like you've been injected with a load of caffeine making laziness and sleepiness instantly take off, well it was that case here.

Doing some kind of sit-ups she managed to lift my upper body and put strength in my legs, followed by that she jumped like a spring towards the wall that was in front of my bed, thus avoiding the giant two-handed sword made of what according to the girl was solar plasma, this yellow white sheet goes through the bed, the floor and the wall all as if it was paper.

"Stop, stop, what are you doing!

"You damned wraith, how can you harass a poor child!"

Without even thinking about my words, or maybe she's crazy, she starts preparing obviously another magic for her attack, if the magic fluctuations say anything, obviously I can't attack, and it's not that I don't believe in Kazuma's great philosophy it's just that she has some kind of white liquid dome around her and sends danger signals constantly.

"Solar magic:tococline cannon".

Before that shit that looks like very bad news is fired, I quickly run towards the wall that was completely incinerated, this just in case that spell will explode when it comes in contact with something solid.

"Sis! Stop!"

"Boy help!

Before the attack is launched, Andrey's head is let through the door, and he tries to stop the madwoman, whom he calls his sister.

"No, you better kill him, Wait it was a joke!"


Without letting Andrey finish his words, his sister fired the spell directly towards my face, obviously she had a backup plan, which was not necessary, as Andrey chested her from behind causing the power of the spell to be thrown sideways through the ceiling, other walls and continued beyond the garden of the property.

"Why have you stopped me little Andrey, has she brainwashed you, has she got something on you, is he an acquaintance of hers?"

In a loving voice, resembling a mother more than a sister, he starts throwing out all sorts of possibilities why he might be here.

"¡No! And I've already told you not to use your sight in elemental mode outside of combat, look what happened!"

"Yes, yes, little Andrey, you're quite the genius."

With an Andrey trying to sound mature, and a crazy sister, begins my day in the city of Chistaya.