
The New Way of Shinobi

The great hero of the Shinobi world died. As he was supposed to, his soul fell into the hands of the Shinigami. The God of Death purified the soul and sent it back to the world of the living. Thus, a new life was born. But the Shinigami didn't know one important thing... It had been a long time since the hero's soul had been bound to another soul, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox himself...

Northber · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Prologue 2

Kurosaki Family House

"I'm home!…" I announced on the threshold of my own home and immediately noticed how the man's leg with stubble flies straight into my face.

I quickly regrouped, dodged, grabbed him by the same leg and threw him violently to the side, slamming his face into the wall.

"Hi, Father" I greeted him as if nothing had happened, took off my shoes and walked past with a calm face.

Yes, this guy is my father — in this world — and this is our usual "greeting".

"You, as always, do not change…"

"Hey, how can you treat your father like that?! Come on, apologize!" he was indignant, breaking away from the wall and wiping the blood from his nose.

"You yourself wanted to kick me in the face first. I was just defending myself. So what's the problem?" I reasoned logically, spreading my hands.

"It was supposed to be a punishment for your late return, juvenile delinquent!" Dad pointed his finger at me.

"I was asked to help, so I was delayed…" calmly answering and beating his finger, like an annoying insect, from my face, I entered the kitchen.

My stomach has been rumbling with hunger for a long time…

"Quiet! It doesn't matter what the reason is! Anyone who violates the iron harmony of this house can expect only bloody punishment!" he exclaimed with an angry face and slowly moved in my direction. "Or what? Are you secretly bragging again that only you can touch and talk to ghosts?! I'm jealous!" he was indignant, bringing his face closer to mine, in the style of "stupid and stubborn sheep".

"Oh, stop it, both of you. The food will get cold!" my blonde-haired sweet little sister, dressed in an apron and with a ladle in her hand, was indignant.

Just from her angelic voice alone, my sad mood immediately disappeared…

"Leave them, Yuzu. Better give me some more." my second dark-haired sister said with chopsticks in her mouth, lifting an empty plate at the same time.

She is, of course, less cute than the youngest – Yuzu, but her presence in my heart has become warmer…

"But, Karin…" Yuzu made an uncertain sound in the direction of her older sister, with her whole appearance speaking only about the desire for absolute harmony in the family.

"Yuzu is right. Father, let's eat better" I decided to finish this farce quickly in order to eat and go to bed as soon as possible.

I'm exhausted today…

"Oh! Brother, you already have a new one!" Yuzu "delighted" me by pointing behind me.


Before I knew it, I had another ghost behind me. It was the ghost of a man with glasses…

"Again and again they come to me, and no matter what I do, nothing changes…." I mumbled, sighing weakly and hanging up with my hands.

"You can see them, touch them, talk to them, plus you are a high-level spiritual medium. You're out of luck four times. Probably, it is difficult to have high indicators, Ichi-nee." Karin decided to "comfort" me, but she did not succeed very well…

"But, you know, I'm a little jealous of you," Yuzu pouted. "All I can see is a faint fog…"

"I'm not. After all, I don't believe in ghosts," Karin announced with an indifferent face.

"Eh? But, Karin-chan, you can see them, can't you?" Yuzu looked at her older sister in surprise. "The only one who can't is Daddy…"

"Stupid. Whether you can see them or not, as long as you don't believe in them, they still don't exist…" Karin announced coldly.

Cruelly. The ghost gave off a whiff of loneliness…

'And what? Should I take her advice and ignore them? What if it turns out to be true?'

'It's unlikely…' the Fox broke me off.

'Oh, how many problems I have because of this ability…' I also complained to my neighbor in the body.

'That's right. It is difficult to lead an ordinary life with her…' Kurama sympathized with me "in his own way, although I did not mean "this".

"He's open!" my father suddenly shouted, trying to twist me, but in the end he ended up on the floor under me.

This old man is no match for the former Shinobi. Eh, he won't let go until he gets his way, and I don't want to play along…

"I'm going to bed early tonight," I announced, turning around and stomping to my room on the second floor of the house.

I'm out of dinner tonight…

"Brother!…" I heard Yuzu's worried voice behind me, but, reluctantly in my heart, I ignored it.

I'm exhausted for today…

"Well, he's gone. It's your fault, Dad," Karin said monotonously, continuing to eat.

"W-why!!?" as if really not understanding what's what, the indignant father asked.