
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 27 Return

Chapter 27 Return

We have already left and I can take it for granted that it was a satisfactory trip, let's go that we took us to the metal sheet in which the chimera was nailed.

By the way, after leaving the dungeon with the tea set included we were given the exp from the pool, it was a total of 5,940 for each of us.

[Lvl +1]

[Lvl +1]

[Lvl +1]

[Lvl +1]

It takes me four levels up, oh how I would need those levels right now.

With our adventure over and the dungeon completely looted we stayed in the rest room to sleep and on to the next morning? We set off for the city of Zakanchivat.

Now back to the beginning with us outside, Vanessa summons her horse and I ride on Sif, yes I managed to convince her after a few hours talking to her like a queen.

What can I say about the outside, everything is still the same the dark tones adorning everything visible and decrepit trees everywhere outside this wasteland.

"well shall we go, a great journey of a few hours awaits us ahead."

"onward Sif wine, beds and food, all that and more awaits us in the city!"

With the necessary causes on the table Sif moves in the direction of Zakanchivat, after a few hours at full ride we come across something out of place, well, very out of place.

Arriving near the walls we find the positions vacant, if there is no one here not even some guard at the gate, also a terrible silence spreads throughout the place and the colorful bubbles have disappeared.

"This looks really bad."

"It's not like we have a choice, it's get in or get in."

Sif and Vanessa's points are fair, the thing is how bad could it be in there.

It was bad, really bad, as we walked through the main gate we found ourselves inside the spatial distortion that is the city, large plumes of smoke rise from the inner walls and every now and then there are explosions in the distance, looked up and on the top of the mountain where the "king's" house is located there are multiple flashes of light and mana fluctuates from there.

We moved quickly towards the church of yis from where some columns of smoke were rising all this at Vanessa's request, arriving at a closer place of about 500 meters, at last it comes into our vision from where one of the columns of smoke rises.

In front of the church is a 5 meter cross where a person with deathly pale skin, Victorian type clothing was crucified and he is uttering terrible screams even though he should be dead from the fire underneath him, in the vicinity of that brutal display is multiple soldiers, old and young.

"This doesn't look good at all."

"I didn't notice Sif."

At last, arriving nearby the full scene begins to show, there are two mountains of burning corpses from where you can notice the hints of the pale skin of those bodies.

From the church, with the doors open, some people come out carrying boxes and placing them in the carts, there are also some with large pots moving them to the same place.

"Stop the march!"

Because we wasted no time and moved at full gallop to the church they managed to detect us well, it's not like we were incognito because of this and wanting to know what's going on we stop when we hear their voice.

"show your face!"

Come on, that if you got closer you wouldn't have to wear out your throat so much, with that in mind he removed the hood I've been wearing over my head for a few days now, oh I shat him didn't I..

Before I can say anything over 10 rifles were pointing straight at me, oh look there are the guns.

"drop your guns and get off your mounts!"

"Calm down, calm down, it's coming down."

Hearing all this shouting, from inside the church comes out the lady we came for of course, I almost don't recognize her, as she is with her hair loose that reaches her waist, she is carrying a spear completely white and with a golden tip, to top it off she has a golden aura around her whole body.

"System shows his status"

Name:Yis (Faith overload).

Hp 4000/4000 Mp 20.400/20.400




Occupation:Faith Vessel








Abilities:<aura of Faith><sacred flame> <spear control> <lower angel> <light magic> <medium healing>.

Oh, she's very strong, knowing weight I quickly dismounted from Sif and put my hands in the air

"What's going on here, Vanessa you're back... I see the problem is this guy here."

"That's right Ms. Yis, look, his skin is even paler than the vampire himself he must be one of high rank."

After they finish talking, Yis signals towards me to move towards her, as I move towards her she uses one of her <medium healing> abilities thing that surrounds me in a golden light all over my body.

"Good, it's not burning, it's 100% human."

"Well done master, first time you take off your cloak and you happen to be mistaken for a vampire."

It seems my beautiful face is too much for these savages, their loss... Wait if I'm paler than vampires, as he said I'm human in the cities they ask me to take off my hood.

As I fall into an existential doubt, whether I will have to keep my beautiful face under cloaks and helmets or risk anyone confusing me with a vampire and attack me, at that come Sif and Vanessa to tell me that we are going to support Yis in the conquest of the city.

"You weren't listening to anything master, ahh you guys go put everything you need in the wagons, I will inform the master."

We moved to the far side and he asked him why we are getting into this situation.

"What's going on here? I know you have something on your mind."

"Master you will make me blush with such confidence, now seriously they have a problem with Polovina and with the new information that that city is full of vampires I don't think it's a good idea to go there alone."

Flipping around with the words, he finally gets to the topic at hand, the thing is why he would go to Polovina.

"From the look on your face I'm guessing you haven't noticed where exactly the relic you're looking for is, you really must do something about that habit of forgetting things."

Hearing her words I go to the system to see what she is referring to, and as she has said the relic is in the center of Polovina city, it looks like this will take time, whatever now it is time to take advantage of the bugg and take advantage of this situation.

"I understand, then we must eliminate the lord of Zakanchivat and go to the rescue of the citizens of the city."

"Well yes, plus those in the city of nachalo will also join us."

With everything digested, we move towards our former position, a place where a convoy of wagons full of supplies and items was located.

"Looks like everything is ready on their end, then let's go."

Who speaks is a smiling Vanessa.

Why is she so happy, dark magic and raising the undead... Oh shit she's some kind of necromancer!