
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 25 boss 1/2

Chapter 25 boss 1/2

Over tea we got to talking about geography, a strange thing, yes, but it's not like there's anything better to do in a dungeon under 100 or 200 meters of earth.

The eternal dynasty is Chinese only isolated, why? No fucking idea the thing that is still the most populated country, then there is the federation of Europe, think of bloodborne and you have what that nation is, and then come the nations with which there are no borders, the southern empire, an iberoamerican union only they are half european, because they only focus on creating more viceroyalties but these always reveal themselves, and then there is the neighborhood squatter, because if the english this guy is the one who enters your islands when you neglect and takes advantage of them without you noticing.

With the conversation half useless, except for Sif, as she seems to have no memory outside of those who are from the Muscovite empire, we get up from the table and it clears itself, of course I try to take this amazing creation with me, even if I only have tea and if it would be impossible.

"We leave, that I have already told you that it is impossible to take it with us, I have already tried like any good adventurer".

"Master ya leave it if it's not to loot it's not, maybe when we kill the boss we can take it with us".

"Being of absolute evil, how dare you have a slave tea set, this is already personal!".

With both of us rolling our eyes due to my words we moved on to the new hallway, this one obviously the same type as the others, well yes there seems to be no budget for more.

Already after about 5 to 10 minutes, we come across another hallway, only this one is completely deserted, there is no type of being or object around the area, just some fight marks and many corpses in one corner.

"This is where I fought the centipede, now just move on to the next room and this dungeon will be complete."

"Right, and according to everything we've faced it must be a necromancer or a Summoner, right?".

As we move through the center of the room is completely dark, as there is no artificial light and only the potion's ability to see in that, I notice that there is some sort of sticky liquid that reduces mobility spread throughout the room.

"What are you doing Sif?"

"Well how disgusting to touch this with my skin, besides it's not like you're not used to carrying me, accept this human honor!".

Blurting out her words and with her body already on me I can't do anything to push her away, why isn't she like Vanessa.

Looking to my right side I see Vanessa, indeed, just being carried by a few skeletons, come on where did that fierce adventurer thing go.

"What, I'm still a lady, you know!".

In that instant I was disappointed, but I learned an important lesson, you shouldn't trust anyone, least of all your heroes.

Stupidity aside, we reached the opposite tunnel, this one was dirty, full of bones and trash everywhere, come on it looks like it hasn't been cleaned since this dungeon was created, looking further down there is a double oak door and it's obviously the entrance to the boss room.

"Shall we go in kicking the door and punching whoever comes in front of us in the face?".

"Actually that's not a bad idea Sif, it's not like we know what's in there."

"Before you do anything, let me go back and investigate the area."

He held out his hand and out of it came a Misdreavus, it seems he had separated them to spend less mana, well or maybe not, what do I know.

When Misdreavus touched the door it promptly disappeared and the door began to open with the sound of rock sliding on rock.

"Quick Sif in front, Nea in the middle and me in the back."

When it opened completely it let us see a completely magically illuminated room, there are 8 pillars supporting the ceiling of about 100 meters, on the sides of the room there are metal tubes filled with unknown liquids and from time to time we managed to see something inside them, in the farthest part from us there is a rectangular shaped metal strip where a deformed being was nailed.

[you have entered the boss's room]

With the words of the warning system the creature if it can be called that way begins to move its limbs to get out of its captivity, its deformed body has the right arm of a human, the left of multiple red tentacles from where from time to time drool comes out and sticks to the ground, goat legs plus snake tail, its thorax was human only completely full of orange hair and its head was of a horse.

Clank clank

With the nails he carried in his limbs falling to the white tiled floor, the being falls completely from the piece of metal in which he was held captive.

"System your status."


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<regeneration><iron skin>.

<fighting instincts><mutation>.

Description:a chimera created by the alchemist Loyen, when he was young and inexperienced he became interested in carding magics and creation, resulting in terrible but useful experiments for certain people.

Cluclu, with a sickening sound of his suction cups no longer sticking to the tiled floor, the thing stands up and his horse head is facing us, his eyes unfocused with drool falling from his horse mouth, this gives a very bad look.

Whinnying, Letting out the classic sound of a horse it moves towards us at full speed.

<dark magic><dark control>(-120mp).

Quickly casting magic towards the one coming in a straight line, it leaps towards one of the pillars letting the magic pass through and then launches into a swooping attack towards us.

"Open up!"

Leaping to the side, the chimera's body hits the ground kicking up a lot of dust and pieces of tiles, at which point it activated my <moon arrow> ability only in its iron variant.


After traveling for a few seconds dissipating the cloud of dust that had risen, it impacted directly on the left arm, leaving an explosion of fire all over the tentacles.

"Good there, <dark magic>"

Hearing Vanessa's screams from across the room, multiple bone spikes are created in the vicinity of the chimera and skewer her on them.


Whinnying again, she slams her injured arm on the floor and in less than a few seconds multiple tiles begin to rise from the ground.

"Master heard your tentacles under the floor, we need to get up on a pillar, quick!"

Yep, Sif is still on me.


From the explosion caused under our feet a multitude of tentacles emerge, they start hitting everything in their reach, leaving a trail of destruction all over the place.

"Vanessa, are you okay?"

"I managed to escape that unforeseen, still we can't let it dig in, how many bombs do you still have left."

"4, and my skill is by probability, so fire arrows won't always fall."

As we talk in shouts, as she is on one side and I am on the other, the tentacles continue to multiply under our feet.

It was time to act before it was too late.