
the night of the werewolves

as every Halloween the wolves shine out becareful to watch your feet out,because we don't know what might happen by the time we learn we did was wrong

dark_angel0207 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

the night


the night had being a really long night and nothing had passed yet by them and they had already started to doubt wheather they have being lied saying that there was a party in the middle of the forest since they had heard no such sound around them. confused and feeling dissappointed henry gets closer to tyla and tells him not to worry and that by morning that everything will be fine. but even henry thought to himself that he had never felt a long to be so long as if they were staying there forever and that night lasted forever . without a wrist watch near them to know the time all they could do is look at the high up sky and wonder what they could do and what time if could be . it all all jus presumptions of time . they had never thoguht on time could be told by looking at the sky nor have they being thought so they knew eventhoguh they guess its fairly not the right time as they didnt notice much time diffenrence since the sky was dark as hair and nothing but just darkness everywhere . but all they could enjoy by this opportunity is to look at the clear sky and gaze at it while appreciating the beautiful cluster of stars shining here as there as if so many eyes were winking at you . they enjoyed looking at the night sky but not the ground they were lying down on becuase they don't know which creature lying on the groud would come and attack them .....

what do you think these two would do ? do you think they would go out safe ? or would they encounter some dangerous creature or living being ? do you think that someone would come to help thm ?

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