

A soul wakes up in darkness, waiting to enter the cycle of reincarnation, but a lazy god decide to make the soul reincarnate in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Tony Stark in the year 2009. This is the story of how this Tony Stark will do better and will become the strongest Avengers. English is my 2nd languages this is my first Novel and Fanfiction

WRITERMH200 · Movies
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 - DARK

(1st POV)

A single thoughts was inside my mind at this moment,

« dark », 

everywhere, anywhere, everything was completely dark,

not a single particle of light existing around me, 

I can't move, I can't sense my limbs



I don't sense anything except darkness 

Why ??

I can't smell anything

I can't hear anything 

I can't touch anything

I can't taste anything 

But why can I see 

Well maybe the word « see » is a little exaggerated 

It's more about having knowledge about the darkness that is surrounding me than really seeing it 

It's like knowing about how to use your eyes to see, 

A sort of instinctive knowledge about how somethings work 

In my case its more about how things are 

But I understand myself 

I think at least 


Who's I ?

No no no…

What is I ?

What am I ?

I am myself but.

I have no idea what Myself Is or ..


I see, I am me 

Me is what I am

Me is my identity, my memories, my wants, my needs, my fear and my value

Lets see what am I then 

My identity is my name, William Robert Celver, a 27 years old bookseller, who lives in New Haven, a city in the state of Connecticut just north of New York.

My Memories are not as clear to me as is my identity, they are coming back to me slowly bit by bit, but they dot seems to be clear, I can remember them in the 3rd person like I am watching a film, like they are a part of me but not as important as before.

My want are nonexistent or at least not right now 

My need are nonexistent or at least not right now

My fear are nonexistent or at least not right now 

My value are nonexistent or at least not right now 


It seems to me that my feelings are suppressed by someone or something

At least It explains the level of clarity and the calmness I seems to have right now 

But then come the question that's been bothering me even while my feelings are suppressed

Where am I 


Why am I here 

I suppose I died 

Well I don't really know but that could be the beginning of the explanation as to why I am here 

Maybe religion are right and there really is something after death 

But I don't think they are completely right as I don't seems to see God 

Maybe it work like the Buddhist think rather than the christian

Not that it matters anyway 

Maybe I need to call someone 

But how can I call someone when I don't have a mouth or anything that seem to work like it 

Maybe if I scream in my own thoughts it will work 

Well no harm trying 


Then, light suddenly came

The darkness who was everywhere around me disappear in one single moment

Like it never exist 

Like it never matter

Maybe it didn't 

Maybe the darkness was a protective mesure coming from my own mind

It can explain my own instinctive knowledge about the presence of said darkness

Or maybe I'm wrong 

Doesn't matter for the time being 

« Hello little one, you don't need to scream anymore as I am here »

A voice resonates inside my mind for sometime before everything return to calm

Is this God ?

Or just a dimensional beings who take care of the deceased soul

« Ohh great so humm.. , what are you?? »

« God of course, well one of the Gods »

« Ohh so the polytheist were the right one »

« Not really entirely right but they were the closest one at least, but well I don't see the point of having this talk with you »

« Oh I see… so hum.. why am I here .. and huh.. where am I ..? »

« Well we are in the void right now and you died so of course you appear there duh »

« Euh.. ok so what's gonna happen now ? »

« Usually I would have to cleanse your soul and send you back to the cycle of reincarnation but I don't feel like doing that right now »

« So you're just gonna drop your job ?? »

« Yeah at least for now, I might change my mind in the future »

« So about me ? What's gonna happen to me »

« Didn't you already ask that same question »

« You didn't really answer so … »

« Oh yeah forgot to do so, well I don't really want to do something bothersome so might as well take a nap »

« Euh.. so..? »

« You really are a slow human, I don't want to explain things to you but I sense that I will never be able to sleep with you still here so I might as well tell you things so that I can finally be able to nap »

« Thank you I guess…. »

« Ok lets keep things simple and do things fast because I really want to sleep »

« I will do my best »

« Good, I will ask question and you respond, simple enough for you right ? »

« Yes sir »

« Ok so, what is your favorite fictional universe ? »

« Euhh.. Marvel Cinematic Universe … »

« Favorite character inside the MCU ? »

« Tony Stark aka Iron Man… »

« Favorite system to have ? You can include all the multiverse to respond to this one »

« I think I know where this is going but I can answer I think.., so a shop system who work with real money meaning every dollars that I gain in real life I also gain 1 shop point »

« Interesting choice you got there little one »

« thanks »

« Ok so I suppose you already guess where we are going with this right »

« Yeah I'm not the brightest but I can still guess what's gonna happen to me »

« Ok I will let you ask one final request before sending you off »

« Can I woke up inside Tony stark in 2009, 1 month before he was kidnapped »

« You can considered it done »

« Good thanks »

« Ok Goodbye and Good luck in your new world »

 « Thank you very much god, Good nap to you »

I then hear a snap sound

And everything went dark