
The Murder Mission

Octavia grew up with her dad who had served in the army, until he was murdered when she was only 16. He had been the one to train her how to fight and how to use guns. Now she works for a secret company taking down criminals when missions come in and some times taking private client requests when someone needs to be taken out. What will happen when she is faced with the man who had possibly played a part in her fathers murder?

kirsty_O · Urban
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Chapter 2

We arrived at the usual pub we go to just on the edge of the town closest to the facility at least a 20 minute drive away. It was worn down on the outside tatty windows and the doors didn't look like they would be standing for much longer. A beer was just what we both needed to finish our weekend of, when tomorrow came it would be back to work for the both of us but I can't complain it's what my father had always trained me or so I now believed anyway.

"What will be your poison this time, guys" the young bartender Mack asked, as we both slid on to the bar stools in front of him. We preferred to sit here because it was closest to door if we needed to escape. Most importantly it gave us a clear view of our surrounding and in our field of work we where to used to it, to have it any other way no matter where we where.

"I'll have the usual but give me double vodka and half cola this time Jack" I smiled. He was only around 18 but I understood the need to work at that age to support yourself. I didn't know much about the bright blue eyed boy with his dirty blond wavy hair, he kept brushing from out of his eye. I did know however he worked 7 nights a week every week without a day off, that right there was determination. Jackson ordered his usual just a beer as he would say.

We sat for a good 2 hours chatting about anything and everything, from our next vacation ideas to who would cook this weeks food. Of course I was the only one that could cook. If Jackson was to cook anything I'm not sure we'd survive his horrendous food. We had planned to make this our last drink then head home it was already dark out side and we had to be up early the next morning no point in delaying the invert able.

Just as we where finishing up I caught a small voice sounding terrified, I looked to Jackson who was long in conversation with Mack clearly hadn't heard anything. I told him I was going to the ladies room and of course thats where I found the scared voice. That belong to a young brown haired girl.

"Let me go please" she said

"Oh come on, I only want a little fun. Just a small taste then I'll leave you alone, or maybe I'll want more" A big guy slurred at the girl, visibly he was much older than her and his attention towards her was unwanted without a doubt.

"Well what do we have hear, did you not just hear her tell you to let her go" I asked eyebrows raised.

"Go away you have no business her, scam lady or you'll be next" he winked giving me a evil smirk that showed off his yellow stained teeth. He let go of the girl just enough for her to bolt out of the rear door that sat just a few feet away from the ladies room.

"Grr look what you did you stupid women all the same. You don't know who your messing with. I'll have my fun with you instead then hand ya over to me boss see how ye like that eh" he boomed as he stalked closer and closer. He seemed to realise I wasn't trying to run this made him smile, of course he must have thought I was frightened. I waited for the right moment and just as he thought he had me pinned against the wall, I brought my knee up fast and hard into his crotch. That definitely had to hurt I thought to myself as he cried out in pain grabbing his now bruised manly parts crouching over with deep breaths. I took that opportunity to bring my knee up again this time to his face, a satisfying crunch sound as my knee made contact. I couldn't help the grin that formed on my face. I enjoy fighting thanks to my dad and all the training he would drill into me until I knew it all by memory.

Distracted by my thoughts, I hadn't notice the guy seemed to have recovered almost from the blows I gave him.

"Think ya cleaver do you. Ye think a little bit of self defence is going to scare me. You've lost me money and now ye insulting me and costing me time I ain't got. You silly bitch" he sneered

"What did you just call me? You over grown animal, i've dealt with worse than you before. Don't misunderstand my small moves for weakness don't you know anything or are you just too busy being a mule for your boss" I taunted him. He plunged for me as the realisation of everything I had said hit him. I stepped to the side just as he neared to grabbing me causing him to hug the way instead, I kicked his back with as much force I could muster. He fell face first into the floor knocking his drunk ass out.

Satisfied with my handy work I walked back to the bar with a smirk on my face. Dad always taught me to be on guard especially when fitting with someone who was much bigger than myself. I miss him dearly everyday. When the day comes when I or the local police find out who murdered him, I imagine they will beg me for mercy, for some kind of forgiveness. I promised I would revenge my father's death, he deserved that much at least. Even if though he was no longer with me, I know he would be proud of who I am today or at least I'd hope he would be.

"Mack call the police tell them there's a guy lying passed out on the floor near the ladies room, who had been harassing women and trying to lure them away from here". Mack looked at me shock evident on hi young face. He'd obviously never dealt with something like this before I guess there is a first time for everything. With that me and Jackson left to get some much needed rest before we started back at work tomorrow.

What is the work of a hitter like, is it easy for them to take the life of another? Find out in the next chapter!

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