
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs



Eat and sing that is a good combination.

Now it is time for the big guy, im kinda scared sigh...

I will try to take him by surprise but I doubt it will work.

I float toward the burned village thinking of ways to take that guy out.

There he is, he looks menacing, waiting patiently leaning against a carriage.

I float sneakily into the forest trying to take him by surprise with a shoot on the back.

Coward? me? impossible!

Im on his back now a few meters away behind a tree.

I make a circle for a fire spear.

"Fire spear" I say in a low voice

A blue spear of flames goes in his direction at high speed.

He takes his sword from his waist swiftly and deflects it.

With a sharp and suspicious look, he spots me behind a tree.

I sent more fire spears with the circle I had already made.

He evades and looks at me with a hint of surprise after seeing my form.

His body glows green and he dashes toward me.

He comes with an up to down swing but I evade moving my body to the right.

Shit! that was close.

I make a portal underneath him, making him go to the sky a little above me and I send a fire spear while he is falling.

His body glows blue and the fire spear hits his stomach.

He falls to the ground but suddenly gets up and his stomach is only scratched.

Come on! That is cheating.

He stares at me for a few seconds curiously.

"You are not a normal monster, are you?" Says the man with a calm tone but a hint of curiosity

I make a disgusted face while putting my hand on my face.

The man seems puzzled by the gesture.

Argh... should I answer him? I dont really want to talk.

Sigh... I will just answer maybe I could get information or something.

"Hmm... maybe I dont know, are you a normal village raider?" I say with a shy tone

He looked at me puzzled for a few seconds and let out a laugh.

"There is only one explanation here, you are a mage sent by them to erase me, I dont know why you look like this but whatever I just need to take you out" Says the man with a serious tone

Did he call me weird? man! shut up, im literally the cutest thing I have ever seen.

I made two circles of fire spear one on each hand.

I start to barrage him with fire spears, he is evading to the sides and deflecting them with his sword.

With a dash, he comes at me with a slash going for my head.

I open a portal on my side to use as a shield, on my right side I open another one turned to me and I send some fire spears in that portal making it appear in front of him.

He swiftly backed off.

"Quite the unusual magic you got there" Says the man casually

He rushes at me again, I try to open a portal underneath him but he gives a slight jump to evade.

His sword comes toward me.

I opened a portal in front of me but he saw through me and entered the portal with his sword straight.

He appears at my side with his sword going toward my stomach.

Shit! I cant avoid this!

His sword pierces my stomach very deeply.

He puts a smug on his face and whispers close to my shocked face.

"Dont go using the same trick expecting it to work, dumb bitch" He says with an aggressive tone

I make an expression of pain, but then I raise my head with a smile.

I hug him and use soul steal.

"Dont go thinking I will die with just this, motherfucker!" I say aggressively with a grim smile on my face

I drain his soul for some time before he notices.

After he looks down and sees no blood dripping from me, he immediately takes out his sword and steps back.

Argh! shit! it hurts damn, getting hurt with this body hurts a lot more than with my old one.

I look down and see white smoke going around my wound, seems like it is healing.

Damn it stills hurts! but at least is healing fast using my spiritual energy.

The man looks at me with fear and shock.

"What in the living hell are you?" He asks with an aggressive tone

Damn racist! im a person like everyone else.

Just because my body dont bleed it means im not a person now? that is super racist, right?

I send some fire spears toward him.

He failed to deflect one of them because he was too slow.

He falls to his knee on the ground with a puzzled expression.

"Where is my mana?!" He says raising his voice with a scared expression

I open a portal behind him, I put only my left arm inside the portal grabbing his neck.

"Wait! Wait please, they will erase you too as soon as you lose your use to them, spare my life I beg you" He says in despair and fear of death

I active soul drain and with an unfazed expression I look at him.

"Dude, what are you talking about?" I say nonchalantly

He puts on a puzzled expression with a hint of fear, but he is now too weak to talk back.

Soon he dies and falls to the ground as an old-looking corpse.

Shit! this was dangerous as fuck! But what is this reward damn, this guy's soul is delicious.

Better than that mage girl, stronger too, damn I feel my strength going up by a lot.

That was good! I even called someone motherfucker, it is liberating for some reason!

While lost in thoughts about this fight, I make my way toward the carriages.

I wave my hand to the little girl in the woods.

She comes running at me with a happy and satisfied smile.

"Thank the gods, you could win" Says the girl with a concerned tone

She is speaking like she thought I would die for sure sigh...

Justice was been served and it was delicious hehe.

The little girl rushes to the carriages to open the doors.

It is locked and she looks at me with needy eyes.

Sigh... you help one little girl and all of a sudden you are her key.

I float toward the door and I make an ice spike to break all the locks.

When the people left they looked at me with fear.

A woman runs toward the little girl and holds her to keep her away from me.

"Demon! get away from my daughter, Elaine did she ask you a price for saving these people?! You shouldn't have accepted" Says the woman with a concerned tone and looking at me with aggressive eyes

Damn, racists everywhere! Sigh... I dont judge them, At the end of the day, im a monster, I didnt do this because I wanted to be praised.

Well anyway, time to go.

I float toward the woods while those people are looking at me with fear and suspicion.

The little girl tries to argue but it is in vain.

In his mother's worried arms, she screams at me.

"Thank you for everything! One day I will repay you ten times more I swear!" She screams at the top of her lungs 

I turn to her and wave my hand giving her a gentle smile before disappearing into the woods.