
the night of the werewolves

as every Halloween the wolves shine out becareful to watch your feet out,because we don't know what might happen by the time we learn we did was wrong

dark_angel0207 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs



it a was cold , foggy and dark night . the pathes were not clear yet the feeling of the haunted around us kept us awake and made the roads clear for us . the sign of Halloween was really shown that night as henry and his friend tyla walked to a party held by there friends in the middle of the woods . the atmosphere was as cold and scary looking but not thinking too much these two friends decided to leave . it was thn 10 pm when they wore their halloween costumes and left home . they told their mum that they were leaving for a party and with no other day left the house closing the door behind there back . walking along a steep road which wasnt that much paved properly but a clear road through the woods the two friends walked talking about things they wanted to do as they reached the place . walking walking they didnt notice tht midnight was approaching . then walking with all these they get lost in the middle of the forest . not knowing where to go they keep running here and there yelling and shouting completely lost and exhausted too . tyla whose normally very timid sat down on the ground and looking at henry started crying saying he wanted to go back home . henry wasnt afraid yet now he has no idea on wht to do . and it was halloween night as well . which means that danger was out there . they came a little forward leaned towards a huge tree cuddling closely with each other hoping someone would come finding them . but staying there for like a hour they have already lost their hope of anyone even thinking of coming into these deeps woods to find them . but thinking of no other choice they lied there not even moving a limb hoping tht no animal lived around them so they wpuld have being eaten away or any other creatyre there around to poison them to death . they hv never faced such a situation and never thought how to live or wht to do in this situation too . they were completely hopeless and feeling doomed ....