

Allen walked over to Lucy and asked her "why did you swipe that card, didn't you see the colour was black?, is there something wrong with the scanner?, hey Lucy…Lucy!, Lucy!", pa!, Allen slapped Lucy to wake her up from her revelry/day dream "sorry bout that, you know the colors of card edges define you privileges at the 'THE BACK', the colors are green, blue, yellow, red, and Gold, and these colors are designed on the edges of the white with coming in ascending order, green is for the invitees, they have limited entry chances and restricted access to most place. As for the blue edge cards it is for those who upgrade their card status from invitees to occasional, the yellow card is for the the regulars, red is for special employees like me and you, tho, it also comes with it's own restricted access to some area in 'THE BACK', as for the gold it is for VIP's or some people with special backgrounds or something along that line. As for why the black card is not on the list is because it is so rare that the amount of people with it is unknown but I have only seen it once in my three years of working here, so that make today my second time. I once asked Big Moss why it wasn't on the list of recognized card but he told to never ever question anyone I see with that card, like that was the first time I had ever seen him that stern."

"alright, anyways its time for my shift" Allen said while tapping his phone screen. He went and entered the room by the changing room, this place seemed like storage room for computer parts, walking to the wall by the left he typed on the keyboard hanging on the wall and just like that the wall beside it caved in and turned out to be an elevator. Allen walked inside and swiped his red card on the dashboard, a automated voice programmed to sound like a ten year old girl sounded "welcome DJ Soundgasm oniichan", with a 'ding' the elevator opened and Allen put on a gas mask that covered his face from his nose to his chin, then pulled up his hoodie. 

Location:'THE BACK' clubhouse.

A lot of people were screaming in anticipation as the curtain opened, "what's up party pips, your fav DJ Soundgasm is back and he is bringing the heat... literally" and Allen came out with a flame thrower as he burnt off the curtains behind the turn table. 

With a resounding bang, the lights went out, neon colored disc board were floating on the turn table and with a flick of his wrist the music came out blaring out the speakers for the next five hours.

"alright everybody, we giving a special shout out to Big moss over by the bar cause today be his B Day and with a climax and am out" Allen walked out of the club room, proceeded to climb the steps and saw two bouncers guarding a door which read 'Private Lounge', "sup, Bigi and Rock, as usual I've got business with The Man" and just like that they both moved one step in the opposite direction allowing him to enter, taking a deep breathe Allen pushed open the door .

The lounge was dimly lit, with three sofas made from what seemed like bear skin, and they faced the glass wall in a semi-circle, the glass wall allowed people to watch the ongoing of the entirety of 'THE BACK' and its different sections, but showing on the wall was his most recent performance and sitting on the middle sofa was a dark figure whose features couldn't be seen clearly but he blamed it on the room's poor lighting. 

"uhm, boss it time for me to clock out...." before Allen could finish his sentence he found a fannie pack flying straight for him, of course he caught it and quickly left the lounge. He felt he might have a stroke for staying to long in that room with the air feeling a bit like gas from a cylinder waiting for a spark so it go boom. 

Allen took the secret door out of club to a special garage and there it was the perfect cycle, the Reverend model power bike, he had been saving up for it to use to cover the distance from his house to his sisters school but look it like it would also come in handy for his own transportation to his school plus he could show off to those rich brats. He went to complete the transaction procedures for the bike and pulled it out of the garage, with a soft purr the bike was started up with his foot still on the clutch he twisted the accelerator so hard that the bike engine roared like tiger, with a soft click signaling the release of the clutch he sped out of the garage, through the under ground drive way...

Three minutes later, Allen stopped by a chinese restaurant to order some take out and when he came out of the restaurant he found himself surrounded by seven guys wearing all black leather jackets and jeans while laughing maniacally. Finding the situation amusing, he decided to settle his unfinished business since he saw a familiar face.....