
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 42 The Axe Man

Chapter 42 Axe Man

Letting out a sigh and it's not because of the idiocies of these two, which are already making me doubt if Vanessa didn't hit her brain.

I start releasing more mana than necessary from my body and it makes connection with the mana of the atmosphere, thus getting its elements and its ideas thanks to my soul's affinity with those elements, at that I start producing an image in my brain about what I want this magic to be.

[congratulations, you have unlocked <dark sphere>]

[this ability has been assimilated by <dark control>]

[due to assimilation, Mp consumption has been set to <dark control> skill consumption].

Come on, no more rice! Why I say this well, it was normal that in the orphanage they gave the same food for weeks, it got to a point where you no longer felt the taste, the thing is that this happens because it was so normal to eat that that it felt like water or why seriously it was water because of the lack of funds.

"Hey you pissed him off, now instead of spears he made spheres".

"poor little thing he felt offended"

Feeling the words on my sides from Sif and Vanessa that at some point they came to an agreement or something, I start to get pissed off.

"Fuck you Sif you only know how to enlarge and shrink your body, even the ant-man is more useful, Vanessa you're not a milf to talk like that airport on two legs"

I burst ok and it feels amazing, now it was time to run, the look I was sent in was not humanly possible, at first Vanessa didn't get it, but with Sif's help she did and oh my god the look she has.

"I hold it and you do".

"I could never have said it better."

With voices that showed not a hint of forgiveness or good intentions they began to circle me from the sides.


With the sound of metal being crushed, screams and weapons falling to the ground, I turn my head towards that area to see a creature that even its own allies don't even get close to it, thus letting the gap close again, this was my chance and it's not to escape from Vanessa and Sif well it is, so I yelled to prevent the soldiers from leaving their formations and the encirclement from collapsing.

"Hold position! I got this!"

Releasing those words with mana, I make a quick run towards this new creature that seems very familiar to me, with a height of 1,90cm wearing a black leather armor that looks like an apron, by its body multiple crystallized blood stakes are stuck and on its face has a hood that covers it completely even the neck, but obviously the most characteristic is its axe of about 2,3 meters of pure iron with a cutting side and the other in the shape of a hammer.(axeman resident evil 4 movie)

"Come on why isn't it a cute loli or a tasty milf, no what they send me is a guy with lots of steroids."

While thinking those things, he quickly activated the system to see his information, of course I do not stop the march.


Hp 750/800 Mp 0/0







Intelligence:0(hive intelligence)





Abilities:<Basic instincts> <axe knowledge><regeneration> <battle aura>.

Description:one of the most evolved creatures due to this has a direct connection to the root mind(Lugia), this results in madness spreading through the network.

It was unbelievably normal of course, after looking at all of Yis's super high stats and Lugia's imitation, this is like someone punctured the balloon that was the stats so far, taking it out of my mind, I see how the mutation began to run towards me with the ax on his shoulder, obviously I go with the sword in hand.


In the run towards him I increase my Agility thanks to the magic reinforcement, thus gaining the final stretch reaching his vicinity and giving a slip under the axe swinging in a side slashing motion, I slash his right heel with my blade in a normal state to try to bring him to his knees.

As if that was nothing, he spins on his wounded heel, breaking it completely and guiding the hammer-shaped side towards my head.

<mana blast>.

With a perfectly coordinated mana blast he ejected the axe causing it to tear the shoulder due to the forced recoil, before he can continue with this combo, I see how his left arm grabs me by the skull before slamming me against the ground and followed by that throwing me into the air.(-250hp)

"you're okay!"

"why are you fighting melee aren't you a mage?"

At least he shows concern for my current state just like the soldiers, I don't know anymore why I walk with these two out of those thoughts about Vanessa and Sif I give a twist on my own body still lying on the ground to avoid the cut that fell on my previous position.

I get up just to avoid the sweeping slash that passes flush with the ground, and followed by that I must increase my strength with mana, as he comes back for more with a side slash, it seems that dexterity and skill are not misused.


Feeling the clash of her axe on the blade of my sword and causing my feet to be dragged along the ground a few inches, I reinforce the blade with mana thanks to the magic circuits it has built in, followed by that I raise my left hand where Vanessa's staff is now.

<dark lightning>(-200mp)

[congratulations, you have unlocked <dark rays>]

[this skill has been assimilated by <dark control>]

[due to the assimilation, the Mp consumption has been set to the consumption of the <dark control> skill.]

Throwing those notifications quickly, I feel how my mana comes into contact with the external mana thus creating multiple circles around me about 10cm from these come out rays of a completely black color, on impact with the body of the mutant this does not fall, but loses much of its strength and mobility.

Noticing his weakness in the clash between the two, he expelled the mana that is stored in the blade of the sword causing it to explode out of the blade, now with both hands free and seeing that it is completely open to an attack, I quickly launched myself.

Let's finish this before Sif and Vanessa's gazes continue to sting my back. (-20mp)

Quickly arriving thanks to the increased speed and taking advantage of him being completely open, I thrust the sword directly into his chest area, after this I activate my most characteristic skill.

"<Lunar weapon>(-150mp).

As if it were a balloon, the mana that enters from my sword enters without any restriction, causing it to swell and explode directly.


[Exp transferred to Sif]

"hey Sif, where did I get that habit of shouting out the names of your skills".

"aghh... Dear Vanessa, you'll never understand how beautiful it is to shout the name of an ability to the sky."

Listening to the conversation of these two I try to move my body over there only to notice that I'm covered in blood, it's disgusting to move wet and much more so with blood, at this moment I thank my tattered cloak that has faithfully protected me.

Aghh this is for the long haul.