

A soul wakes up in darkness, waiting to enter the cycle of reincarnation, but a lazy god decide to make the soul reincarnate in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Tony Stark in the year 2009. This is the story of how this Tony Stark will do better and will become the strongest Avengers. English is my 2nd languages this is my first Novel and Fanfiction

WRITERMH200 · Movies
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 - FLIGHT TEST

Immediately he ordered J.A.R.V.I.S to prepare a special space in the workshop to be able to pu on the armor as well as to start the testing of the armor 

'The world may welcome IRON MAN'

(3rd POV)

J.A.R.V.I.S prepared the assembly platform, while Tony almost couldn't sit still with how exited he was.

'I can still remember the feeling of awe and excitement from when I saw the first Iron Man armor flying in the movie, I still can't believe I will actually be able to do it myself in real life'

5 minutes later, right in the middle of Tony reminiscence of his past live, the platform was ready to be used.

'The dream of the Human race to fly through the sky will become true tonight, and I will be the one to do it'

Tony walked to position himself in place, right before the armor, waiting for it to come to life.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, Suit up" 

The armor opened itself upon Tony's demand, unfolding with a series of synchronized movements. As if responding to the command, the metallic pieces orchestrated a seamless dance, revealing the intricate technology within. With each section unlocking and shifting, Tony Stark stepped into place. 

The mechanical arms, akin to loyal assistants, delicately placed the divided components onto his body. As the final piece settled, Iron Man took form.

Encased in the now-assembled armor, Tony took a step forward, ready to transcend the ordinary and embrace the new identity he will have to live with from now on .

Tony, now encased in the armor, prepared for the inaugural test flight. The thrum of repulsor technology resonated through the air as he activated the suit's systems. With a simple nod, the hangar doors groaned open, revealing the vast expanse of the night sky.

"Let's go J.A.R.V.I.S, time to test this beauty"

(1st POV)

"Let's go, J.A.R.V.I.S. Time to test this beauty," 

I uttered with a mix of anticipation and confidence. The heads-up display flickered to life inside the helmet, casting a soft glow on the intricate controls.

As the thrusters come to life, I felt the gentle lift-off—a sensation that sent a shiver of excitement down my spine.

The workshop floor fell away beneath me, and the cool night air rushed past the armor. 

The sensation of flight, once a dream, was now a tangible reality. I adjusted to the subtle nuances of the responsive controls, feeling the power of the suit surging through me.

Ascending into the night sky, the city lights below transformed into a mesmerizing sight. Los Angeles stretched out before me, a sprawling labyrinth of glowing pathways. 

I marveled at the urban landscape, the architectural wonders, and the pulsating life of the city beneath. The Iron Man Mark 6, like a guardian angel, carried me higher, breaching the clouds that cloaked the city.

Arriving above the cloud was another mesmerizing sight, a completely different one, if seeing a city from above make me feel the potential of the Human species, then seeing the stars from below make me feel how insignificant we really are compared to the bigger player of this Universe. 

I decide to stay a little bit more in this place, observing the stars, thinking about what to do moving forward, I couldn't help but marvel about the complexity of the decade ahead of me.

After 10 minutes staying in the same place, I decide to flew around a bit, to test the fly system of the armor. Few minute of testing were enough for me to judge the efficiency of my creation.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, put every data recored during the flight test in a folder and prepare it for me to read when I get back"

"I have enough for Tonight let's flew back"

Descending from the sky, the Mark 6 showcased its prowess. The city lights guiding my return, engaging the suit's thrusters with calculated finesse, I flew with control. The workshop emerged on the horizon, and with gentle precision, the thrusters lowered me. The hangar doors responded, closing behind me. 

A soft thud marked the triumphant touchdown. Standing in the workshop, I began walking toward a strange long platform, in the corner of the workshop. Arriving right on the first step of the platform, mechanical arms extending from the ground began to dismantle my suit, each taking off a parts of the armor. After 30 seconds, all of my armor has been taken off me and was reassemble beside the platform.

I walked toward my workbench were I knew I would find the folder containing the data of my flight. 

Reading the report I could only say that the inaugural test flight was a success, and the Iron Man Armor Mark 6 stood as a testament of my first achievement in this new life.

(3rd POV)

Once the Flight test finished, Tony returned to his research on the Super soldier serum and things were rather complicated.

In Tony's initial reflexion regarding the Super Soldier Serum, his focus centered on recreating the original formula. As a brilliant engineer and scientist, Stark's reflections delved into the fundamental components and processes that had contributed to the creation of the iconic serum during

World War II.

Stark's scientific musings revolved around the archival studies of past experiments and the historical context of the serum's development. He scrutinized the nuances of the original formula, aiming to decipher the precise combination of chemicals and biological agents that had yielded the extraordinary results observed in Captain America.

But without the initial formula, and even with his intellect, the formula was hard to decipher.

As much as the World War II was studied and write about, the super soldier serum wasn't exactly a part of it.

It was more of an open secret, everybody knew that Captain America was injected something but nobody seems to know what it was exactly.

'My best bet is to strike a deal with Fury to get the note of Dr.Erskine on his creation of the serum'


I tried to change a part of my writing style to better suit the scientific talk, I also used chat GPT for certains part were my knowledge was too. shallow.

the love interest will be Pepper and Natasha but not at the same time 
