
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 40 ¿what Lugia? 2/2

Chapter 40

Third person pov.


With a roar that spreads a shockwave within the walls of what remains of the cathedral and spreading its wings, gaining deep red veins, followed by the creature charging a sphere of pure energy into its mouth.

"<delayed strike>"

Before the sphere is fully charged, Yis' spear impacted directly on the throat scales and followed by this from the tip a perfectly controlled shockwave is expelled that propels the being's head upwards.

"Focus Paskov!"

"I'm on it, I had just sent the collateral damage off the battlefield!"

While they were talking to each other, the creature doesn't stand by, letting its magic die out in the air, it starts to move its wings thus moving away from the ground.

"<Slash>" "<Piercing Spear>"

Before it could even fly away the sword and spear head straight for the connections of its wings.


With a deep red explosion, two golden colored spheres impact against the ground, leaving a deep crater, ignoring that completely the creature takes flight and stabilizes at about 100 meters high, starting to charge energy from the surroundings.

"Thanks for that."

"enough talk, you need to take this more seriously, <increased physique> <increased agility> <increased defense>"

Finishing Yis' blessings they lunged towards the beast that was in the air leaving behind themselves a crack in the ground, with her spear behind her Yis launched a simple stabbing motion leaving multiple shadows of her movement and holes in the unprotected skin of the beast, at that moment Paskov arrived with his sword imbued in a deep red color gave a full slash that left a small red line in the air it passed through.


Letting out a roar of rage, the energy contained within his body is expelled in a circular form around him, pushing away the two opponents and followed by this the sphere begins to separate into small round particles that move quickly towards the upper area reuniting with the previous energies of the creature's first attack.

As if it was all part of a plan the sky turns red and multiple lines with patterns start to appear covering the whole city, if the barrier destroyed before is again in line with a satisfied roar, the creature opens its wings and starts to use its greatest capacity that is to say its speed.

Creating a support in the sky thanks to the ability <mana creation> yis stops its fall immediately and with his left right hand created a whip with <light magic> luring Paskov to his side.

"Looks like this was all a plan by that thing, time to end it before it starts attacking those below."

"I see that, but physical attacks are useless according to my observations, we have to give it a large scale magical attack and knock it out"

While they were talking Yis moves through the small platforms he is creating in the sky, it was hard to keep up with that thing like a fish in water, his Movements were impressive thus leaving the pursuers for a good distance.

"We can't catch it on its home field, we have to change strategy"

"hold on!"

With Paskov's surprised face the whip he is attached to tightened sending him straight towards the creature, Letting out a scream that didn't seem to come from a man in his 50's, Yis braces his feet and lunges after him.

Arriving above him, Paskov unleashes a vertical slash charged with a large amount of mana, enough to turn the air around his blade cloudy with heat, before the blade touches his body and the damage is nullified for full, mana explodes a few centimeters from his body. .


With an explosion of fire, but even more importantly, with a shockwave that shoots the creature's body straight into the ground of the city, it crashes into houses, streets and one or another unfortunate creature, Lifting his body from this amount of debris he stretches his neck and begins to charge more energy as if he alone overcomes to do this.

Without wasting time Yis appears above him avoiding the energy that shoots out of his mouth, he thrusts the spear directly into his chest breaking his blood coagulated armor and activates again his ability of light chains, with his body in free fall, Paskov arrives above the head of the creature and begins to evaporate the blood thanks to the heat of his sword thus effectively reducing the size of the creature.


Letting out a roar that shows the rapidly decaying of its strength, the creature starts trying to use its wings or tail, something that wasn't very good the truth, since they are not made for fighting, plus they are with reduced movement thanks to Yis' ability.

"get its attention or make it freeze from the neck up!"

Releasing the spear that stays as the power center of Yis's ability, it pulls out another one from one of its rings, it was an all metal spear of about 1,80cm, on its tip it has a rectangle for parrying and from it comes out a prism shaped tip(yorshka spear), as if sensing its immediate death the creature starts to move all around in a panic attack.


Giving him a small silent prayer towards the spear, it gains a deep color and in less than a few seconds this energy is absolutely concentrated in the prism area, giving it a darker color and a shadowy feeling.

"Move Paskov."

<Spear art:perpetual motion>.

Letting out a few words, Yis got down to action, taking a stabbing stance, in less than a few seconds wounds began to appear all over the creature's body, obviously these wounds heal instantly, but spots of a dark golden color remain in the area and a kind of smoke comes out of them.

As if this was not enough, the creature began to reduce its size and presence, the "power" itself was being reduced continuously thanks to the permanent attacks.

Yis pov.

"This is already delivered, I'm going to finish the city thing, are you in charge or shall I wait for you?"

Hearing Paskov's words from one of the mountains of rubble I turn to him after testing him that this beast is already out of the game.

"I'll take care of everything here, if it takes extra hard it's because of the purification nearby."

Responding to his words I approach the creature that is now merely a ball of golden chains, of it only the neck manages to be seen as if it were its end.

"Sure, I'm leaving."

Feeling the disappearance of its presence I wonder why I didn't use that strength in this battle, well it's not like I used everything I could, I guess we're already thinking about what's going to happen after all this fuss.

"Ha ha ha ha humans aren't even done with their food and they're already looking forward to the next course."

Saying a few words out loud, I aim my spear/mace upwards at this creature's head, it was time to end this.

Sorry about the time, <codea vein>(juego) caught me.

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