

A village being threatened by mystical creatures can only be save by a prophesy that speaks of a creature which will be brought into the world to serve as a bridge between the humans and mystical creatures, although they are forces that tends to stop that from coming true.

nwuba_harry · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The war

During the iron age..... in a great village called Izzsiry, they were sightings of mystical creature feared by the humans known as the katuni.

Some of these mystical creatures are convinced that they should be the one to rule that the humans are beneath them and in so doing they terrorize the village and the people in it including neighboring village ....

And some of the other mystical creatures tried as much as they could to stop them and save the humans in order to co-exist....these caused a war between the mystical creatures and also between humans.

These mystical creatures possesses the form of human but can be differentiated from human by their glowing eyes when in their beast state....when in their beast state usually known to them as..... katuni form...

Their eyes colour change.... their fangs elongate as well as their claws making them more stronger, faster, more adaptable to their environment and almost invisible.

Although not all katuni posses the same power and strength with each other...the katuni can sense each other, together with the powers they posses ..... like each katuni with different eyes colour posses different set of powers....

The gomira has purple eyes colour in it's katuni form.....they are considered to be the strongest and are called the elder because of their amicable powers, they posses both increased speed and strength..... their regenerative ability is off the chart and they have the power to mind control as well as turn off the katuni form of a katuni.

They are feared by both humans and other katuni , but they have not been seen for a long time and are assumed to be extinct.....

The lumera have green eyes colour with increased strength and speed both in their katuni form and human form but are more powerful in their katuni form due to their transformation which include glowing eyes, fangs , claws and their regenerative ability ...

While the charri are known as familiars that serve and work for both the gomira and the lumera, they serve as a companion and have deep psychical connection with their masters ..... they can take any form and their job is to protect and guide the katuni they serve.

Charri are known for their grey coloured eyes and the stronger a katuni, the stronger it's familiar.

A long time ago, the katuni once lived together with the humans in their human form, hiding away their katuni form in other to co-exist with them and bring peace while waiting for a prophesy which says that a time will come when a katuni will be born and will serve as a bridge between the humans and the katuni without them having to hide their katuni form....

But one of the elder Magnus saw it as a waste of time to their existence..... he told the other elders that they are the superior creature, that they have the power and should be the one ruling the human...

They shouldn't have to hide their true form and live in fear just to co-exist with the humans and wait for a prophesy that may never come true.....

The elders saw that if they agree with Magnus, it will lead to war and disaster.....they disagreed with him and told him not to bring up the topic again.

Magnus's brother kanon also an elder met with Magnus after his encounter with the elders and told him to listen to what the other elders have told him, that his idea will only bring pain and suffering not only to the humans but also to all the katuni.....

But Magnus who has already made up his mind left kanon without saying anything.


Hope you guys enjoyed the story, don't forget to review and rate my story...see you on my next update...stay safe✌️ ....by Henry Nwuba