
Saving Loup

Loup watched helplessly as Moon sprinted down the hall way in the direction of her bedroom.

She caught him so totally of guard with bolting the minute he untied her restraints, that for two seconds he wasn't sure what he was suppose to do, so he shook his head as if to clear the haziness, and then sprinted after her.

He didn't get far tough, because he was suddenly and very forcefully side tackled, and found him self flying through the air back towards the weapons room, unfortunately he had closed the heavy steel doors before he started running after Moon, so he braced him self for a hard collision that he was sure was going to leave a mark.

Loup hit the steel doors so hard, that he left a dent in it, the moment he hit the ground he felt himself being dragged to his feet by his hair, and then he was able to set eyes on his attacker.

His very own Father was the one that was attacking him so violently, the moment they made eye contact Loup's farther hit him with the back of his weapon through his face, after the blow when Loup's face came back full circle, Loup's fathers struck his face on the other side, then he felt a sharp jab in his stomach, when he looked down he saw that his farther had stabbed him in his stomach, he was busy pulling out the sword so that he could stab Loup a second time when his arm was suddenly cut off by his elbow. Finally Loup could get the upper hand in the fight, and he garbed the sword and stabbed his farther straight through the heart.

Loup's farther stumbled backwards with the sword sticking out of his chest, and then fell to the ground and started glowing as fire took over his whole body, with a small puff he was just a pile of dust, and Loup could finally see who it was that had come to his rescue.

It was his beautiful Moon, in that moment Loup once again realized how much he loved this woman. But when he tried to talk to her, he realized that his farther had done a proper job on his face while he was bashing it in, his mouth was swollen shut, and Loup couldn't stand up straight from the gushing open wound in his stomach, as he leaned back on to the wall for support his knees suddenly buckled and his bottom hit the ground with a hard thud.

Moon knelt next to him, put his arm around her shoulders so that he could stand and started leading him back towards her bedroom as quickly as they could move. When they where in Moon's bedroom, she lead him straight through to the bathroom, into the shower, but instead of turning the water on, she pulled the faucet out of the wall, there was a button located behind the faucet that Moon pushed and the whole wall opened up like a door. She guided Loup through it and when they where over the ledge, Moon turned around and pushed the button again, the wall slipped back into place and they found themselves in darkness.

Loup heard Moon sobbing next to him, immediately he searched for her body in the darkness, as soon as he felt her he pulled her closer to him and hugged her against his chest as heard as he could, and just held her like that until she finally stopped sobbing.

Moon: "I love you Loup, even tough you hurt my heart, when I saw that werewolf attacking you and stabbing you, I couldn't stand the thought of you being dead, I am so confused, my heart hurts so much right now, yet I know that I can not live one minute with out you. When I finally reached my bedroom after I fled from you, I realized that I would not be able to leave the castle because I had no weapons, so I made my way back to the weapons room, but that's when I saw that you where being attacked, I picked up on of the werewolves that I had killed as I fled from you, and cut of your attackers arm with out hesitation because I was not going to allow him to kill you, I get it now, why you where not able to control your rage when I told you that I would not promise you that I would stay off the battle field. I am sorry Loup, I get it now."

Loup did not answer her, but he was still holding on to her.

Moon: "Loup please say something?"

No answer.

Moon: "Loup, please say something, even if it is just a grunt so that I know you are still alive, please?"

No answer.

Now Moon knew she had a problem, Loup had lost a lot of blood from the open wound, and her sobbing and ranting had wasted a lot of precious time, she needed to get him to a safe place so that she could tend to his wound and nurse him back to health. She knew the perfect place for this, only problem was it was damn far, she would not be able to carry Loup all the way there by herself she had lost her magical powers when the curse was lifted from her heart. If she wanted to save Loup's life, she needed to come up with a plan really, really quickly.

Moon knew that close by there was an old abandoned mine, from her previous explorations she knew that there where also old railway carts still around there, she figured that if she could get one of those carts to load Loup into she would be able to push him to the place where she planned on nursing him back to health. She just need light so that she could see where she was going. She wondered if she should dare to go back into her bedroom where she knew she had a flash light in her bedside cupboard. She decided that she would go get it, time was not on her side.

So she felt along the wall, till she found the button she was searching for on the wall. She pushed it and the wall once again opened up for her to pass through. Slowly she crept into her bathroom again, and was surprised to find it abandoned. She ran to her bedside table and got the flash light the she was searching for, but she noticed that the castle was quiet, when she looked out the window she saw that there where no werewolves in sight, they had all vanished. So she decided that it would be easier if she simply dragged Loup's limp body into her bedroom, she would not be able to lift him onto her bed, but she had a blow-up mattress underneath her bed, so she pulled it out and lay it out next to her bed, her plan was to roll Loup onto it, and once she has finished tending his wound she would blow up the mattress and he could sleep peacefully on that until he was healed.

Moon managed to drag Loup onto the mattress as she had planed, now she need to move quickly, because once she saw him in the day light she new that she had to stop the blood loss now. She ran into the bathroom and got everything she needed, she then proceeded to cleaning and disinfecting the wound, once she was satisfied that the wound was clean she proceeded to stitching it closed. When she was done with that she ran to the kitchen to get a bottle or two of cold water, she hoped that if she threw a bit of cold water into Loup's mouth he might wake up.

When Moon was back at Loups side and threw the water into his mouth, he did not stir.

Moon had no idea what to do now, she missed Moon Rock, her best friend, and right hand, she would know what to do, only Moon had no idea where Rock was and why nobody had come to her aid yet.

Will Loup survive his brutal attack?

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