
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 45 The Desert

Chapter 45 The Desert

It's been a few days since we left from Polovina in these days we have been running at full gallop until we reached the corner of the map, it was incredible the freedom I feel at this moment, come on I have been following the pace of another person these last days.

Obviously there is something more incredible than the freedom I feel at the moment and that is....

"Why is there a freaking desert out there!"

Yes, as my agitated companion has remarked in front of us is a desert and not just any desert, as this one appears so magically it is... I better give an example has it ever happened to you that it is raining in large quantities on one side and right next to it it is not, well here it is the same thing on one side there is a decrepit and gloomy forest with 3 moons in the sky while next to it is a desert with an omnipresent sun.

"I'll just say... Fuck whoever created the geography of this world."

"this is worse than when Minecraft crashes and all the biomes are boomed".

Well truth be told Sif is right, there is no fucking logic in this appearing in my face, system I want a non gay explanation.

"Biomes, climates and architecture of civilization types can be extremely mixed, this is extremely normal to see in histeria as a whole"

"luckily I am not a perfectionist like a certain person with 777 otherwise I would have real hysteria by now."

Stopping talking to the system I start to take a closer look at the desert that was in front of us.

Under the deep blue sky that seems endless due to the lack of clouds and its connection with the terrain below that is monoto, there are large sand dunes as far as the eye can see as if this was not enough, every few minutes a warm air passes at ground level raising amounts of sand that dance in the wind before falling, incredible thing is that the sand does not leave the desert and reaches the dark biome here.

"Shall we go around it master?"

Surround... are we crazy or what if there is a desert means, Temples, Pyramids, remains of lost civilizations!!!, everything is on top of the tower huy no, that wasn't it.

"No Sif, we don't go around, adventure awaits."

"This is too hasty, master at least we have to get some water from the nearby rivers and maybe some different food, I can't stand wolf meat anymore."

Sif is scaring me, come on since when does she have such logical reasoning, still she is right, it is a desert, you know with food, we have no problems, despite Sif's fine tastes the thing is to get water.

"Don't look at me like that master, after Vanessa I have learned that if there is no one in control of the group only chaos awaits us."

It's not that bad... Well maybe... I just forgot to change the equipment, the food, the maps, ok I get it, I forget everything and I'm a bad leader.

With a mature version Sif and a very traumatized me due to this cruel reality that has been presented to me, we set out to find the resources for our trip to the desert.

1 hour later.

Only why we had to get into the damn desert, everything was going well, we got water from the river, meat of different species, wood for bonfires and all this under the command of Sif who by the way has some ability to lead people.

Everything was going well, now all that was left was to go towards the desert... Only when I set foot on the sand the part where we arrived, that is, the gloomy biome, absolutely disappears, as if that were not enough, I start to see notifications all over my sight.

[a critical lack of dark elements has been determined].

[due to the "sun" idea being predominant, "moon" idea skills have become 50% more expensive]

[due to the almost total lack of dark elements, dark magic is 100% more expensive]

[due to the race of the user unknown effects may occur].

Still with all these disadvantages I don't give up and even more so with my faithful steed Sif, so that speak remember that Sif has adaptability... She went bald, of course she didn't go to such an extreme, but hints of such a thing were being seen causing Sif to un-summon herself.

"System, cof, look up maps of this region in my memories, cof."

Damn dry air, I can't take it anymore, my legs feel like stones and there is unbearable heat.

"Due to temporal differences, there may be differences in the locations of structures."

"do it, it doesn't matter."

As I was talking to the system so as not to go crazy from this unchanging landscape, an explosion of sand brought me out of my thoughts.


From the nearby sands comes out a scorpion, if you can call it that, its six legs of a sandy color that seems to merge with the ground, its two pincers of a darker brown color, but still camouflaged with its surroundings, the carapace followed this same color and its tail was a completely black color, all this with a height of 1,20cm.

I did obviously the wise thing which was to retreat from there, creating a small platform with <magical creation> used it to retreat quickly, thus avoiding the lack of mobility I would have in the arenas.

"<dark control>"(-480mp).

Feeling my mana turn to darkness at a turtle pace speed, I shoot off the platform due to an explosion of concentrated air that was expelled from the scorpion's mouth, falling to the ground I begin to roll dune down so avoid the scorpion's pincers.(-40hp)

"what just happened, besides the obvious".

"the skill has consumed twice as much due to the environment, the slowness in applying the skill is due to the lack of the dark element in the vicinity."

Reaching the end of the dune and wasting no time he created multiple mana platforms to move me away from the ground where he has the advantage, as counter measures to this he begins to charge his skill, which is created by absorbing the surrounding hot air making me doubt if it is a skill or a biological mechanism of this scorpion.(-80mp)

"any ideas on how to get it off the top of me?"

As I asked the system for help, I keep running or jumping whatever I need a solution to the current problem.

"You can use other elements that you are not skilled with, obviously this will be like having to take the magazine out of the gun, place one by one the bullets, and reload the gun, that is you have to take all the steps yourself making it more time consuming, costly and tedious than just leaving it all automatic as happens with the dark and lunar elements"

Hearing the explanation of the system I knew it, it was time to do scorpion roast, pulling my trusty bow taut from the string and attempting to apply the most common element around here, i.e. fire aimed at its nasty little head.(-200mp)

[congratulations, you've actively unlocked the elements]

[you've earned the title:the right tool for the right job].

With the impact of the arrow on his pincers due to him using them for cover, a small amount of flames rose up and quickly enlarges consuming the two pincers, before he can sing victory the flames are forcibly pushed away and pulling his head out from under his immaculate pincers he launches an attack of compressed boiling air towards my direction.

"Oh come on, is this for real?"

Moving towards another platform and ignoring the beam of compressed air, I ask the system for the information on this thing.


Hp 200 /200 Mp 25/40



Race:desert scorpion






Agility:5(on sand) 15(under sand)



Abilities:<medium fire resistance>

<resistance to solar element low> <compressed air shot>.

At that moment, Nea realized that elemental compatibility is a bitch.