
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 38 Cathedral

Chapter 38 Cathedral

After receiving all the attacks from Sif and Vanessa for being a good person, I set out to do a check of the surroundings, there are two large columns of fire which is from where we and nachalo's team moved here, the weird thing is that this fire despite being out of control does not spread towards the adjoining houses and then there is that the creatures have stopped assaulting our line of defense very weird the whole thing.

"It's all done, you four with me we move towards the front door, Alfredo you're in charge while I'm gone."

Hearing Yis words, Vanessa and I looked at each other of course it was unexpected this choice of people, since we are not the strongest even in her group, the thing is that only we are moderately useful mages, she is a priest and the nachalo boss a warrior.

"Ok down master, here ends the ride."

With Sif's words I feel the surface holding me up disappear and in less than a few seconds I'm sitting on a pile of snow.

"Thanks for the heads up and yes it is with sarcasm!"

"was it necessary to restate it Nea? By the way, it seems to me that this will come in handy for you right now."

Finishing casting a glance towards our act, he starts to move towards Yis, not before throwing his ancient staff at me, oh right now I count as a mage.

Grabbing the staff which is the first time I've seen it, but obviously a mage/Summoner must have one, I start to analyze it with the system, come on it's a compulsion at this point.

[ancient staff(one hand)]

[optimal requirements:(15 INT/5 Strength)] [quality:(green)].

Description:a staff created through the original Prunus avium wood of the federation, the flowers on the top of the staff show the experience of the one who created it because these tend to wither when plucked.

It was as simple a staff as possible, its body was like a Y the frame was composed entirely of a single type of soft reddish colored wood and at the top between the two horns was a bouquet of white flowers in full bloom.

"Not to be ungrateful, but what is this for there is no buff, isn't it easier to simply cast magic from the hand?"

Feeling the staff in my hands and getting up from the snow filled ground, I start to follow Vanessa and Yis, but not before asking the system what this is for.

"It's simple is that the world remembers that the bow is used to shoot arrows, the sword to cut(all types of melee weapon) and the staffs to cast spells, thus giving rise to a buff, something that is not given with firearms because these have been around for a very short time in the world."

"then the world seeing me using a staff marks me as a mage giving rise to certain things being easier for my role as a Mage."


With a wide open term I take control of my body again only to at last realize that I have a mini Sif in my head, and we are almost to our destination, next to the large entrance door is a group of about 5 of what appears to be nachalo's.

"Gentlemen, you three, go ahead, Robert, you are in charge of magical support."

Who speaks is the chief of nachalo the muscular and gray haired man, he is wearing light swordsman style equipment, his three men who will take the front are wearing full body armor made of iron, the last one is Robert or better known as the artillery captain.

"Nea, Vanessa, you take the rear with Robert, you two give support from the sides."


Taking a 3-4-4 formation, three Tanks in the front, Yis and the nachalo boss in the center and more to the sides of these two are Yis' 2 archers, plus all the mages behind.

"let's move!"

Hearing his voice we start moving forward in formation towards the gate of the fences.


With a creak of the large gate what greeted us is a cobblestone path that goes directly towards the cathedral gate, on its sides rise different types of trees, flowers and white marble statues, making a complete turn for a quick study, I notice that there is only this path everything else is a garden.

In slow and calculated steps we approach the large solid wood doors, after a countdown of 3 provided by Yis we quickly launch ourselves inside the cathedral.

Incredible and it's not why there, death and destruction is quite the opposite, everything is impeccable, the dark wooden pews in line towards the place of worship, the fully polished white tiles, the three large candelabras with candles still intact and most important and impressive is the large logo that is enshrined in the center of this T-shaped room.

It was impossible to overlook it, even in its vicinity there were traces of residual Faith, of course it was because of something else that one could not look away from it, below this logo in the form of an inverted tripod on which a broken glass eye is located, one could see an already almost erased pentagram made mainly of a silvery liquid.

"Master I don't want to say it, but... Just maybe that glass eye is..."

No, no, this can't be it, system tell me it isn't!

[Relic left eye of the dreamer](Broken).

[Optimal requirements:(n/o]





[Description:A rare relic that is composed of two parts, it has been ransacked of all traces of mysticism and Faith, causing it to be only an empty shell.

Noo, noo! what have I done she was mine, uff so this now makes me look like a stalker

"I don't feel anything, Yis you how are you?"

"Nothing even so it may be because of the fact that we are in a sacred area, keep formation, I'm going to investigate the staff and come back."

Yis pov.

Leaving the formation I signal to the rangers to keep Vanessa and Nea safe in case of any unforeseen events, followed by this I move towards the pentagram and the logo of some pagan god.

Already in its vicinity I begin to notice that there are traces of spatial and temporal energy which obviously points to a type of teleportation, even so it is only a small circle, so the entire population of vampires could not have been taken out in this way.

With that settled I guide my index finger towards the strange liquid from which this pentagram is created, it has a sticky and heavy texture not liquid at all.

"Yis there any progress?"

"Nothing yet that can reveal the blockage we feel, still there is no problem of any kind, then move in teams of 2 and investigate the place."

As Paskov(nachalo's boss) answered, I start to investigate the vicinity of the logo in more depth.

There is nothing that can prove where this teleporter is anchored to, then there is only one option, that is to activate it in the opposite way so as to get a proof of its vicinity.

"Anybody find anything?"

"Nothing here."


Assuming there is nothing out of place, there is only this place left, the center of the city's mana and also a place of worship