
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 26 boss 2/2

Chapter 26 boss 2/2

It was time before moving on to the attack, I charge the <moon weapon> skill so I know what kind of elemental damage it will cause.


Lightning cracking sounds are heard above the arrow, it takes on a yellow aura that causes numbness to everything it touches (-150mp).

"I'm ready, I've got lightning!"

"I understand at 3 o'clock we launch the bombs towards the burning squid smell."

Waiting for the signal I tense my bow to the maximum and pass the bombs to Sif, with that said I take the opportunity to overload the spell(-50mp).

"1,2,3, now!"

It happened in a second with an obviously mana guided cast Vanessa's bombs appear in my vision, with that Sif's follows and at that I release my arrow.

With a bird's screech, the arrow crossed the distance in an instant followed by a chain reaction that detonates everything near it.


The explosion of heat, lightning and squid flesh soar through the air, peeling off much of the area previously covered by those tentacles, at that he grabbed Sif and threw her towards the chimera who at last is revealed.

"Sif, I choose you!"

"<raise undead><summon wraith>"

Seems like we had the same idea, can't give her time to regenerate and dig in again, that Sif is cannon fodder? Well no, but her ability makes her very resistant to these things, by the way I'm stuck to the pillar thanks to the liquids in the previous room.

Sif pov.

With the master's throw he ended up on the creature, its left arm is completely burned and every now and then a small tentacle is created and dies instantly, the head is half right half charred and the left half completely healthy, its human arm is raw while its goat legs are scorched.

"Now it's uglier than before, <ice claws>"

Releasing the default offensive skill and enlarging my size, managed to see how he stops the skeleton swords only with his biceps, god he's sucked.

Before my stomp managed to impact, he raised his snake tail from which a dark green cloud sprays out, obviously poison and this upon contact with my paw destroys it instantly.(-50hp)

"Sif, move fast! <moon weapon><bow and magic" (-200mp).

Coming out of the shock of my negated ability directly I explode the mana in the surroundings to throw myself to the side.(-50mp)(-25hp)


With the recognizable sound of an arrow slicing the air a trail of dark purple passes by me giving me goosebumps.

"explode my skeletons!"


Followed by a shuddering roar coming from the arrow, a brutal explosion is created in the area, sweeping away all remnants of tentacles, tiles, bones and everything else, myself included.

"Hey does anyone see anything?"

"No movement, still no notification of death, don't let your guard down."

With the máster shout responding to Vanessa, I come to as I ask the million dollar question.

"Come on, someone can worry about me!"

Cluclu, the tentacle sounds returned only this time more erratic and disorganized as you manage to hear some hitting at one rhythm and others at an even more different one.


Followed by a whip made entirely of some tentacles over others the new aberration is shown to our eyes, it is now a kind of worm, its thorax before complete is now split and from it comes out a black staff, from its waist downward tentacles extend for about 3 meters and from them grow multiple eyes and mouths, its former arms are now nonexistent, its head has been reduced to merely a thicker tentacle than normal having, on one side, eyes, on others ears and at the end nostrils.

"Oh, come on because they just don't die and all happy home."

"Stop talking and get up on the pillar the hell up."

Following the master's orders, jumped towards him and reduced the size of my body to land next to him.

What followed after that... Well it was the weirdest moments I've ever seen, if only we stayed on top of one of the pillars and continuously had arrows and magic thrown at him.

5 minutes later.

[alchemical chimera boss has been deleted]

[+10,000 exp]

[pool 17,820]

Nea pov.

Well, that ending was unexpected, let's go that its last phase just crawled all over the room and didn't accomplish anything else.

Thinking about it my eyes go towards the mass of tentacles from which a dark staff protrudes, it was a wooden rod of about 1,50cm, equipped with a metal tip at its lower end and a ring piece of the same material at the top. The latter carries a total of 4 small metal rings joined together, so that they interlock with each other with movement and produce a characteristic tinkling sound.(khakkhara)

"This place is amazing, even the relics have a dark tone."

"Actually yes, it's not what I expected, but I'm satisfied, by the way can you watch while I sync with him I don't want just one of those things coming out of the tubes."

With Sif finished talking Vanessa appears and prepares for the synchronization, in that she asks us to keep an eye on her, come on I'm not going to start the looting without her, even so I send her a look at the staff through the system.

[Relic prayer staff][(corrupted)]

[Optimal requirements:(25 Faith)(100 INT) ]

[Quality:(purple) ]



[Benefit:increased dark mana absorption, unlocks skill <malady> <extinction>.

Description:an ancient holy staff coming from the Empire of the rising sun, due to corruption it has lost two of its abilities, it is mainly used for prayer and self-defense.

"Hey, this is a question, but can't you give me an expanded one of those skills, said the name is cool and all but what do they do?"

"Sure whatever you want."


Description:applies on the opponent any kind of discomfort, be it physical, psychological or existential.


Description:completely eliminates one of the opponent's existing desires, to his life, breath or fight everything is possible.

"She gets that and I get a wolf with the truncated version of inuyasha's claws."

"Oh, looks like someone wants to walk home, don't look at me like that, I'm a wolf, I have my instincts."

I'm going to doubt that, even so I start trying to get him to reconsider his decision, in between all this at last Vanessa finishes syncing with the staff.

"We can leave now, of course, that after rescuing all these valuable items, if we'll also try to take the tea set with us."

Without that tea set I'm not getting out of here!