
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 46 dunes, mercenary and sand

Chapter 46

Getting the notification out of my eyes, which was just a reminder of how bad it can be to use the wrong element for the wrong enemy, I go for the simple and straightforward, i.e., sword it's your turn!

Creating more platforms in the air I start running towards the scorpion still holding in attack position, passing the front of its body where the tongs were still covering its head, I quickly position myself over its center body and quickly charged the sword with neutral mana.(-100mp)

"not so fast! <earth magic:solidity>" (-300mp).

Feeling threatened he tries to hide under the sand being quickly stopped by my earth spell, seeing his panic entry, I undo the platform holding me in the air letting me swoop down on his back cutting his tail that was held over his breastplate and stabbing the sword into his back.

"<mana blast>"

Blurting out the name of the skill already simply out of habit, I cause the mana inside the blade to convert to the fire element thus incinerating everything inside, leaving the creature only able to let out a muffled scream.

[exp +80]

[exp transferred to Sif]

[Sif-"Lvl 9(19.430/25.600)]

Passing on those notifications that are already the norm due to the fact that I've been passing all the experience to Sif, jumped out of the corpse that is merely a shell empty of all living organs, used the system function to scrap monsters.

[you have obtained natural armor+1]

[poisonous stinger+1]


[sand scorpion meat].

The only thing left now in the scorpion's place is a blood stain in the sand that still keeps a little bit of solidity, ignoring that I start to think rationally and yes it was a bad idea, not only the way I fought, but also the death of the scorpion, come on it was a perfect mount for the desert I just had to use the taming tome.

"Sif, I need you, uwaa!"

Finishing letting out a scream that has no place at present, but most likely will in the future, that is, thinking ahead ok, with those thoughts that don't seem to make sense but will when I start walking through this desert alone, without a mount, in the sun....

I want to shout...

"System give me an estimate of the expense in this fight."

I'm asking you why it's important, not because I'm bored and need some kind of conversation.


Nea horcrux

[Mp 2,800/3,960]

[Hp 1480/1520]

I've seriously spent at least 1000Mp simply on a scorpion, well who's hungry.

Knowing I can't procrastinate anymore I start walking back towards the top of the dune, arriving what greets me is... More sand and more sand as far as the eye can see.

"I have a long road in front of me, well better get started now."

??? Time later.

How long has it been since I've seen anything other than sands and blue sky, you might be thinking why doesn't he use the <time> skill, well the thing is no matter what time I say, it's always daytime, no night or anything like that so I've been walking under an eternal sun and with no being to tame I'm still on my feet.

"One dune, another dune, another dune and another, wait it's an oasis!"

While counting the dunes in my vision from the dune where I find myself that is higher than the rest, managed to see something that stands out like a sore thumb, yes it was an area of green among all this sand colored monotony, as if it was a gift from the gods themselves.

Quickly creating a platform so I could pass over the dunes without losing my way, I increased my Agility and Dexterity launching myself across the platforms towards the oasis at full speed.

Reaching one of the dunes that surround the oasis as if protecting it, like the geological construction of a canyon, I begin to see what is in the vicinity of such a natural wonder.

In the center obviously is the water source, this consists of a null color showing its purity or magical nature, having a length of about 300 meters and a width of 100, its surroundings are full of green vegetation from palm trees, fruit plants, decorative trees and grass growing all over the place.

Moving on from the aesthetic side, he managed to see that there are quite a few types of animals around that place maintaining a certain kind of order, that is, carnivores are not devouring the herbivores incredibly.

Knowing that it's safe... Probably, I start moving towards there, not only because it's interesting, but also because the oasis are one of the most important resources in the deserts, so there's probably some indication of where things are around here.

Arriving at the place I am quickly enveloped by the shadows of the trees, something that hasn't happened since, come on this staying under the sun all the time is horrible, I don't even want to know what my skin would look like if I wasn't of a strange race.

Quickly moving on from my thoughts I dash towards the center of this situation, that is the oasis or the water source in it, as I start to drink water I notice how crystal clear it is and the animals start to drink from it as well.



"Wake up!"

With a jolt and an incredible dizziness, I notice how a lot of colors pass through my vision, before I appear in a completely different place than I was before.

"Are you okay, well, anyway, that doesn't matter anymore in this situation."

Who is talking to me is a young man with chocolate skin, dark blond hair, green eyes and clothes that are precisely made for the desert, although for their hardness and material I would say they are for facing monsters.

Passing from him he looked to the sides to know where I was and the situation did not please me at all, we were in a kind of wagon where there were about 5 males in addition to the boy and me, in front of us there are about 5 armed people mounted on camels, in the back of us is another wagon is full of women and behind them there are 3 men on camels


"Answer me, at least you know all I had to go through to rescue you from that pile of sand."

Hearing the half offended voice of the guy I don't know his name, finished visualizing the situation I find myself in and proceed to plan something to escape or so I want to think.

"I hear you, you know, besides cof cof who you are and why we are cof in this situation."

Throwing a glance towards him I ask, an explanation of the situation quickly and tried to get water out of my ring only to find out it's not where it should be, sure, desert thieves.

"Yeah you're welcome for saving you, well I can't be mean, that's what my sister was saying... Okay I was, well I am, since we're not dead yet an adventurer of grade E. I was looking for a scorpion of the sands for its sting which sells for a good price and suddenly I found a body, I thought about looting you and leaving you there but I managed to see that you were an adventurer"

Listening to his story I have the system send the water straight into my mouth from the inventory, making me look like an idiot as I puff out my cheeks for a few seconds and then repeat the same thing.

"Wait, you tried to rob me, it's not like there's no stealing from the dead, that's bad luck!"

Looking at me with a 'you're dumb' look, he continues to talk, oh come on, there's sand, so I thought of Egypt where tomb raiding is frowned upon, but apparently not, I guess it's like Cleopatra is in Africa. It doesn't automatically make it black, what can I say? Netfx moment (no racism, it's a reference to Netfx)

"Yeah, I tried to rob you, I had thought you were a shitty slaver if not what would you do in the middle of the desert until I thought of another type of idiot who will throw themselves into the desert with a smile on their face and that's you."

"And so are you."

Noticing the twitch in your right eye for stating the obvious, I start counting what I was missing and that was the sword, bow and my ring, if even petty thieves didn't want my tattered cloak, well it's their loss.

With that out I start analyzing everyone for the escape of the century.