
The Moons Edge

Moonlover1997 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Y/n's POV:

*the next day*

My eyes slowly opened the early morning haze cascading in, as an aroma one could only describe as heavenly infiltrated my nose. My mind moved me on my own disagreeing with the best of my judgement as I pulled the door to the room open. That was the first moment that morning that I remembered I didn't know where I was. My wolf and ravenous stomach led me as I approached a glistening kitchen.

At the table sat six boys my mate included , a tall broad shouldered man stood in the kitchen making pancakes. The plates of golden delicacies caught my eyes, drowned in syrup and fresh fruits. I caught my mates gaze as I gave a pleading and apologetic look hoping he would understand.

Jk:"sleep well?"

Y/n:"yes thank you Jungkook"

Jk:"someone seems to have changed their tune haven't you love"

Y/n:"I'm sorry I just don't know how I feel about having a mate"

A golden plate of pancakes was placed in front of me.It was at that moment that I remembered that we weren't the only ones in the kitchen but there were those six boys who I can only assume are in a pack with my mate. My self consciousness crept upon me as I pulled my mates shirt down it being the only thing I had on despite my undergarments.

Jungkook's POV:

My eyes met my mates as I acknowledged her insecurity and pulled her close to me, I felt the muscles in her body contract and tense as I pull her to sit next to me at the table. My eyes followed her as I watched her dainty frail figure as she ate the food her pink plump lips parted ever so slightly as she sighed between mouthfuls.

She's so beautiful....

I waited until she had finished eating before addressing her as I realised I had yet to know her name.

Jk:"Surely there is a name to match such beauty, tell me love what are you called"

Y/n:"I was never named by my old pack as my wolf was seen as a disgrace to pack reputation, but I have a name that my wolf and I chose"

Jk:"Tell it to me, I promise I'll protect you"

Y/n:"I call myself y/n..... and don't make promises you aren't prepared to keep"

And with that she walked out of the room and back towards the guest room she slept in. This girl. My mate, and she continues to perplex me.

Tell me y/n what is your story?