
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Strict Children

Damn! I was not expecting a shockwave.

It hurt but I feel that I have much more mana now.

Time to see my children! I will cal-

My thoughts were interrupted by a group of vampires that appeared from the sky behind me.

8 vampires and a blondie with short hair in the middle, she looks tough damn.

They kind of look silly in these goth clothes, they all wear vintage dark red clothes.

They are with weapons drawn and glaring at me.

The blondie seems to be their leader.

This is awkward...

"Hmm... you need something?" I ask a little shy

They look puzzled after hearing me talk.

Oh! Come on, vampires are kind of monsters too.

The blondie steps forward with a sharp look and points her rapier toward me.

"What are you? what are you doing here? what did you do just now?" She says with an aggressive and low voice

This is what they call interrogation? Im being intimidated!

This is bullying! I will not be intimidated!

I might be introverted by when I need to stand up for myself I know how to do it!

I look at her with an unfazed expression.

"I dont feel like answering" I say with an aggressive low voice

They seem irritated by my response.

"I dont think you got a choice, I dont know how strong you are but I doubt you could take us alone" Says the blondie aggressively

I smile a little.

"Alone? I think you should look again" I say with a serious tone

I send a wave to signal my children and in a blink, hordes of spiritual beings of every kind even some I have never seen before.

There is too much and they dont stop coming out from the forest and appear behind me.

My children are so excited to see me I can feel it.

The group is trying to look unfazed but it is in vain.

Yeah, better back the fuck down! Ghost the Ghost will not be intimidated.

The blondie seems lost in thought, but my voice wakes her up.

"Look hmm... I dont want to fight, but I dont like being intimidated so could you hmm maybe lower your weapons" I say with a serious tone with a hint of shyness

The blondie makes a gesture with her hand and they put their weapons down.

She looks at me with serious eyes.

"We dont want to fight either, are you attacking us?" She says with a serious tone

Ah! They thought that the shockwave was an attack on them.

So im the bad guy here! I should apologize.

"Hmm... im sorry I did not mean to cause any harm, I needed to break the barrier around this forest and it caused that shockwave" I say with a formal tone a bit shyly

Blondie gives a heavy sigh and looks down.

"You caused a lot though, im Vivian Sarx, Lady of the Court of Red" She says with a formal tone

What do I do now?! I dont have a name!

"I dont have a name so hmm... nice to meet you" I say shyly

This is so embarrassing argh... I really need to get a name already.

She probably thinks im a very rude person, it is not true!

"Well, if you need something or whatever I will be inside the forest so hmm, bye I guess" I say with a formal tone waving my hand a little

I think and all the spirits disappear in a mist going back into the forest.

I turn my back to float into the forest but Blondie wants to say something.

"Could you make some time to talk with me? tomorrow maybe" She says raising her voice a little with a formal tone

Well, why not? They dont seem bad and I kind of screwed up, it would be rude to refuse.

I give a smile and agree, she seems relieved by my answer.

I float inside the forest and all my children are waiting for me.

They are everywhere, making a passage for me, and in the middle, there is a round space.

I stop in the middle and look at them all.

They are so happy! Ah... Im going to die they are so cute!

"Children, your mother arrived" I say with a cheerful tone and smiling

Their whispers fill the forest.

"Mother... of...all" They all repeat with whispery and low-pitched voices

I share my love with them through a wave.

They start to shake and whisper, they are so happy to feel me so close!

If I find who trapped my cute children here! He will get a nice beating.

We cant just keep living in a forest, can we? Do they even like this place?

I try asking them but they answer that they would like any place that I order them to stay, sigh... I seem to have very strict children.

Whatever then, let's stay here for now.

I ask them to scatter across the forest and keep watching for unwanted presences. They get so happy when I order them haha so cute!

Now time to think carefully, what exactly should I do? That group of vampires is strong for sure. We can overwhelm them with numbers but I dont want my children to die in vain.

I dont know what they want but sigh... I have an idea, Im not so dumb ok?! They probably want to unite forces. Well, if they were in a good situation, to begin with, they wouldnt be here.

It could be good depending on their goals, and my children are more than happy to do anything I say. My children seem to share the same hunger for power as myself, maybe this is a monster trait.

Now that I settled down, I could try learning more about magic itself, using the information I learned with the system I could try to make my own formulas.

I have a lot to learn about this world too, sigh... I have a newborn baby education here.


Very far away from Ghost location.

A woman with knees on the ground while praying, her face looks peaceful.

Her long red hair hits the ground while she prays, and her smooth white skin almost reflects the sunlight coming from the window.

While peacefully praying, images came into her head alongside a voice. Images of destruction, death, and a woman, a pale woman floating in the sky. Fury could be seen in her expression, and on the ground, a slaughter was taking place.

The voice proceeds to speak.

"The first order will come, the second will fall on deaf ears, and when the third order arrives there will be no one to hear" Says the voice making an echo into the woman's head

The woman starts to scream and cry blood on the ground, but soon a group of soldiers appear and try to help her.

"Saintess! What happened?!" Says one of the soldiers holding her back

"SHE IS HERE! ARGH! THE GODS SENT ME THEIR PROPHECY!" The woman screams repeating with a desperate tone

Shivers ran down the soldier's spine, the saintess could receive prophecies from the gods but she never got like this before.

The woman is losing her conscience after screaming so much but as a last warning before fainting she says.

"She is not from here. She is an enemy of the Gods"