
The Moons Edge

Moonlover1997 · Fantasy
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Chapter 2

Y/n's POV:

Running ....

Again and again and again. I couldn't feel anything besides my head dropping to my stomach as my vision blurred.

No..... not now

And then everything went black as I heard the distant pounding of paws draw closer and stop.

And then it hit me.

That sweet caramel and chocolate scent, it could only mean one thing...


Jungkook's POV:

Right after I ended the mind link I came running to the pack border to meet this rogue wolf girl, as my paws collided with the ground my large alpha wolf sprinted onwards towards a glistening white wolf blurring in the distance. I could tell from her wolfs coating that she was a Luna wolf although badly injured marks littered her snow like fur.

Almost catching up I watch as she begins to slow and then drop down as I catch her just before she hits the floor, I sit there for a moment her silky hair brushing my skin as I felt her wolf start to shift back....

With a weak groan she turns her now human face to look at me and I know the second my eyes meet hers..... she is my mate!

I wrap my arms around her frail body as I lift her up, this rogue, this lone wolf, will grow to be the love of my life and my packs Luna. After all these year of searching I found her. My fingers find themselves nestled in amongst her glossy albeit messy locks as I start the slow walk to the pack house.

I am quick to dismiss the confused looks from my pack and growl at Taehyung as he reaches to remove her from my arms.....


Taehyung's POV:

I see alpha approach with the rogue wolf I reach to remove her sensing discomfort, my surprise when I hear alphas voice hollow and raw as he barks out the word *mine*.

The word echoes through me as I take a step back and now my head in submission, upon looking up I saw a flash of red in his eyes. It's her. He found our Luna!

But why do I feel so jealous why do I want her in my arms.....