

A soul wakes up in darkness, waiting to enter the cycle of reincarnation, but a lazy god decide to make the soul reincarnate in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Tony Stark in the year 2009. This is the story of how this Tony Stark will do better and will become the strongest Avengers. English is my 2nd languages this is my first Novel and Fanfiction

WRITERMH200 · Movies
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Chapter 2- LIGHT

« Ok Goodbye and Good luck in your new world »

« Thank you very much god, Good nap to you »

I then hear a snap sound

And everything went dark

(1st POV)

From darkness come light

Blinding light if I have to say

But it's good, it means I can see

Smell as well,


What is that smell anyway it smell like…

Like sex yeah forgot about that

Stark was on his playboy run before being kidnapped in Afghanistan

My eyes are heavy right now

Was I drinking last night ?

I dont remember right now


Foreign memories began invading my mind

And then everything became crystal clear to me

Now I remember

I am Anthony Stark

I am William Robert Celver

No I am neither of them

I am a fusion of them

A better version of each


But all of this different knowledge is weird 
I will need to categorizes all of my memories

But first I need a shower

And a long one at that considering how bad I smell right now

(3rd POV)

Tony sat at the edge of the bed and stand up before walking towards the bathroom

'Fuck this mansion is huge, seriously how can you not lose yourself, there is literally 6 bathroom just on this floor it's ridiculous'

Going into the bathroom before filling up the bathtub with warm water Tony got in and start thinking about his plans.

' So I am in 2009, Stark Industries is still selling weapons, I won't have a hole in my chest before 1 month and, if possible I would prefer never having one, but well I still have time to prepare myself before going to Afghanistan. First of all, I need the Iron Man Armor and I need at least the Mark V, Mart VII or Mark XLII so that I can suit up fast enough, the Perfect one would be Mark L who work with nanotech but I have no idea how to even begin to work on it with the actual technology, in 5-6 years maybe I could have advanced my own lab enough but I clearly can't do it right now'

Tony put up a black pants and a grey t-shirt before walking out of the bathroom and going toward the kitchen in hope of finding something to eat or to cook

After finding the kitchen according to his memory and taking some donut and making coffee, he continue thinking about his future.

'Well I also need to create the palladium and Isotope 8 arc reactor, that could solve some of my problem while giving me an opportunity to close the weapons business and to open an energies branch '

'I also need to find a way of putting Obadiah Stane out of the way because I am 100% certain that he will not like me closing his beloved weapon branch'

'I really have a lot of things to do for a billionaire, it's already tiring me'

'But well first and foremost I should take care of my relationship with pepper and start giving her more chance to prove herself so that she can became the CEO of Stark Industries because I am certain that she will be better than me for the job, that way I can concentrate myself on developing the Iron Man Armor and the Arc Reactor'

While Tony was thinking about his priorities, his personal assistant, Virginia "Pepper" Potts was coming back inside after escorting the last conquest of Tony out of the mansion.

While coming inside she almost fell when seeing Tony already up and kicking.

She asked worriedly,

« Tony, are you okay ? »

« Hello Pepper, yes I am okay why asking ? »

Tony respond while looking at his assistant, she was wearing her usual black working skirt with black tights and a white shirt tucked in her skirt, she was gorgeous like always. 

She look strangely at him while saying,

« Well it's only 10 am with is 4 hours earlier than you usually woke up so I am quite worried »

« Oh no no don't worry I just decided to change some of my habits »

« Now I am going to start worrying even more »

While rolling his eyes Tony replies,

« Don't worry these changes won't be negative ones but positive ones and there will be in larges numbers at that »

Pepper widened her eyes because,right now, Tony Stark seems entirely serious and this is the first time she sees him like that.

After recollecting herself she ask,

« And can you explain to me what changes you are planning and how they will change my work ? »

« The one who will impact you the most will be that, starting now you officially enter a period of test of your qualifications for the post of CEO of Stark Indust-»


« Calm down please and I was serious, 100% serious. And before you interrupt me a second time, you are already qualified for the job and I know it, but this period of test will be for you to prove yourself to the employees and shareholders »

« Do you know that what you are saying right now make absolutely no sense whatsoever »

« Pepper I trust you »

Pepper look at Tony eyes for a moments prepared to see his joking eyes but only managed to see is his sincerity,

'He sincerely trust me with the job and he need me to do it'

That was the only thought that manages to form itself in her mind while looking in his sincere eyes.

After 5 minutes of staring in silence pepper finally said,

« Okay Tony I will do it, but you better be prepared to see me doing much better than you were doing at the position »

Tony smiled at her confidence while thinking

'I already know Pepper, that's why I am giving you the job'

But he simply said

« I hope so, good luck »

The two smiled at each other, appreciating the confort silent

Tony then break the silence by saying,

« So then let's prepare for the closure of the weapons branch of Stark Industries »