
The Moons Edge

Moonlover1997 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Jungkook's POV:

As I walked into the pack house my unconscious mate in my arms, I headed upstairs and gently laid her on the bed in the spare room. A smile crept upon to my face as I watched her muscles relax at the comfort of a bed, how long has this girl been a rogue? How long has my mate suffered without me knowing?

My eyes fought my mind as they wandered across her body her long dark hair and her pale snow skin, her form so delicate and frail next to my own.

She was small maybe 5'4 and fragile as a shard of glass. I watched as he face twitched as her body stirred...

Y/n's POV:

My eyes fluttered open as i woke up in the foreign room, that sweet intoxicating smell infiltrated my senses overwhelming my thoughts. My gaze darted across the room fixing on the source of the smell, my dreaded mate. I don't need a mate, never wanted one, won't have one, I refuse to eat sleep and roll over as and when my 'mate' tells me to.

Jk:"hi love did you rest well how do you feel"

Y/n:"don't call me love, I don't even know you"

Jk:"I'm your mate the name is Jungkook, you have to get to know me"

Y/n:"mates or not I don't need you nor want you so take your nicknames elsewhere"

I watched as he sighed his eyes defeated as he left the room a pang of short lived guilt struck me.

Maybe I was too harsh on him,

He is my mate after all even if I don't want him.

I lay down on the bed my worries absorbed into the mattress as I drifted of to sleep. My eyes heavy my body at peace.