
The Moons Edge

Moonlover1997 · Fantasy
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Chapter 1

Y/n's POV:

It was a bitter November evening as the moon hung low in the night and the howl of the pack echoing in the heavy mist. I was weak. My wolfs voice loud in my head as I ran far far away, my heart pounding in my chest as I approached the boarder... just a few more steps and I'm gone. Serenity settles in as the howling stops and the alphas voice stops ringing in my ears.


I am free.

I lay down to rest by a tree in the woods and licked my wounds as I felt my wolf form shift and my humanity settle in. I winced in pain no longer having wolf tolerance, I regret making a sound as I hear footsteps and whispers...

?:over here I saw her go this way

??: no I'm sure she went this way

???: guys look she's there, one of you link alpha

I pull myself up on my feet and start to run...

?'s POV:

We were walking in the forest tracking the rouge that had entered our territory. I just saw her, sat by a tree after shifting back, she was severely wounded, clearly my pack mates were thinking the same as me so I linked our alpha

?:*Jungkook we found her*

Jungkook:*how formal of you tae I told you if you use the link use my title*

Tae:*sorry Alpha*

Jungkook:*is she badly wounded why is a rogue in our territory*

Tae:*i don't know Alpha I'll bring her in for questioning*

Jungkook:* ok and tae please be gentle with her or I swear I will revoke your beta title so fast you can't even say moon goddess*

Tae:*aish yes alpha*

Y/n's POV:

I ran and ran my body exhausted as my freshly licked wounds tore open, the blood raging down my legs.

The whispers of my wolf in my ear...

Faster. We need to run faster. Their scent is close...

As if automatically, my body started to shift as I felt my wolf push me further into my subconscious.

She was now in control...