
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 37 chaos in the city

Chapter 37

Things got ugly and it's not that suddenly a 9-headed hydra came out and killed us all, no, after about 30 minutes of intense artillery fire on the magic dome of the city we ran out of ammunition, then we started to launch magical attacks on the city which was... Lasting, let's say, now everything that is drink I will see them in a blue color.

This gets even worse, as after that it was time for us to move the skeletons into the city, couldn't... the thing is there is an anti-magic spell in the city, it was obvious, vampires mainly use racial abilities that don't need mana as a medium so this kind of human strategy proved useless again.

Then we moved on to the old reliables, i.e. human wave attack, followed by the firing of 3 flares from the opposite side of the city and the promise of riches, weapons, ect everyone went on an attack without over thinking at least the "cannon fodder" the smarts and the main forces stayed in the rear for the second wave.

These decisions by the smart ones could be quickly corroborated, every corner, house, street and square everything was a battlefield, now we were being shown why there were no guards on the walls and why the magic dome fell so quickly was obviously a structure to keep things in not to keep them out.

3rd person pov.

From the sky the city looks like a large maze with narrow roads, alleys going nowhere, places suddenly cut off and more, all woven together makes for an ideal area for ambushes, that coupled with the fact of the anti-magic field negating the use of the surrounding mana was a perfect recipe for chaos.

In its center is a gothic style cathedral with large pointed towers and huge windows, a place where the most mana is gathered, yet there is no path leading to it leaving us to see that the structure of the city has changed.

"shoot, shoot!"

Between screams and shots coming out of the mouths of the poor wretches that have entered this city, the creatures that are held in this city let themselves be seen, their bodies now with a pale, chalky and sickly skin, their cheeks and lips were totally Eliminated by a dentition that extended from ear to ear, their mode of movement is to four limbs which dog.

"Come out from the houses, we need the flamethrowers!"

It was useless, there are too many people in small enclosed places resulting in an unparalleled carnage of the soldiers, among all this the orders are lost and the madness takes the place.

??? Pov.

They come out everywhere, houses, corner, rooftops, no place safe with those thoughts in mind, I tried to take shelter inside some house along with a few following me.

"We need to escape, we need to get out."

With the muttering of one of the men, fear and nerves begin to surface, something that had calmed down.

"shut up or he'll throw you out!"

"throw him out!"

Things are starting to get very dangerous and the noises from outside the house don't help much, at that I signal to the ones I see more sane to try and calm the ones who have lost their temper and followed by knocking all 3 of them out.

"We can only dig in until the main forces move, we have to count weapons, ammo, and food if anyone has any."

With the words of one of the calmer ones we started to organize, we counted 4 rifles, 40 bullets, 5 swords, and no food, some lost their weapons during the escape.


"shit wasn't that a one story house?"

The sounds of glass being shattered began to sound from a previously unknown second floor, at that the footsteps of multiple beings are heard through the ceiling of the room.

With a quick wave of my hands I signal to the other 5 and we slowly move towards the wooden staircase that has appeared in the room at some unknown time.

Knock Knock Knock Knock.

It was time with 4 surrounding the ladder, two on the right and two on the left, the last one was in the center as the main damage absorber/carnate.


In an instant everything changed with a pair of long pale hands reaching out from the ceiling, the one in the center is yanked upwards, leaving only a brutal scream of fear.


Boom! Boom!

The shots were useless, all of them hit the ceiling.

"They're coming from the scalejshev."

Even before the man could finish his words he was assaulted by one hanging onto him like a koala as it devoured his head, it was time to retreat discreetly.


"run, we have to get out of here!"

I don't plan to stay here, getting out of formation I launched myself towards the door, obviously that was cowardly, but there's a reason I survived the first batch.

Ignoring everything, I slam the door open and threw myself to the right side, ignoring the change in the vicinity, I run through alleys and streets only to end up in a square surrounding a church-like structure completely surrounded.


Creatures on all fours surrounded me their elongated, crocodile-like faces and completely skinned, pale human-shaped bodies made them look hideous.

"FIRE!" "<Fireball>"


Nea pov.

Things got more complicated as we entered the city, houses changing places, streets teleporting people, mass illusions and more, all this was eliminated when Yis used his intention on the city, even so some really useful soldiers had already been lost.

Disgusting, only that can describe what is reflected in my eyes, bodies in the middle of being devoured, ownerless limbs everywhere and every now and then one or two creatures that make your stomach turn, all this accompanied by the pillars of fire that accompanies our march towards the center of the city.

"What's wrong your stomach can't take this Nea".

"Are you kidding Vanessa, this is disgusting even for me and that I have been an adventurer for a long time."

We move in a straight line through the central Roads of the city, these are the ones that lead to the big cathedral in the center, as we move forward we come across all kinds of scenarios, from man hiding in houses to others being completely devoured by 2 meter worms that seem to be made of human flesh.

"Now I understand why so few of those from the 1st wave survive, this is horrible, even in my memories there is nothing this bad."

"the wolf is right, still any indication of this vampiric plague must be completely eliminated."

Who answered Sif was Yis, why if we go to the center of the formation with the other 2 guys who were in the command center and the plan is to meet in the center of the city for the assault on the cathedral.

With those few words we continue in silence towards the central cathedral, upon arriving at the place we came across a large square that completely surrounds the cathedral and waiting for these two there is a high wall of 3 meters made of pure rock, by the way there was a small mess in front of it who knows what happened.

"Send some men to look for the entrance and call a messenger to communicate with the chiefs of nachalo."

"Yes ma'am Yis."

With her words two teams started to move to the sides of the square while the rest made a defensive field around it, followed by this he moves to the side to compose the message.

"I don't want to sound bad, but we've kind of been on a... Bum."

It had to be said and it was said, come on, we've just been walking back and forth, not that I can complain, but... I expected more I need action ok.

"Oh master, I didn't think you were an honest worker."

"you might be one of those they call a person with a conscience."

I know we are adventurers who only think about money, but you have to be so straightforward