

A village being threatened by mystical creatures can only be save by a prophesy that speaks of a creature which will be brought into the world to serve as a bridge between the humans and mystical creatures, although they are forces that tends to stop that from coming true.

nwuba_harry · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The war 2

Magnus and Kanon are known as heirs and are part of the first generation true bloodline of the gomira clan and for that... they became the leader of the katuni.

Magnus was the first born son making most decision be made by him and due to the hatred he has for human, he was planning for a way to eliminate them and also stop the prophesy for coming true.

On the other hand, Kanon have always loved the idea of co-existing and protecting humans, he have always wanted to feel what it's like to be a human and for that he became close to humans and even got for himself a human lover Catherine, and for this he was been despised by his brother Magnus.

Magnus not heeding to what the elders or his brother told him took off with other elders and lumera who are devoted to him and agreed to his idea and started creating havoc in the human village...making his followers to display and use their Powers on human.......

Magnus's familiar Damon tried to turn Kanon's familiar Aron against Konan but Aron's connection to his master Kanon was too strong and this made Aron refused....Damon then has to fight and end Aron to avoid any loose end, Aron who was also a caring creature and yet a talented Warrior and protector saw many means to end Damon during the fight but couldn't, this gave Damon an upper hand and strikes Aron down......

Aron seeing that he has to give Kanon the information of what Magnus is already doing overpowered Damon and escaped, Aron ran to Kanon injured and told him of Magnus plan .

Kanon immediately alerted the elders and other lumera who were against Magnus to stop him, he then told Aron to take Catherine far away from the village, Aron hesitated and told Kanon that he took an oath not to leave his side, to always protect him, Kanon then said to him ...

...."My friend, if you do this for me, you will be doing more than just protecting me, you will be giving me and the rest of the world hope"...

Aron having an idea of what Kanon meant nodded with tears rolling down his cheeks and replied..

... "Good bye my old friend"...

and left for Catherine.

Meanwhile, when they got to were Magnus and his followers were, they saw that every human both woman, man and innocent children who came across their path were killed mercilessly....these made Kanon mad with rage on seeing what he loved and cared for so much being ruined by his brother, he then declared war on his brother and his followers.

Many lives was lost during the war both humans and katuni alike. Magnus who seems to have practice one of the forbidden katuni technique by devouring the human's mind using his mind controlling abilities became more powerful and with these powers he can also mind control an elder with ease....he killed all the elders and lumera to cross his path including familiars.

Kanon who saw that his brother was too strong and that he is the only one with the power to atleast match that of Magnus and do what needs to be done saw an opening and then sacrificed himself to save the world from his brother by Linking his mind to that of Magnus and trapping them both within themselves because he know he can't face him head on with such power.......

Other Katuni who survived took their bodies and hide it away from the world thinking that the war is over not knowing that it was only starting.......

Humans who saw what happened became aware that they were not alone and with that fear, the Emperor organized a scout that started hunting down katuni.....the scout studied the katuni in violent ways, tortured and made most of there secrets known to humans so as to make the katuni be identified by any humans.

The scout found out about their regenerative ability and used that to fish them out from among the humans by cutting everyone at the village and see those who have quick healing abilities...those who are found to be a katuni are decapitated since that was one of the effective way of getting rid of them and their body burnt.

This made all katuni to run into hiding and live in fear as feared by the elders who are no more.....as the prophesy they hoped for also begin to fade.


Hope you guys enjoyed the story, don't forget to review and rate my story...see you on my next update...stay safe✌️ ....by Henry Nwuba