
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Goth Neighbors

A few minutes after leaving the village.

Being almost killed a few times really paid off haha, I got stabbed and still could fight back, take that!

But I really need to train more sigh... Im terrible at fighting people.

I spent most of my time fighting monsters and they are dumb so I think I got used to fight doing only the same thing.

People can see patterns and adapt after all.

And what was that magic? the guy just glows and gets stronger, judging by his mana flow I think that it is some kind of enhancement magic.

I dont know how it works, maybe it is like when I use spiritual energy to boost my attributes but with some kind of magic formula behind it.

I kind of want to use a weapon now, seems very cool to use magic and weapons at the same time.

While floating I should spend more time figuring out my abilities, I sing too much sigh...

First I should try telekinesis, it is the only skill that I was able to see in the skill tree when I had the system, so it should be a basic one I think.

Telekinesis is the power to move things with your mind, but I doubt it will work like that in this world, it is not a superpower, it is a type of magic.

It is a psion ability, then it is spiritually related.

Maybe if I learn to control spiritual energy not only as an extension of my body but around other objects, could work.

I will try training while floating.


In a land that looks devasted and empty, a castle could be seen.

It was a huge black castle in the middle of nowhere.

Inside in a throne room what seems to be a court is reunited.

Sitting on a golden throne, a woman who looks about 18 years old, smooth short blonde hair making a fringe that covers the left side of her face.

Her eyes are droopy and crimson-red.

slightly pale skin, an athletic body, wearing black stirrup pants, a dark red vintage overcoat with buttons and long sleeves, on her neck and wrist gray lines with spikes as details.

On her feet were black kitten heels and on her waist a rapier.

The rapier handle was a rose format and the blade is red on the left side and black on the right.

Around her people wearing similar types of clothes, about 8 of them.

The woman rises from her throne with confidence and starts to speak loud and clear.

"The time has finally come, it is time to rebuild our kingdom! Time to get out of this pile of ruin and dust we stand on!" Says the woman with confidence

She puts her hand on the sky and clenches her fist.

"War might be inevitable but we cant stand to live like animals anymore, firstly we need to reallocate, and I already have just the right place in mind" She says with confidence


Back to Ghost.

Has been 3 since I left that village, seems like im close to the forest some of my children are trapped.

I float in a forest going to the west, and from time to time I find some monsters like Greenlies that I learn because of the encyclopedia that they are namely Goblins.

And take a look at this!

I put my hand up and my encyclopedia floats in the air.

It is very basic and weak but I can move things!

It is so cool!

I move the book around me a little.

Ghostar technique Poltegaist.

It was easy to learn kinda, maybe im a genius!

I used what I learned with portal creation, it works like a grip of spiritual force.

Other than telekinesis it has other applications too but I cant do much, it is kind of weak I think I need more training.

Im close to my destination and im starting to wonder what should I do when I get there.

First of all, I dont even know how they trapped my children maybe I cant even rescue them.

This thought scares me sigh...

I think I should try calling my children and see what they want.

I channel a wave of spiritual energy going through my whole body and expand it.

Soon I heard multiple low-pitched and whispery voices inside my head.

"Mother... we feel you... close... so close... close" I hear

I can feel their excitement going through me.

"Children, im close but I wonder, what is it that my children want?" I ask with a calm and motherly tone

"We want... mother... guidance... mother... love... be useful... serve mother..." I hear

That dont help much sigh... For now, I think I will just try to make a place for me and my children to live peacefully.

From there I see how it goes.

"We want... mother to... make us stronger... create more" I hear

They are very excited, but how exactly would I create more of us? 

I will try to figure it out somehow.

Now it is time to spoil my cute children!

"Mother love, love, love so much her children already" I say with a calm tone

I can feel them shaking in happiness


After that, I spent some more time floating, it is night now.

This area seems very untouched by human hands, there are no roads.

Im very close to the forest my children are, so im guessing no one wants to live around a place like this.

Im so happy! It took some time to get here, it would be even more if I was not a ghost though.

I dont need to eat nor use the bathroom, I dont even feel tired, I can float forever!

Everything seems deserted around here no forest or mountain just a green plain.

On the horizon, I can already see, a huge ominous forest, the trees are dead and big.

There is some mist on the ground too.

Oh! I can already see some goths by the forest side building something too!

Wait what?!

What the hell is that?!

A bunch of people building something! Wait, people? they sure look strange though, I already saw other people before but that bunch looks like a cult of goths.

Judging by their looks and what I know, I think it is a bunch of vampires.

I dont think they saw me yet, what should I do?

Im fairly far away from them, but what if I get close and they just kill me!?

Wait, vampires are intelligent, they are not mindless monsters so maybe I could just float by them?

Yes! We are family after all right? like we are all undead here.

Thats what I want to think but sigh... they would probably try to kill me right?

But they are close to my children! What if they try to do something bad to them?

I cant let that happen!

I will go talk with them yes! This is my zone and they are intruders.

But this would be so embarrassing argh...

I cant just get there and go "Hey this is my zone yo! gang gang yo!" I will get killed for sure!

I imagine myself doing some gang signs and it is ridiculous haha.

Whatever I will just do my best, if things get messy I could try running with portal creation.

I will not abandon my children!

I float toward them, I try searching for useful information about vampires in the encyclopedia but everything seems very foggy and unreliable.

I put the encyclopedia floating around me, why? it looks cool!

Plus, it makes me look intellectual.

Im kind of close now but they dont seem to be caring about me for some reason.

They are seeing me right?

I see more clearly now, a bunch of tents and a bigger tent at the end.

Seems like they are building something there are a bunch of rocks in a block format around.

Probably created with magic I guess.

I can feel them from here, there are about 100.

People are standing around and talking.

Well, they look like a bunch of goths in vintage clothes but they dont seem evil to me.

Some of them are really strong though.

Im starting to feel scared sigh...

No, you can do it! greet your new neighbors!

I dont think they saw me, I will float closer.

I make my way toward the entrance of their camp.

Now im at the entrance and people saw me, most put puzzled expressions with a hint of fear.

I slowly wave my hand to them a bit.

Well, at least they are not attacking me.

Some of them are running toward the bigger tent, maybe to call their leader or something.

I changed my mind! I will just go, this is too embarrassing.

They didnt attack me on sight that is enough, bye!

I float toward the forest and now im right outside her.

I can see a very thin dome around the forest.

I cant enter sigh... I cant put a portal inside either.

I think I will have to brute force my way in somehow.

Looking with spiritual senses it is made of mana, I could try absorbing it with soul steal but I dont know if I can take it.

It has too much mana, but I can only try.

I put my hands on the dome slowly.

I active soul steal and bright blue lines start to flow into my hands and wrists.

I can feel it, my mana is going up and it doesnt stop.

You can take it! Think about your children.

They are inside trapped waiting for their mother.

Argh! Just a little bit more!

I start to bite my lips.

And in a blink, the whole dome crumbles.

A shockwave happens making wind blow in all directions.