
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 41 Magic

Chapter 41 Magic

Nea pov.

After getting Vanessa on Sif's back I take a quick look at that Lugia attempt, it was amazing his skin Let's go better than the ones that come out in those mobile game that are the copy of the copy, wait if we go on like this not every game is the copy of another one... Enough! There are more important issues than this dilemma.



Hp 60,000/60,000 Mp 40,000/40,000




Occupation:blood imitator


Dexterity:1500(air) 100(earth)



Agility:2000(air) 50(earth)


Faith:2000(increased to strength)

Abilities:<hyperlightning><blood absorption><shape shifting><physical damage nullification><dragon meteor><blood control><progeny evolution> <blood bonds><+++>.

Description:a being created from Faith, alchemy, magic and bodies of the same race in common, due to this act he has zero intelligence due to the struggles of his residual egos, causing his active abilities to be unusable and only the passive ones to remain in place.

After looking at the stats and confirming that it would surely be a liability, I turn around to start running towards the exit, dodging debris, fallen trees and all sorts of terrain damage due to this super evolved slime.

"Master, now that we get this surprise that the relic is broken, what shall we do said the whole plan so far revolved around that."

As we were taking off from that place he heard Sif's question and I start to think, this was an impulse of the moment like when they give you something new and you must try it, well like that the thing is I'm not made to rule, come on I was an adventurer all my life at least since I left the imperial army orphanage.

"I guess my imperialist days are over, now it's back to what I'm truly good at, that is, adventuring! Agh I swallowed something!"

"ha ha ha ha, why do you open your mouth when we're running, by the way you change your mind faster than Spain changes flags in the paradox games"

Yes, it was a mistake to open my mouth during a full speed escape, and by the way Sif is getting more information from my memories or is it just my ravings.

"I won't ask where you get those references from, as you are probably using the system you have from being connected to me to see stored memories, but I just have a question how much have you seen?"

"heh, heh, heh, master, master, master! Let's just say I've seen everything, heh, heh, heh, heh!"

Wait, according to the meme of my memories wasn't this something like that?

Hahaha(normal person)

Hahaha(thinks he's gringo or got the H wrong, since they're together.

Jojojo(Santa Claus complex)

Hehehehe(rapist in the area)

At that moment Nea felt the real fear.

Skipping all this wave of memes that went through my mind in a few seconds we hit head on with the big gate, this is now full of cracks and its entrance bars fell to the sides, passing by it we find the square that surrounds the entire cathedral area in this there is a fence of troops that are facing the beasts that every now and then are thrown from the houses or just run here madly.

"It's about time you got off me, isn't it?"

"Come on I'm a sicko, cof cof."

Completely ignoring Vanessa's words she returns for a few moments to her real form and as that snow falls to the ground she again takes a battle form a few meters further away from that place.

"You were hurt, not flu!"

"Spoilsport, by the way can you help me here, I'm still injured even with my consciousness awake."

Noticing Vanessa's stare from the snow pile I reach over and give her my hand to help her up from there, ending this minor matter and silencing the two now in a stupid argument, I guide my eyes to the front line.

They were pretty well things on the defense line for all that were thrown against them, there are from some creatures that are like normal people, only on four legs with elongated limbs, pale skin and stuck to the bones, others that are quadrupeds with the body of men and crocodile heads only that made of human flesh and skin, to ones that were 2.5 meter giants with bone armor and weapons of what looked like crystallized blood.

"What's going on here system, weren't they all the same before?"

"answering your question, yes before the Alpha(the blood beast) appears they were a base product now due to certain abilities of the Alpha they have taken on different forms depending on their qualities."

Listening to the system's response I realize that thing was not a close combat beast but a commando type like a queen bee, I guess it wasn't part of the plan to become retarded.

"You two are done with your games, and if so, let's continue that ex, cof, cof, we have to help the soldiers."

Throwing a few words at these two who are still in their dramas I turn around and head to one side of the defenses to steal some kills.

"System, have all the Exp go towards Sif."

"I understand user."

With everything ready I start charging my ever useful dark spears and we start another round of camp style kills.(-200mp)



[due to orders, this exp has been transferred towards Sif].

"Now that this is all over, I have to ask, do you have a spear fetish or what?"

With a hurried step Sif and Vanessa arrive to stand by my sides, by the way what do you mean this won't be a plan to make fun of me or yes, come on they always unite against me when they can.

"Don't look at me like that, you'll make me blush, ok ok I'll stop joking, I've noticed that you always use the same form despite the great versatility that having truly dark magic gives you, so why do you always give it the form of spears instead of something else more useful?"

Wait what's going on here, then I'm not forced to spawn spears continuously, rescue system already!

"To clear your doubts, you can give it any shape you want or effect you want as long as they follow the dark mana ideas."

Rolling my eyes at the system's very monotonous response and throwing a few more spears out of my anger towards the poor critters, I ask for a more "scientific" explanation.

"The mana that dwells inside people is always neutral, what gives the elements are the souls that have a certain affinity, when the inner mana(neutral) merges with the outer mana, it searches for the one that the soul has affinity for giving rise to the manifestation, i.e. inner mana gives the amount of energy for the magic while the outer mana delivers the ideas and the element"

I can only say what the sh*t4 was this is you perhaps got everything from a Wikipedia page or what, however, feeling that this is something important, I ask you for a clearer and simpler explanation for the love of god.

"It's like this, inner mana(energy), outer mana(ideas and elements), when you think of dark mana it's curses and dark things then you won't be able to cast a healing spell or a blessing(ideas)"

Enough I can't stand this!

"I can use other magic or not!"

"Yes, as long as you follow the dark element ideas you can use all dark element magics, by the way some may not be able to be used to the fullest since yours is still <dark control> not <dark magic> full fledged"

Without waiting another second with this atomic science exposition, well no, but you get what I mean, by the way Vanessa and Sif are looking at me like I've gone mad.

"I'm sorry if I touched any heartstrings"

"The master is always like that, he's a little bit special".

I'm going to ignore all this, come on I've been told I can do all the dark magic, heh heh heh heh it's like if you tell me I don't have to play the same game 20 times anymore because I'm too poor to buy other ones, come on!