

It seemed like this group of people were not a fan of unnecessary conversation as they had already considered Allen a dead man. The one with a bicycle swung it at his head and another came with a metal baseball bat swinging at the back of his knees, it seemed like they were experienced in this type of situations but they picked the wrong person to be vexed at. He yanked the chain to pull no.1, then raised his left leg that the bat was heading for to push no.1 away freeing up the chain (am just gonna call the six lackeys by numbers) tacking advantage of their shock he wrapped the chain around his hands and threw a straight jab at no.4 creating a really bloody painting on his face taking him out of commission, no.2 swung his baseball bat again aiming for Allen's head but he swerved to the right and hammered his wrist with the chained hand knocking the bat out of his hands, grabbing his arm, Allen flipped him over his shoulders slamming him on a car's bonnet then kneed him in the face giving him knocking him out. straightening up his back Allen looked coldly at the remaining five and said "two down, five to go" 

The leader of the group who was the guy that came to the cafe and made a ruckus about how the customer is always right, picked up the bat and said "oh yeah, those were just lucky shots, now we know that you ain't just an average receptionist we gonna up the anti and get a much serious and make sure you never forget the face of the person who sent you to your maker"

"Are you really doing this to me just because a girl laughed at you?, you couldn't take your revenge on the girl, then you transfer your aggression to me, guess what dude I was only doing my job" 'when did I ever cross paths with such a moron he was being smug about a green edge card and he expected us not to find it funny'

"(sharp exhale), I guess you think because I wear glasses means I am an idiot to you huh?, let's hope you don't regret picking a fight with me" Allen removed his glasses and ruffled his own hair giving himself a wild outlook.

Allen escaped from the encirclement and started weaving in between the other cars and vehicles in the garage escaping from their sight, "get him!" Rocco barked as they separated to corner him.

Allen unwrapped the chain on his hands and saw his own bleeding knuckles as he hid behind a pillar. as no.3 blindly swung his baton aiming for his head but he had no idea that Allen was squatting, quickly noticing his mistake Allen picked him up from the floor and slammed on a car door then he used no.3 head to slam the side mirror then choked him with the chain, by the time his partner no.1 had reached there he found a passed out no.3. he wanted to shout so he could call the attention of the other but before he could say anything he found a bat coming at his face with no chance of escape and with a bang!, his head was put through a car's window.

On the other side of the garage a shadow watched all this and did nothing to interfere but the next moment it was like nobody was ever there. Allen snuck up on no.5 then slammed the bat on his knee cap, then high kicked his jaw then slammed the bat on his temple sending his head colliding with the wall. Rocco came over just in time to see Allen last attack but without feat he charged at Allen with a knife in his hands, Allen jumped back then swung his bat up connecting with Rocco's chin then kicking the knife out of his hands he swung the bat at Rocco's arm and with crunchy sound Rocco screamed in pain. Allen used stood over him while using the bat to raise his head, "I was never afraid of you, I just didn't want you staining my new bike with your blood, what an idiot you are, remember not to come within five feet around me or I'll come for you. wait a minute, weren't there seven of you guys" Allen felt a sever headache originating from the back of his head.

Allen slowly turned back to see the see the missing no.6 with a broken wood while trying to stay conscious and maintain his balance so he bit down on his tongue which did help a little, he had enough focus to grab hand that was swinging a knife his way then he head butted no.6 to make up space. then he remembered the chain that was still wrapped around his hand after he dropped the bat earlier as he was still holding no.6 hand with the chained hands using that to his advantage he squeezed his hands making him drop the knife then he kicked his right leg then bit off his ear, then twisted his neck after which no.6 died with his eyes wide open in shock.

Allen looked around to find Rocco but he found nothing but blood trails, with unsteady movements and blood dripping off his head and mouth making him look like a savage beast as he walked back to the restaurant, as he pushed open the door he bumped into three girls who looked to be around the same age as him and stained the first one with his blood, when she wanted to lash out she was stunned when she saw how he was covered in blood....