
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 39 ¿what Lugia?

Chapter 39

Yis pov.

"Come this way, I have a plan."

Letting out those words I begin to release my Faith and thus expel the remaining one from the vampire cult, followed by this I begin to use mana to restore the pentagram by force.

Ziz, ziz

Due to the activation to the force, small particles of mana began to appear in plain sight and small bolts of lightning began to shoot out from the shock of Faith in the area.

"be prepared for any kind of situation!"

Ziz, Ziz, ziz

The energy in the area increases and without any chance to escape it stays in physical form in the area.

Crak, Crak, CRAK!

From the pentagram multiple cracks spread out traveling all over the floor of the cathedral, followed by this the pentagram itself cracks throwing all the magic into the air, further increasing the breakage of the structure, causing the chandeliers to fall from the ceiling and the windows to fall down.

"we must leave now!"


Hearing the screams from behind me I create a shield of Faith over my body to be unaffected by the debris, then move to the center of the group to give an area defense only to notice the blood seeping from the cracks.

"Mm this is unexpected, <agility enhancement><lightness><coordination>"

After throwing a few more enhancements on them I take a closer look at the thing seeping from the cracks, at first it was just blood, but after a certain amount of time this changed to something resembling slime, at that, I notice how they start to merge together to make another type of being before heading out into the square.

Boom! Boom!

Followed by our departure the building falls in on itself, resulting in a cloud of smoke and pieces of building that spread all over the place.


Only using a bit of my intent I forced the smoke to solidify against the ground, at that I quickly move my spear thrusting it into the ground thus creating a shield around the group.


With an extreme explosion coming from underground, the old building is absorbed into the ground, thus disappearing from our sights and raising a wave of smoke again.

3rd person pov

The smoke completely surrounded them even within Yis' force field, followed by that a sound like an exhalation of bestial air is heard.

Crak, cuagh

It was unbelievably fast, in a few seconds, the smoke was swept away, Yis's defense was breached and one of the tanks was blown away or what was left of it as half of the body dissolved into liquid.

The beast that made itself known was like a 3 meter lizard, its legs formed through multiple pale arms, its head was like a crocodile with human teeth and hair from it growing like a mane, its tail was a shapeless mass of slime that every now and then drops to the ground only to rejoin moments later, all of it blood red except for its feet.


With Yis' spear going straight for his forehead and Paskov's sword straight for his neck the first encounter ensued ending this one with the beast's neck slit.


"<dark magic><dark control> <explosion>"

With the continuous casting of spells on the creature gave rise to a thick mass of smoke that blocked the view of the group, thus putting the battle on hold as time passed and with the help of magic the smoke is removed leaving a completely empty area visible.

Nea pov.

Silence fell on the battlefield and not one that seems natural, because everything was silenced from the wind to the insects nearby.

Before I can even begin to think of a why for this, I feel a thick arm in armor grab me by the waist along with Vanessa and yank us out of the way.


From the place from where I am at this instant we manage to see perfectly how multiple spikes of red color surely blood, these extend from our former position piercing one of the rangers who has not managed to escape, at that the spikes dissolve and shoot into the sky along with the blood of the dead man.

"fix the formation! Rangers cast the <Grid>, mages area attacks!"

Hearing the nachalo(Paskov) guy's orders he created multiple spears with <dark control> raising quantity over quality, next to me Vanessa does the same creating a variety of bones in spiky shapes with <dark magic> and further away from us managed to see the archer charging an arrow with neutral mana.

"I'll keep it static, in that instant set everything in motion."

While the blood takes a spherical shape in the sky about 10 meters in diameter, casts a giant shadow on the cathedral walls and spins on itself, leaving small bubbles inside, Yis jumps directly into the sky about 20 meters easily. with his spear in hand upon reaching his side, I embed the spear directly into the sphere, followed by a few words sounding and within seconds, 5 large golden chains hold the sphere in static mode.


Hearing the signal the first to leave was the archer letting out his arrow in a straight line towards the sky, it deploys a Net completely made of mana that completely surrounds the sphere making it start to descend, in that instant we release the magic along with Robert who joined us a moment later.(-150mp)


Before I can even think a shockwave, dust and pieces of building, threw me like a small branch into the air before I feel like a structure on my back braking my body of course it is possible that something was broken by the impact, but the system saves me from those inconveniences(-200hp).

"Master are you okhsj"

Without even finishing listening to Sif I grab her tightly in my arms and start spinning on the ground, narrowly avoiding the blood spears impacting nearby.


Followed by a wind that throws all the debris through the air we manage to see the new form of the creature, if I had to describe it would be a Lugia if that of Pokémon only that its predominant color is red and its blue scales were changed by some of a dark red color with small scars that beat under that armor, in addition its size is about 15 meters leaving its pair of Pokémon out of league.

"Hey, if you're okay retreat along with the girl over there, this will get really ugly and those outside need support."

Who approaches us is the head of nachalo(Paskov) and next to him is the remnants of this group.

"I understand, it's not a battle for me."

Nodding towards the man, I move towards Vanessa who is lying on one of the walls and left her on Sif who already took a more efficient way for escape.

"Time to go Sif."