
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 43 Blue Potion

Chapter 43 Blue Potion

It's over!

I'm talking about the attempted tug of war fantasy version I've been living until this all went quickly, once the nachalo boss appeared that guy was amazing, his moves were madara style in the great shinobi war, that is to say incredibly accurate, fast and strong, the last nail in the coffin was once Yis appears with his new spear on his shoulder.

"Master you are alive, no good, here you go."

Hearing Sif's words next to me, I tried to turn around to see something, it wasn't a good idea to spend all the mana, now finally resting on my back I managed to see what Sif is giving me, and it is my worst enemy once blue potion.

"Mm, looks like he's not very willing to take it."

That's right Sif, just get that demon thing out of my vicinity, wait because no words are coming out of my mouth.

"No! Poor creature, how are you going to leave him lying on the ground, what happens is that you have to put the potion in his mouth like I did before!"

Hearing those words I knew I'm screwed, I didn't even have to look at Sif to know something very ugly was coming upon me, damn spiteful Vanessa.

"Yes master it seems to me that we have some mana potions they are minor recovery, since you like them so much why don't you try them out"

I can only watch this whole sequence of events happen around me and do nothing, it was obviously Vanessa's fault and what I think is a curse of <silence> how do I know all that, well the same way I formed the previous two magics, that is the information inside my head.

30 minutes later.

I tried, god knows I tried as I sipped the first potion by force, I tried to free myself, but who can with an angry wolf and a spiteful mage, my efforts only made the torture last longer of course halfway through I realized they had little effect (potion) due to them changing the formula a bit and giving it flavors, ha ha ha luck has not deserted this man.

"hey, did he die already?"

"It seems to me that he just has PTSD, that's what he gets from wanting drinks in his mouth."

At that instant, Vanessa looked at her as if thinking, "this idiot didn't realize he was dying".

"Ha ha ha, I don't know what that PTSD thing is, but it sounds like something you'll be able to fix, so Yis needs me, see ya"

"Why are you running so fast?"

As if possessed by the devil himself, I reached out my hand and grabbed the skull of this traitorous she-wolf.


"Shit, that's why she ran."

Before I can even give her a bit of what she deserves for being a traitor, I feel myself losing my grip on her skull and as snow starts to flow down my hand, it was obviously her using her ability to escape from my grip which she easily accomplishes because her physical stats are far superior to mine.

"See you master, by the way Yis was looking for you and said go see her in the rubble of the cathedral."

Letting out those words quickly and with a half-verbal tone that thanks to the one above she doesn't have to move her jaw otherwise she would have already torn out her tongue, she shoots off to one of the sides at an astonishing speed.

Both of them will pay for these, but first we have to go to Yis, let's go, we have to have clear priorities. With that out I move towards the walls of the old cathedral as I make my way there, I see how there are small groups that are cutting off the useful parts of the beasts, others that pile up the remains that are useless and finally a group that ignites these mountains of corpses and finishes off any kind of beast that hasn't died completely.

"They are waiting for you inside, Sir."

The one speaking to me respectfully is one of the guards that was guarding the entrance, well the rest of what looked like this one, nodding towards him, I take a few steps entering what is left of the former garden of course that is now all shattered and full of rubble, ignoring that I move quickly towards the center place where the cathedral once rested now there is only a large hole and Yis is next to him along with Vanessa, Paskov(he was told the name), plus others.

"Oh, Nea, you have arrived faster than expected."


Arriving at the site and being surprised to see the large crater left at the former location of the cathedral, the first to speak to me has been Vanessa, keeping her distance for a strategic retreat from any attempt of revenge on my part.

"While it's nice to see the relationships of the younger ones, it's time to descend."

Throwing a glance at Yis as if to say "explains the situation doesn't it?", noticing my stare she began to speak quickly.

"Nothing too complicated simply down there are sources of magic, I mean some things have a magical signature, so why not let them choose something as payment for their services since our coffers are empty"

Hearing Yis's explanation, I nodded towards her, obviously this is not because they suddenly touched their hearts or something, according to my thoughts, it must be a strategy to reduce the amount of magical items that Paskov and his group, since they have the only true magician in our group, but that could disappear the balance that has been formed, so it makes us take these objects calling them rewards, that's why I hate working for the rulers, something doesn't end, and they are waiting for the next topic.

"Well, if I finish the explanation, we can start."

At the end of his words Paskov launches himself straight down followed by his mage Robert, seeing them go Yis follows them but not before throwing on my body and Vanessa's a blessing.

<feather fall>

"We follow them?"

"I understand what you mean, but there's nothing we can do."

With our quick exchange of words, we move into the gap and launch ourselves which a leap of Faith, of course only for the blessing to activate, and we start descending like a feather, giving the epic moment ruined.

After 2 minutes we reached the end of the hole which by the way was clean, well the cleanest that can be a natural cave, the thing is that there is no debris or remains of the cathedral in the area.

Passing from that surprise I take a quick look around me, it was a circular cave in a depth of 40 meters under the cathedral, in the center of this natural circle is another circle engraved in stone, this in turn surrounded by 4 smaller ones, all encompassed in a larger circle, the center one was of a dark red color with remains of the slime in its connections, the other 4 were of a silver color along with the largest one that encompasses the 5 inside it.

Leaving the circles I follow with my eyes the connections that go from them towards the distances more exactly to the walls of the cave, on the walls there are multiple crosses where dried corpses were found and by their pale skin they were obviously of vampires leaving a great mystery around here.

"Interesting is a summoning circle with alchemical parts and there is even a reference towards Faith inscribed in the center."

With Vanessa's words I come out of my trance, I guess she as a magician with a greater education can see more in depth than me who only felt surprised.

"Yes, you are done analyzing the magic circle you may come, here is the real loot."

Seeing Yis come and talk to us, we finally move to a half hidden spot in the cave where a wooden door was already open, revealing the inside of what seemed to be a laboratory.