
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


Shelly's father came back on Saturday, after winning the primary election. When he got home, everyone was happy to see him. Mrs. Bill welcomed her husband wholeheartedly for winning the primary election.

Shelly also welcomed her father, but she was not looking cheerful and her father noticed it and asked her what the problem was.

She told her father she would not be able to handle the pressure when she becomes the first daughter if he probably wins.

Her father laughed and asked her jokingly if she doesn't want to become the President's daughter, she told her father she would be happy but she doesn't want to be popular.

Her father assured her that all was going to be fine, then her face became cheerful.

"I saw a picture of you and John. What was it about?" her father asked. "Em, I already told mom what happened and I promised it would never happen again" She answered. "From my view, I know that boy cares about you," her father said.

She didn't expect that kind of word to come from her father's mouth. "Daddy we are not friends, we just celebrated the win of our project, that's all and nothing more" she answered calmly. "Okey o, but don't tell me anything later," he said laughing.

Later that day, her father threw a big party to celebrate his win in the primary election.

All were invited, people from in and outside the country came, and the place was filled with guests. There was enough food, drink, and different types of assorted meat.

Shelly was sitting at one end of the hall, moving her body to the sound of the music.

When she saw Rita coming in her direction, she sprang up and asked her what she was doing there. She immediately knelt and asked for her forgiveness.

She saw how sorry she was and asked her to stand up, but she promised not to do such a thing again. They were discussing, when someone walked up to them, they looked up and saw John.

"Oh my God, what is this boy doing here?" Shelly said in an angry tone. "Your mother invited me," he said. "My mother! how! like how" she screamed.

She went to meet her mother and asked her if it was true she invited John, her mother looked at her and told her all was invited.

She dragged John to a corner and asked him if he was turning her parent's against her, telling him that her father told her he cares about her and now her mother invited him.

He told her it wasn't his fault for all that was happening. She went back inside, leaving him there.

The party was over, before everyone left Mr. Bill encouraged all to vote for him and read them his manifestos. Immediately after the event was over, the maids cleaned the place.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, their exams were fast approaching, everyone in L. H. A. was preparing, and the teachers wouldn't give them breathing space.

They never had time to rest, even for a minute. Shelly was always in her study area at home, she only came out when she wants to get something to eat. John, Rita, Peter, and other serious students were not left out. They often form a study group in school and asked each other questions.

Mr. Bill started his campaign, he would go from house to house, distributing items to the people to win more votes.

Shelly was always present at his campaign, but nobody knew she was the governor's daughter, she was always on dark shades and a brimmed hat. She supported her father in any way she can.

The election was drawing close and the electorate campaigning buckled up and did more things to win more people's votes.

Diamond was in full support, he supported his father even from where he was. Shelly asked his brother when he was going to be back, he told her once their father wins, he would come to join them celebrate. She couldn't wait for her brother to come, she loved him so much.

They were carrying out their last campaign before election day. As his father was addressing the people, a gunshot was heard from afar, everyone took to their heels.

One of her father's security guards was gunned to death. In the blink of an eye, the remaining security guard took his father into the car and they zoomed off.

Shelly on her path ran away when she heard the gunshot, her mother followed her dad leaving her behind. It was their opponent that did such a thing, Shelly hid behind a place and checked if they had left and she saw them leaving.

Shelly came out from her hiding place and saw that everyone had left. She left her phone inside the car and she was left with nothing.

She was stranded and did not know where to go, she decided to go to John's house, to punish her parent.

She entered a commercial bus and went to John's house. On getting there, John was surprised to see her because it was getting late. She just went into the sitting room and sat down requesting for water.

John immediately went to give her water. When she was fully settled, she told John everything that happened in her father's campaign. John was surprised at her story and wondered if her parent cared about her.

After staying for about an hour, she told John she was leaving because her parents would come to look for her there and she wants to punish them.

John begged her to stay but she refused, she instantly left. He had no clue of where she was going or what she was up to.

When Mr. and Mrs. Bill got home, they looked for Shelly but couldn't find her, they searched the entire estate but she was not there.

They sent her driver to go look for her at the campaign venue, but the driver got back home without Shelly. They did not know what to do and saw how irresponsible they were.

Shelly was at Rita's house, drinking and laughing, they did many fun things together. Her father was sounding raucous, accusing all his guards.

They sent someone to check if she was at John's house but she was not there. It was 10 pm they couldn't sleep, not knowing what to do.

Early the next morning, Shelly walked through the door of her house. A maid quickly ran to call her parents.

They rushed down and saw her sitting in the dining area. She looked at them in anger, they understood why she was angry.

"What if something had happened to me and all you have to do was to run, leaving me behind", she shouted at them.

She angrily left and went to her room. Mrs. Bill called Mrs. William and told them that their daughter was back, saying they should not worry. Mrs. William was happy to hear the news, and so were John and Joan.

Shelly locked herself up in her room, after all the pleading and begging from her parents and what Joan told her, she opened the door and forgave her parents but before she did, she told them that they would have to pay a price.

She told them that they would have to buy her a new phone and put more books in her study area, and they agreed.

It was election day, Shelly was at home watching as the people voted from different locations.

She prayed in her heart, that her father should win. The voting took a long time and soon the election was over and they were waiting for the result.

On the day the result was announced, Mr. Bill and his opponents were present. Everyone who knew Mr. Bill prayed for him silently, Shelly and her mother put their hands together, and finally, it was announced.