
the night of the werewolves

as every Halloween the wolves shine out becareful to watch your feet out,because we don't know what might happen by the time we learn we did was wrong

dark_angel0207 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

"who was it?" .......

lying on the floor , they heard at once a loud thud . and they felt their hearts pounding in their hands . listening to the sound they could feel the cold in their spine . and looking here and there in fright . they saw a huge shadow falling on the ground near them . .....henry and tyla look at each other in fright gulping down bulks of saliva .

at once they heard a loud sound of footsteps running towards their side . but henry thought

" how is it that we see a shadow but hear its footsteps from a distance ?" . he asked this from tyla through their secret code with hand expressions only . and tyle replies

"im confused too, isnt it supposed to be tha shadow here and footsteps here too . or shadow there and footsteps there. wait , probablt there was two people or may be ghosts " . henry replied saying

" i dont think that was people though , because the shadows werent that tall and plus the pace of the foot steps werent like normal 2 feet "

tyla : " yeah i noticed that too ....well what do you think it is henry .....do you think that the legend is true ?"

henry: "which one ?haha

tyla: " the legend of the werewolves in this forest . that every halloween night they come out ..."

henry : " oh that one ..... i remember grandpa saying that the legend was not true .... so i don't think we saw a were wolf . it might have being something else probably "

tyla:"i hope we did too "

henry:" hey look i think its about 3 or 4 in the morning "

tyla:" yeah i think we just have to wait just for some time and then we are ok "

henry:"yeah , we reallly survived the night here "

morning came and they silently left the forest . but little didnt they know that eyes were really following them everysince . and its just that they were tested , and hoping for a catch next time they visit here , they have always being aware of their actions ....

tyla:" i kinda felt we wete watched. ..."

henry : " nah .... its just alll your imaginations "

i hope it was an imagination too...

why do you think the werewolved thought they would come back ?do they really come back ? does the legend end up being true?

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